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Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:25 am
by Farodel
Just thought I'd bring up the topic. There is no lack of nerd blood around here, and I'm curious to get a read on any old/current players in the forum. I guess I'd just like to see how many people from this hobby of mine share another hobby in common. :)

Is there, beneath this question, an ulterior motive/pipe dream where a few of us find time to play the game together, however briefly? ... Who's to say?

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:54 am
by Peter Remling
I used to play. We had a weekly game for 13 years. My brother Mike got my then girlfriend (wife now for the past 36 years) the guy who was my best man and myself involved. We also had a bunch of other transients and my youngest brother Jeff. We each had over a dozen characters of varying classes/levels and would pick and choose based on the game. DMing was bounced around so whoever created the adventure/dungeon would DM. When that particular game ended someone else would step up.

A few times, we had what we called "run whatca brung" games. In a sense you were the character and you had to have the weapons and items your character was wearing or carried. If you didn't have it, you couldn't use it.

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:45 am
by Greg
Peter Remling wrote:A few times, we had what we called "run whatca brung" games. In a sense you were the character and you had to have the weapons and items your character was wearing or carried. If you didn't have it, you couldn't use it.
That sounds like a fantastic way for Pete to outclass most other players, for a group to outgrow their table size quickly...and for tavern brawls to become far more bloody that necessary.

In short...I love it.

Most of us, at one time or another, have played. Been a long time, but I've always loved the game.

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:45 am
by Peter Remling
Greg wrote:
That sounds like a fantastic way for Pete to outclass most other players,.
Not really, my younger brother Mike, had about as many swords as I did, made his first maille from the old pull tabs of Bud cans ("Ale Maille") and went on to make his own butted maille out of 12ga wire and convert several helmets. He even made a suit of maille for his wife's Cabbage Patch doll. My youngest brother Jeff had a few knives, an axe and some bits of armor given him by Mike. My wife Joanne borrowed whatever blade she wanted and I had already made both her and Steve, my friend a dagger and knife respectively.

Another player Bob had several swords by this time, 2 Del Tins and was starting Kendo so he had his armor.

Mike is the brother who later went on the make the small catapult and full sized Ballista, I posted about years ago.

So I wasn't the only equipped person in the group.

Still fun to remember all the antics.

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:38 pm
by Eledhwen
I started with Original D&D, way back in ' of my friends had one of the first runs and we played it during free time in the Corps. Those little booklets lent themselves well to deployments, yep.

I have every edition save the Fourth...that one was not, is not, and in my opinion, never was, actual Dungeons & Dragons. The new Fifth Edition is most excellent, keeping some of what has gone before and bringing back some things from well as adding some nifty new things.

I have not had a game in a long time as no one near enough to manage it is interested in playing. I still make characters, still read the books, still enjoy maps from some (not all) of the settings.

I'm a real fan of the game. :) I even worked for Wizards of the Coast for a bit, though not on the game; online chatroom hostess. The Crossroads Tavern, aye. ;)


Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:00 pm
by Harper
I haven't actually "played" in some years now. But I do keep up on the game. Here are a few of my observations:

I have the original pamphlets and a well worn Blue Edition. I was hooked.

I liked the 1st Edition AD &D.

I was so-so on the 2cnd Editon.

I think that I like the 3.5 Edition the best. I didn't care for that whole "half edition" thing though.

I despised the 4th Edition and wouldn't play it.

I haven't played the 5th Editon yet (beyond creating some characters). So far, there are some things that I like and some things that I don't. In my opinion, the duration of the spells seem very short. It is certainly an improvement over the 4th Edition.

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:49 pm
by Elwindil
I've played off and on for quite some time now, I actually quit a game over folks having house rules but not actually telling the new guy about any of them. I'm a fan of some of the things from each edition, just wish they'd bring back the same flavor of bladesinger from 2nd ed. I've seen the new version but it's lacking something.

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:54 am
by Worldwalker
I have played D&D 3.5 with a whole lot of homebrew thrown in. DM was a buddy of mine who had been playing for years and each of his campaigns he kept in the same world/continuity, so our game had a rich history not included in the books as a result. We played with people from 4 states by bringing in players through Skype of over the phone. We even had a Google group set up for side quests and Q&A with the DM to keep the actual gaming sessions focussed and going smoothly. We had a core group of regular players, and lots of other players come and go over the course of the campaign, but life got in the way and we haven't been able to finish the story arc yet.

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:14 pm
by Kortoso
Elleth, I started with Chainmail before it was D&D in the 70s. At the same time I was learning "real" sword combat at the time, and that was, of course, way more exciting.
I played some D&D in the USN, but it bored me to tears. Sorry, but I haven't done any gaming for decades.
Now a bit of a LARP in the woods, that would suit me fine.

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:53 am
by robinhoodsghost
Played back in the day with my brothers, and later in life with my wife and kids. I hung on to our miniatures, reminds me of many a fun night with the family. I was always a ranger of course. Here is the box that got me started.
dnd.jpg (98.36 KiB) Viewed 25319 times

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 2:10 am
by Straelbora
Kortoso wrote:Now a bit of a LARP in the woods, that would suit me fine.
Come on up to Indiana!

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:18 am
by Hanasian
Ah yes..... memories of the early 80's. Had the Red box, and both the early and late blue box editions, and some metal miniature figurines we painted.
I ended up with all the stuff when game night sputtered out in 1985, and I think it all is still in the attic at the folks, now my brother's, house.

Re: Sssooo... Dungeons and Dragons?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:27 pm
by OParnoShoshoi
Reviving an old thread.

You know, if you wanted to get a game together....even better than DnD, the FATE Core system would work wonderfully for our aesthetic here. DnD lends itself well to bashing in monsters and following charts, but FC is all about the narrative and the description. Instead of being limited to class/race, you just describe your character. Alternatively, Dungeon World is a great in-between option.