Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

For discussion of Dunedain culture, what it might have looked like and how it worked.

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Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Greg »

Our new comrade's question regarding where the Ranger community came from got me thinking today. A lot of us have a history in the SCA, LARPing, Dagorhir, or some other form of costumed event. I'd like to see pictures of folk's kit, then and now, showing us where you've come from, and how you've progressed, with a short description of each. For some of us, such as myself, the things you may have done in terms of dressing up and such in the past may be a bit embarrassing. That'll just make it more fun!

Alrighty, for starters, we have my "LARP" days. I WOULD have started out with my legendary 6-year-old Robin Hood Halloween costume, complete with original Nerf Bow 'n Arrow, but Alas, the photo is not in my possession. These LARP days are unlike most anybody's. We actually called our form of LARPing "Maaooyip"ing, which affectionately means "Making An Ass Out Of Yourself In Public." What I did with my group was dress up with whatever we had around the house (I was already a longtime Archer, so a Ranger was the natural progression) as D&D Character classes, and proceed to walk around our hometown, visiting stores, and harrassing "Shopkeeps" as we called them, for comedic entertainment. I wore Jeans and a T-Shirt, plus my vinyl rain cape from Pipe Band, as well as a Bow, Quiver, and Walking Stick. A piece of PVC with a duct tape handle was my sword, and I carried an irish drum with me that I occasionally would sit down and jam with on a streetcorner.

Shortly after, as our LARPing grew more, um, "intense", I bought a cloak on ebay, which is now my wife's. I started carrying around "kit" items with me, and I found Andy's site, because I really wanted more out of this than harrassing the public, comedic though it may be. My "LARP" gear quickly surpassed that of my peers in terms of realism (one of them was wearing Sweats and a Bathrobe, which was tucked into said sweats, carried a pair of bokken, and we called him a Swordsman), since realism wasn't what we were going for, but a few of them started trying to keep up, buying more legitimate swords and such online. I was out one day testing a new bedroll idea with one of them who had remained faithful to the goofball approach when we snapped this pic:

By the time the Renaissance Faire Rolled around that Summer, I had a decent kit, part of which I left behind, dumbing down the realism for the sake of fitting in with the guys. Instead of my kit clothing, I wore my "Ranger" t-shirt, jeans, and converse, along with my bracers, quiver, and sword. My bracers were commercially bought, and my quiver was (and still is) of my own custom design, built by the dude who mass-produces the bracers I was using.

Another chunk of time went by, and my buddy Dave and I went on our first tandem trek. This is last year, August of 2009 now. I was wearing my kit and loving it, but I was still a good ways behind where I wanted to be.

And now, the Finale. Just under a year has elapsed between that last pic and this one. However, in a short period of time, thanks to acquiring a decent bulk of wool fabric, some time to finish the chain maille shirt I've spent nearly a year on, a bit of luck, and the generosity of a few forum members, my kit has become, more or less, exactly what I hoped for. I've replaced my mass-produced bracers with homespun ones, added a dagger and a wealth of WMA study to boot, plus an ongoing study of wilderness cooking and herbology. I have Falconry practice looming in my near future, as well as a new bow that I'm working on, and I've finally got what I need to finish customizing my leather jerkin. The layered look is loosely based on the Movie Trilogy's Ithilien Rangers, but it's rooted in the practicality of camouflage/silhouette breakage. It may not look like it, but I can still run in all that just fine. The color scheme is strictly based on Aragorn's description in the books, however, as he was said to be clad in Rusty browns and Greens when he left Rivendell with the Fellowship. I've spent well over a week total in the woods in kit, (though not all documented here due to my inability to keep track of my camera) and I feel perfectly at home as a Ranger of Arnor.

Aaaaand an update:

Alrighty, now show us where you've come from! Dig out all those old photos, and let's see where YOU'VE been.
Last edited by Greg on Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Peter Remling »

I like the idea and will see if I can find any early pics,

BTW does anyone know how to post cave drawings? :lol:
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by wulfgar »

Impressive progress, you have a really good looking kit nowadays. Looking at the fourth pic, where you anr kneeling with your bow, I notice your pants legs are covers with burr's or beggars lice. Those things are evil! I rememeber when my buddy and I used to go out for overnighters, we would be picking those things out of our blankets and pants legs for weeks.
I wish I had some pics of those days, heck I need to get pics of nowadays.
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Dinendir. »

Unfortunately, my then and now begins here. I need to get some NOW pictures to start with.

