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ME Ranger Map

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:42 pm
by Kortoso ... ap/1939911
If you or your group would like to be located on this map, please drop me a line.

I'm also looking for icons PNG, transparent, 250x250, showing an individual ranger, and showing a group of rangers.

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:47 am
by SierraStrider
I could probably hook you up with icons. Anything more specific you're looking for than the criteria you already mentioned? Stylistic preferences or examples?

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:00 pm
by Kortoso
Well, I'm making some icons based on some third-hand movie images. I'm open to suggestions. :mrgreen:

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:04 pm
by Manveruon
This is a great idea! I think there was something similar done a while back, but it sort of petered out. I do love these kinds of interactive maps.

Would you be able to add the Misty Mountain Rangers in the Denver, CO area?


Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:24 pm
by Udwin
While I usually can't stand fragmentation and splintering of groups, when it comes to this hobby/sport/lifestyle, I am always in favor of consolidation.
In which case, here's the anyone-can-edit Google map of MERF users. Someone should really pin it somewhere so it doesn't get lost.

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:41 am
by Manveruon
For me, forming a Misty Mountain Rangers group was mostly about getting people in my area interested in participating, who otherwise would not join a larger, world-wide forum or Facebook group. And as it happens, it worked, because I've gotten a lot of interest in my local group, though few of them have expressed anything more than a passing interest in joining these forums, for one reason or another. In the end, I don't feel like I'm fragmenting, just drumming up interest in the hobby. Dunno, just my tuppence.

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:43 am
by Udwin
Oh, Manv, please don't think my comment was directed at you (I really should have specified)! I was thinking more about having a second, less user-friendly, less populated map bouncing around out there. I think it would be really nice if someone--who knows more about google maps than I do--could tweak the MERF map to have a second set of pins for regional 'hubs': your CO rangers, Kortoso's SF group, maybe Greg's midwesters, Taurinor's east coasters, &c. That way new users could pull it up and see not just what individuals are in their area but possible organized groups as well.

Jas Townsend is currently unveiling a tool very similar for flintlock era doings, which is got me thinking about it.

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:21 pm
by RikJohnson39
When I try to register, it gives me a black screen and asks me to answer the question which I cannot see.

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:53 pm
by Kortoso
I realize that it would be good for individuals and groups to make their own entries, I don't think that's a deal-breaker.
I think that in order to make the Middle-Earth Ranger map more attractive and user-friendly (I'm thinking of the audience), it needs:
  • A robust description of each group.
  • A link to their web-page (if they have one)
  • A way to differentiate between individuals and groups, and different flavors of interest.
  • A description of the map in general should be thought of as the outside world's introduction to the hobby.
  • It would also be nice to have some graphics (icons etc) that evoke the world in which we are in love with.
I've been involved in fostering growth in the Viking reenactor community as well as WMA/HEMA.
I instantly thought of a similar WMA/HEMA map that existed some time ago. The website's gone, but here is a new one that took its place. This is Community Walk, which is why I chose that. I don't know if Google custom maps has these capabilities. ... thAmerica)

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:10 pm
by Kortoso
Manveruon wrote:This is a great idea! I think there was something similar done a while back, but it sort of petered out. I do love these kinds of interactive maps.

Would you be able to add the Misty Mountain Rangers in the Denver, CO area?

Done. Would you like to add a website or your email contact?
*By the way, you can now log in and add your own marker.

Re: ME Ranger Map

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:10 pm
by Kortoso
Greg/Taurandir (and others):
I see that you have a ME-Ranger blog. Would it be all right if I added a link to it on the map?
I don't want to do this without your permission. Thanks!