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Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:36 pm
by Faolan
I haven't seen this topic mentioned and I know several of us here are in the SCA, so I will ask;

How do you interpret Tolkien's rangers in an SCA group? I've been in and out of the SCA myself since I joined in high school in the late 70's, having various persona's not directly related to our shared interest just because of the SCA's view on fantasy characters. But I am wanting to take a more active role in building my ranger gear and not having funds or interest in a non ranger persona.

So how do the rest of you in the SCA do it?


Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:25 am
by David
Having been a ranger re-enactor and a member of the SCA, I feel that for the most part, they're a totally different animal. But, fortunately for us, Tolkien based the Dunedain and the other races of men on ancient European cultures. So, many bits of kit that you use for the SCA would fit into your ranger gear, and vice-versa. There are just certain things though that won't fit in both categories.

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:22 pm
by Beornmann
Our Shire is a small independant shire and is located in the borderlands between two Kingdoms. We have no royalty or nobility within our current populace. We often joke that we are simple country folk.

My persona is Anglo-Saxon geneat, or a wealthy peasant, hoping to become a thegn through my work. As a good servant to my Kingdom I serve in the fyrd, build or repair fortresses and bridges, act as military guards or a police force. Due to our remote location I am often found in the remote forests.

In actuality, due to real world commitments, I often miss many weekly meetings or have long periods of inactivity, where I explain I was out ranging the wilderness. The SCA is my major hobby. Family, games/meets, church, and community happenings take priority before my "make-believe" time.

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:45 pm
by Faolan
What? You mean none of ::this:: is real? Have I been living in a sensory deprivation pod being fed a virtual reality matrix this whole time? :shock:

My wife gets very annoyed with me regarding the SCA and my other "garb related" hobbies. I get her to make clothing for a specific time period in the SCA then I tend to not attend for long periods, my work hours and keeping our horses fed and in the fences add to having very little leisure time for this as well.

This is part of the reason I want to once and for all get a persona together that I will be happy with, i.e. Ranger/woodsman. A fellow SCAdian here where I work thought it would be cool to create something along the lines of an archer/herbalist/hunter/woodsman type.

I'm more interested in SCA Rapier combat than heavy weapons and rapier and buckler seemed to me to be closer to the I.33 manuscript. I may have someone interested in going through the Wagner/Hand version of it now.

Known in the SCA as Bleddyn of Long Forest
Shire of Endewearde, East Kingdom

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:21 am
by E.MacKermak
I suppose I could take up the yeoman archer/woodsman/huntsman persona, but I rather enjoy my Saxon persona (pretty much the same as Beornmann). I move a lot due to the Army so I am a but of a wandering warrior and my ranger/woodsman skills are justified by the constant moving.

Erich MacKermak
known in the SCA as Lord Coenred aet Rauenesdale
Canton of Cyddlain Downs, Barony of Notinghill Coill, Kingdom of Atlantia

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:14 am
by Sam
It's interesting to note that Middle Earth culture encompasses a wide variety of real-world timelines. The Shire,for instance, is reminiscent of 18th-19th Century rural England, whereas the armour and weapons correspond more to the dark ages and very early middle ages (no plate armour). As a travelling ranger, you can realistically draw from all of these periods as long as they have some theoretical basis in Middle Earth.
On the other hand SCA is rather strict with its historical accuracy and are thus wary and unforgiving of historical anachronisms. It would be tough (but not impossible) to reconcile the two without having to keep an extra set of gear.

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:43 pm
by Faolan
My group in particular does not seem to be terribly concerned about authenticity. At an event we had here in Feb. my wife noted that a few of the Lady's were wearing spandex under their garb :shock: and several of our rapier fencers wear 12-13 Cent. garb while wielding Elizabethan period blades. Most don't even have any kind of persona back-story. I think it it will be just a matter of me dressing in the simple tunic, pants and boots that I'm making as my ranger garb and I can say I'm a woodsman/huntsman. I can participate in target archery and the Royal Round. I can get my First Aid certification renewed and there are certainly plenty of A&S projects to work on principally leather-working that I can participate in.