Great looking kit at the end, though.
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by mcapanelli »

Really Greg, the kit looks great. As great as it looks though I can't help but think in the picture that your getting ready to do the hokey pokey. Did I mention the kit looks great?
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by mcapanelli »

Here's a picture of my daughter and myself at the NYRF in my old kit. What started out as something to wear to a ren faire has now been transformed in to something that would hold up under heavy use out in the field as that's my new focus. My gear is in storage right now but I should have it out in a few days so I'll post a current pick.

Uploaded with
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Greg »

Thanks, Mike. If you can't tell, I had JUSt clapped my hands, and was ready to jump forward to put my "whole self in."

I've always loved that mantle of yours...still lookin' awesome.
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Mirimaran »

What a great thread! Loving those pics of past garb, and a big LOL @ Peter. That was funny, sir!

Ok, here's some evolution pics, more or less. Both my wife and I enjoy making garb, and costumes, so we are members of LOTR_Costume on Yahoo and also NC_Fellowship, with whom we have done some Middle-earth garbing for faire. Pic 1 is my first middle-earth inspired outfit, sort of a hobbit influenced ranger ensemble. That is Mr. Dale Brook with me, a harper and singer of some renown at our faire, who is now semi-retired.


the cheapie ranger sword and scabbard were so heavy my pants almost came down! LOL and you can see my affinity for pointy hats 8)

A couple of years later and I tried a Bombadil look. That's our local tree man at the Faire, it came off great, I think.


Next is a more serious attempt at a Ranger garb.


Ranger ensemble from last year:


and finally, what I have so far:


What I love about this hobby is learning to make new things, and just the sheer joy of creating. Love this forum! Keep those pics coming!
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by kaelln »

Greg: Your dedication is always an inspiration.
Ken: Especially love the Bombadil!
Mike: Dude, you totally don't look old enough to have a daughter that age! Congrats on a youthful appearance! What's your secret? Oil of Orkay?
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Greg »

kaelln wrote:Greg: Your dedication is always an inspiration.
Ken: Especially love the Bombadil!
Mike: Dude, you totally don't look old enough to have a daughter that age! Congrats on a youthful appearance! What's your secret? Oil of Orkay?
You wanna look eternally young? I hear you have to visit Lorien and get in good with Galadriel.
Now the sword shall come from under the cloak.

Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by kaelln »

Despite loving to play dress-up, I'm actually a little camera shy. I'm still working on a decent set of garb for Rangering, but just for giggles, here's a Halloween photo from 2001, just a couple of weeks before The Fellowship of the Rings was released to theaters.


The bracers and belt are actually props from the old Hercules/Xena productions. The production company liquidated all their stuff on ebay, and we were able to snag a couple of items. I made the mask from leather, and the fur on the cape is fox. The mocs came from the Atlanta Ren Faire many years ago.
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Peter Remling »

This arn't really ME but they do show costume progression of my daughters. ... OLDNEW.jpg ... NEW001.jpg ... NEW002.jpg

Aside from the barbarian leather outfits for Jessie there are two more, not including the green leather Cat Clan Barbarian dress I made her last year, that I don't seem to have pictures of.

I've found very few older pics of me in costume but still looking.
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Eric C »

I did American Civ War reenacting before this. The shirts, haversack and canteen at least have found their way into this realm as have my two tents.

My wife just reminded me we have some pics from my BRIEF stint in Rev War reenacting. I'll have to find them, scan them and post.

Pete, Get a scanner with a long power cord. Hold it against the cave drawings and scan. You may get a good scan that way. :lol:

P.S. Pete, thanks for reactivating my account.
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Willrett »

after that comment he might disable it again. :lol: :lol:

I'm glad I dont have any old pics. But I'm sure I will when this comes up again in a few years.
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Re: Then and Now - Embarrasing Photos Abound!

Post by Eric C »

Willrett wrote:after that comment he might disable it again. :lol: :lol:
But you don't know WHY I was deactivated in the first place! Pete and I are planning to take over this whole thing :oops: Umm, disregard this post. I was just thinking out loud. :lol:
Ichthean Forge (pronounced Ick thee an). Maker of knives, and primitive camping gear.
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