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Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:45 pm
by Eric C
You may have seen this ax in some of my pics before. It has never caused a firestorm of comments :lol: and I personally think it needs more work. Anyway, I have some pics and I want some opinions about the changes I am proposing. Do you have any ideas? Please share.

Now, the pics:
http://www.ranger.budgetauthenticity.or ... itemId=399

So, tell me what you think.

Re: Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:46 pm
by Eric C
Hmm, and now I start playing with the gallery to see if I can get thumbnails instead of addresses.

Re: Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 11:35 pm
by Willrett
Ummm I like it, the only thing I thought was alittle off was that it is tilted up some what. The flat back hammer side could come in handy. I think it would look good if you edge come to more of a point at the bottom (kinda like this) ... e-axe.aspx

It really reminds me of this ... s-axe.aspx

Sorry I'm not much help I like it and I don't know how I never noticed it before.

Re: Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 12:07 am
by Eric C
You're right about the upward tilt. I noticed it when I was reviewing the pics. It mush have happened when I cut on that mimosa tree in the back yard just before the photos were taken. I haven't checked yet to see how secure the head is since I did that little bit of cutting, but I will definitely have to check it out. Flying axe heads are no fun.

As for bringing the head to more of a point, I have two other axe heads in my line of sight as we speak that I never did anything with. Perhaps one of those could be made to look like what you are talking about.

Re: Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 4:29 am
by kaelln
Eric, I think it looks fine. I actually messed around in photoshop with it, but my ideas didn't improve it. I think if I were going to do anything to it, I would try etching some Celtic and/or Elvish patterns into the metal, or else carving some patterning into the handle. That is, if I actually knew how to etch metal! :lol: I do agree though, that the head looks loose. Wilrett has a point about the flat back coming in handy, both for crushing orc heads and pounding in stakes, but the spike back would definitely make it look more wicked!

Re: Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:06 am
by Greg
I'm all about the hammer poll, man. Panday's axe is still my fav of all time, certainly, and the hammer poll is precisely why I love it so much. Since you've got a cutting edge on one end, I'm not sure how useful a chisel on the other end of this axe would be. However, if you wanted to make it into a point for punching through plate, I could justify that alteration in my head.

Re: Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:13 pm
by Eric C
Greg: It would be a point. Unfortunately, my drawing isn't 3-dimensional.

Kaelln: Etching, hmm. That's an option. I need to play around with etching since my bladesmithing is taking me toward pattern welding anyway. That axe head would be a good test piece.

Re: Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 4:00 pm
by E.MacKermak
Where did you get that axe in the first place? I like the shape and it is definitely what I would like to add to my equipment.

Re: Fixing my ugly ax

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 4:55 pm
by Eric C
It is a regular woodcutting axe from Ace Hardware. It was used at the mill where I work and the handle broke. It was just as cheap to replace the whole axe as it was to replace a handle. So it was about to be thrown away. I grabbed it up. I used an angle grinder to cut it to its current shape.

I have two more here that I have yet to do anything with. All three have a different starting shape.

Y'all have encouraged me to go to work on them and see what I can come up with.