And I have studied herbalism informally for several years, just never taken a certified course in it, maybe its time for that to happen.


Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:13 pm
by David
I honestly feel that you could create a persona that would generally work for both groups, you just wouldn't call yourself a ranger around other SCAdians. Hope it works out! I personally like my Irish/Norwegian persona, and prefer to keep SCA and Rangering seperate.

Known in the SCA as Dauidh MacDhuaine Ulfgrim
Shire of Champclair, Principality of Cynagua, Kingdom of the West

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:03 pm
by Faolan
There were Huntsman/Woodsman/Foresters types in Britain, they mostly patrolled the King's Forests and kept watch over game animals and made sure the locals in the towns and villages that bordered those forests did not take down any trees or game without permission or paying a fine.

My current persona is that of a 12th century Welsh/Anglo Forester living near Shrewsbury on the border of Wales, in the Marches during the time pf Stephen and Matilda's civil war.


Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:09 pm
by Peter Remling
Faolan wrote:There were Huntsman/Woodsman/Foresters types in Britain, they mostly patrolled the King's Forests and kept watch over game animals and made sure the locals in the towns and villages that bordered those forests did not take down any trees or game without permission or paying a fine.

My current persona is that of a 12th century Welsh/Anglo Forester living near Shrewsbury on the border of Wales, in the Marches during the time pf Stephen and Matilda's civil war.

Say Hello to Brother Cadfael for me! :wink:

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:23 am
by E.MacKermak
It has been my experience that only a limited number of SCAdians are completely dedicated to authenticity (thought these few can be a bit of a pain). A lot of us are there for the fun and to learn a few things along the way. As long as you don't introduce yourself as a Dunedain or ranger, you should be fine.

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:43 am
by Faolan
No, I will will be introducing myself a the above persona, and Peter, how observant of you! ;)

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:34 am
by Beornmann
The authenticity is varied. The rule is an attempt at pre-17th century culture. I explain it as we are not as demanding as Regia or other Euro groups and we try to not look like LARPers, i.e. no spells, vampire teeth, or elf ears. We are theat BIG grey area in between.

As far as ME Ranger, one could call style themsleves a huntsman, foresters, scout, or even outlaw. I can't think of any other historical comparisons. The Middle Age feudal system really tied a person to their local land. Slaves, peasants, and even well-do-do peasants could not "move about" at will," without the ruling lords permission. The middle class developed later which allowed more economic independance and personal freedom.

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:00 pm
by Steve b
I have to agree with Faolan, the woodsman/forester persona would work best. A secondary idea might be one of the English Longbowmen from the Hundred Years War. There were small mercenary companies of archers that were used to scout and to harrass the French. That's where I'm currently going with my persona, based on the Routiers that turned raider at the end of the war. Basically outlaw fighting my way back to Calais and then home to England. For the last 20 years I've been an Elizabethan Border Reiver (yes, I like the outlaw idea). And, sorry to say, Lord MacKermak, I'm probably one of the ones you consider to be a pain, being dedicated to doing it right.

Much of my current research on the Routier persona comes from the work done by Gerry Embleton and the Company of St. George, a reenactment group out of Switzerland. I'm going with the lower end, with only a kettle hat and a padded jack for armour. The rest of the kit is pretty much the same as any woodsman, since it is what you have to carry on your back from camp to camp.

Anyone who makes it to Pennsic should look me up in the gunners camp at the bottom of the battlefield.

Master Roderic Hawkyns
Captayne General of Artillery

Re: Rangers and the SCA

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:46 pm
by R.D.Metcalf
Master Hawkyns,

I'm well pleased that a fellow Northumbrian and devotee of the hundred Years war is here, I have idolized Sir John Hawkewoode,
for years and love to read of the English Chevauchees in France.
However you mention carrying your gear on your back, Rutters were mounted as I understand, even archers, as Captain of a Yorkshire Company, I will most certainly order you a horse brought up if it would please you, sir 8) I am most anxious to secure your goodwill
as your gunnes could be useful :twisted: