Ranger Adventures

For all of the Talk that doesn't fit elsewhere.

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Ranger of Arthedain
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Ranger Adventures

Post by Ranger of Arthedain »

Greetings, friends!

I am unsure if there is already a thread created like this or similar to, but I was prompted by Ken and Willrett to post my little adventure I went on this morning, here on the site as you guys love pictures (even pictures of pictures, alas I don't have any of those). 8)


A small glen located directly above the pine thicket next to my stream; and my possible camping spot during the spring/summer now.


The glen again


Fresh mountain water 8)


Another pool in the stream


Upstream; still slightly frozen


The pine thicket and my little stump I like to sit on :)


The highwall with the waterfall that I came off of the last time I went around the mountain next to it.


the mountain I'm hoping to tackle again this weekend; it doesn't look like much from this view, but trust me it is. 8) There's all sorts of neat places back around the mountain that I'll attempt to get pictures of, IF the weather permits it.


A road that leads to....! (wait for it...) Another road! :)


Said road that the other road leads to, lol. This one is steep and leads down deeper into the valley. That is another adventure for another day, though 8)


A nice little hiding spot 8)


A path I used when I went squirrel hunting.


The river directly below our mountain. You can take the path that leads deeper into the valley to get to the railroad tracks which will take you over the side of another mountain where you can then get to the river 8) Good fishing in the river too.


My little scouting hill. Doesn't look like much, but this next pic will show how high it is.


looking over said scouting hill.


A deer track!! ...Well, you can barely tell it because me being the intelligent person that I am didn't think to follow the tracks and take a better pic of another print. Oh well.


The culprit that had been chasing the deer! I know it wasn't one of my ranger pals from today as those two unreliable creatures didn't follow me that long! They were too tired halfway through the trip :\


Said unreliable, lazy ranger pals; Lori (left) and Pup (right)


I took this pic because I thought it was pretty :)

Alright, I think that's enough for now, lol. Been on your own ranger adventures lately? If you got pics post 'em here! :)
When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Winter is almost upon us, it will be long and hard, but the North remembers and the wolves will come again.
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Peter Remling »

Very nice! Greg has taken some good pics of several of his journeys with the very memorable Shadow.

Chris took a photo journal of a canoe/trek trip he took with a few friends and his now wife Jessica. I believe Chris' trip was in june/ of 2008, so you'll have to go back a ways to view them.

We also have a Gallery section, that can be viewed that has some excellent pics of scenery, weapons and gear.
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Willrett »

great pics, looks like you have alot great places to go. cant wait for more.
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Cleddyf »

nice pics
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Elegost »

Lovely Pictures friend! The Land which you chose to wander in looks very much like that of Arnor, or how I imagine it anyway :lol: !
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Ranger of Arthedain »

Thanks guys, for the kind comments! :)

Elegost, that's the hardest thing about leaving home for college ;) Because my home is my own little version of Arnor.
When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Winter is almost upon us, it will be long and hard, but the North remembers and the wolves will come again.

Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by kaelln »

Your Ranger buddies are adorable! I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I had an adventure of sorts yesterday. Mods, feel free to move this if this is hijacking, as that's not my intent.

Well, I don't know if this counts as a Ranger adventure or not, since it wasn't technically "wilderness", but yesterday I got out in nature and tried to do a little good. We have a huge cemetery here called Rose Hill. It's a very old and very huge cemetery, and it goes back to the 1800's. In fact, it's common to see gravestones marked in the 1800's there. Civil war soldiers are buried there, but it's probably best known for Allman Brothers Band members Berry Oakley and Duane Allman being buried there, although I believe they have since been moved to a private place. It's an awesome cemetery, filled with statuary and Gothic detailing.

Smack in the middle of the cemetery is a little valley with a storm drain and a little creek running through it. There is an open tomb there, almost like a little cave, and I call the area "The Grotto" because of that. The creek is filled with stones and bricks and broken pieces of gravestones. It used to be a really beautiful and peaceful place, but city budget cutbacks have meant that it is no longer being maintained, and brush and weeds are growing up in it. Worse, trash has been piling up there, so yesterday I took a trash bag and went to the grotto and cleaned it up. It took about two hours, and involved carefully stepping from stone to unsteady stone to get trash out of the creek. I did fall a couple of times, but thankfully not into the creek(!), although I did wind up with my right shoe and foot thoroughly soaked. Thankfully the weather here has turned warmer.

This is a prelude to getting out and camping in warmer, dryer weather than we've been having, as I have been chided by a couple of young whippersnappers who don't have 55 year old bad backs and achy hips for not getting out into the wild. (Actually the bad back has nothing to do with age. I hopped up onto a strange horse bareback when I was 19 to impress a girl, with predictable results!) Anyway, if you'd seen me stepping from stone to stone, stretching to reach a piece of trash and desperately trying not to fall, you'd have either been impressed or dying with laughter!
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Ranger of Arthedain »

That definitely counts as an adventure, kaelin. You were protecting the environment of a place you love, and those are considered to be motives of a ranger. 8)

I know this cemetery you speak of. :) I remember seeing it on one of our trips we had taken back when I was younger. We were attempting to find Fort Stewart where my brother in law was stationed and ended up lost :mrgreen:.

:lol: :lol: Oh if only someone had a video camera near by. ;) It sounds as if it turned out to be an amusing adventure!

One question...

Was the girl impressed? :mrgreen:
When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Winter is almost upon us, it will be long and hard, but the North remembers and the wolves will come again.

Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by kaelln »

Ranger of Arthedain wrote:One question...Was the girl impressed? :mrgreen:
I don't know if "impressed" is the right word... :lol: But I must have impressed her in other ways, as she became my first wife. :shock:
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Ranger of Arthedain »

kaelln wrote:
Ranger of Arthedain wrote:One question...Was the girl impressed? :mrgreen:
I don't know if "impressed" is the right word... :lol: But I must have impressed her in other ways, as she became my first wife. :shock:
:lol: :lol: :lol: You've just made my day, Kaelin!
When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Winter is almost upon us, it will be long and hard, but the North remembers and the wolves will come again.
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Dailir »

Very cool. I might go trekking soon, as its starting to warm up, and I will try to take pictures. The high today was 59 degrees so it felt lovely! :)
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Ranger of Arthedain »

Same here! :mrgreen: I didn't go on a long trek, but I DID go outside. ;) Apparently we're going to have an early Spring; the crawfish are out this early and it isn't officially Spring yet!
When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Winter is almost upon us, it will be long and hard, but the North remembers and the wolves will come again.
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Dailir »

Just walking out the door is more active than most! ;) And if the crawfish are squirming it can't be too long.
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Cleddyf »

Dailir wrote:Very cool. I might go trekking soon, as its starting to warm up, and I will try to take pictures. The high today was 59 degrees so it felt lovely! :)
59 degrees, blinken heck thats hot, thats heatstroke weather not lovely,
oh no wait, you mean farenheit not celcius don't you
we've had nice weather here too, this febuary is so far the hottest feb on record for all of nz,
the other day it was 35 degrees celcius, the hottest dunedin has been in febuary
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Re: Ranger Adventures

Post by Dailir »

Ah yes, Fahrenheit. This American can admit to not having converted yet. :roll: By hottest month this year, do you mean 2011? If so it makes sense that it would be the hottest as February usually is warmer than January.
Fellow Dùnedain, gather your arms and fight with me, fight for all you know and you cannot fail.
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