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Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:10 am
by Elleth
For years we've been working out how to both carry both pack and a quiver: while I've always liked Greg's brisk morning outing setup, I believe this new variation is worth a try:
merf-dunedain-ranger-quiver-snapsack-01-worn.jpg (48.73 KiB) Viewed 18268 times
It's my standard Dunedain snapsack design, just stretched out to be as long as the bedroll when tied skinny-style - but kept really narrow.
The construction is just like before: walnut dyed goatskin body, linen liner, and a bronze anchor at each end. It rides doubled up on the bedroll strap, right alongside the bedroll itself:
merf-dunedain-ranger-quiver-snapsack-02-baggage.jpg (67.78 KiB) Viewed 18268 times

So far, I'm very happy with this solution. Riding right alongside your skinny bedroll, it can be drawn in tight to the body, even over a quiver. It doesn't appreciably bounce, doesn't sway around your body while you're moving around, and doesn't appreciably bulk out your profile for snaking through brush. Loosen the ties a bit on the bedroll strap, and you can even hike it up across your chest burden basket style. Or swap it from one shoulder to the other as things wear on.

Maybe the horseshoe roll is easier on the shoulder for long treks, but this is remarkably svelte and comfy on shorter runs - at least so far.

The tradeoff is of course that the bag is quite narrow. Obviously that limits what you can carry, but it also means you need to pre-plan what order things get stacked in there. Stuff you only need in camp towards the middle, things more likely to be needed during the day towards the ends.

So far I'm finding that constraint more an asset than a liability though. Since everything's stacked single file as it were, they don't get jumbled around so much as in my old Colonial knapsack - thus there's less fishing for that one little thing you know you packed. This bag is JUST wide enough to accomodate my little cookpot in its mess bag. (One might almost think that was the plan. :) )
merf-dunedain-ranger-quiver-snapsack-04-messkit.jpg (84.78 KiB) Viewed 18268 times

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:14 am
by Elleth
Finally, you'll see that I've come up with a new solution for drawstrings:
merf-dunedain-ranger-quiver-snapsack-05-toggle-tie.jpg (69.35 KiB) Viewed 18268 times
I loop a wooden toggle into a linen cord and sew it in place. I then stitch the two tails of the cord together into a tape about as long as I need for the closure, skip a bit, and resume sewing to form a buttonhole for the toggle. For simple ties I use on clothes I can leave it at this: for the snapsack drawstrings, as you can see I've tacked a second loop of cord over the first to form a nice solid tape that firms up the closure a bit.
merf-toggletie-02-points.jpg (54.4 KiB) Viewed 18268 times
merf-toggletie-02-drawcord.jpg (126.09 KiB) Viewed 18268 times

If I'm paranoid, I can then after fastening the toggle loop the tails a few times a few times and tie to add a bit of extra insurance.

So far, so good.

I've got the toggle-ties both on the pack as well as the smaller snapsack on my quiver.

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:40 am
by Greg
That toggle-tie is genius. I *may* steal it.

Source for the linen cordage?

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:00 am
by Elleth
So far so good - I think you'll like it!

You need to give the toggle a little tug to get enough slack to open the bag - it's obviously not a big deal, but it means your slits need to have enough breathing room for the cord to slide easily.

I also make certain to give an extra loop-around and tie on the bottom side of snapsacks, just in case.

The cordage is from WhoopLoop on etsy:

eek! Looks like she's away for the moment - she usually comes back quickly though. I got the 3mm "pure linen twine yardage" in natural grey.

A search on etsy for linen twine should turn up other sellers if you're in a hurry: seems to still be a big thing in Eastern Europe.

For the toggles I went with this seller, just 'cause I thought rowan wood was cool. :)

I did file a little "dish" in the toggle and re-oil it prior to sewing on the cord.

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:12 am
by Iodo
Really like the toggle tie, I may also steal it, I'll have to find my own supplier's over here though.

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:42 am
by Ursus
Wonderful as always.

I’ve always admired the atheistic of yours and Greg’s packs.

I’ve tried something similar to this with the snapsack you made me and my own bedroll cover. Like you I’ve not carried it over long treks but tend to think of it as my “overnight bag”, no complaints here either.

Posts like this get me excited for fall and prime ranging season!

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:25 pm
by Elendur Amloth
Yeah, you've given me another project. Wonderful ideas and work!

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 4:56 am
by theguywitheyebrows
that toggle tie is genius and i cant wait to get the pattern for the snapsack to make my own! im really diggin the way the snapsacks add to the capacity, and i am excited for the prospect. my as of yet unfinished quiver setup will have a three point connection s there will be plenty of strap to hang the sacks off of.

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:35 pm
by Elleth
The instructions are coming: I've got the steps worked out and the instructions about half written, but I still need to add a lot of notes and wrangle up some pictures. I'm afraid we're probably looking at midweek, but we'll see how much progress I can make tomorrow morning.

Soon though!

Update Tuesday morning, Feb 28 - I've completed all the writeup text other than some dimensions and links. Still need to get the pictures in place - but we're close!
Update Wednesday morning, Mar 1 - all dimensions and links tracked down for the text. Photos assembled, still working on diagrams. Another day or two.
Update Thursday morning, Mar 2 - diagrams complete, getting all the images worked out. Probably tomorrow.

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:47 pm
by Ghostsoldier
Looking forward to the instructions! 🙂


Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 12:25 pm
by ForgeCorvus
Is this not something that could be published on the Wiki?

Seeing as you've gone to all this work Elleth?

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:33 pm
by theguywitheyebrows
ForgeCorvus wrote: Thu Mar 02, 2023 12:25 pm Is this not something that could be published on the Wiki?

Seeing as you've gone to all this work Elleth?
and the patterns are soo great that i feel like they deserve it! then, everyone who decides to build kit can have much similar gear!! both snapsack and quiver!!

Re: Quiver and Gear: a Ranger's Snapsack

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:07 pm
by Elleth


.... I'll see about copying it to the wiki in the coming weeks.