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Altoid Tins

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:06 pm
by Daerir
Ive recently taken a liking to Altoids and Ive seen that the tins can be reused as something else and I was wondering if any of you guys used them for things? I have two empty tins I think and Im not certain what I can use them for? Theyre probably to small for first aid kits, but then again I can just use multiple tins.

Re: Altoid Tins

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:45 am
by Udwin
Pretty sure I've seen a few altoids-sized fishing kits out there, and I think I saw one converted into an alcohol-burning backpacking pocket stove. In lieu of proper period tins, I used to use them for making/carrying char-cloth. Of course, a few years back they started embossing the name on the lid which makes the new ones less desirable for old-timey doings.

Re: Altoid Tins

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:36 am
by Daerir
Well I did take mine and tap the embossment out of the lid, and made sure to dent the top up a tiny bit, not enough that it doesnt shut, just enough to not know what the lid said.

Re: Altoid Tins

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:38 am
by Peter Remling
I use them for small sharpening kits, fishing kits and flint and steel tins.

Re: Altoid Tins

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:45 am
by Ringulf
There was a wonderful feild fletching kit that was shown to us recently that used one.
I have also seen sewing kits and tinder boxes made from them as well. I was given a sack of several dozen with the tandy cell phone case kits that fit them and told to have fun. I am thinking of putting them together with some ideas for use and selling them as kits. I can also sell some of the little leather belt packs if anyone needs them for their altoids tin. :mrgreen:

Re: Altoid Tins

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:11 pm
by Beornmann
Fire starters: char cloth in a larger one, Vaseline-soaked cotton balls in a small tin.
Fishing kit
Working on a pocket "survival" kit

Re: Altoid Tins

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 2:59 pm
by RikJohnson
Daerir wrote:Ive recently taken a liking to Altoids and Ive seen that the tins can be reused as something else and I was wondering if any of you guys used them for things? I have two empty tins I think and Im not certain what I can use them for? Theyre probably to small for first aid kits, but then again I can just use multiple tins.
I collect them too.
The round ones hold my bowstrings (I pound the words out on my anvil fiost) and fire-starters.
the rectangle ones hold my field fletching gear and char-cloth.
I use a round one to make char-cloth.

They are almost perfect for a hundred projects.

Re: Altoid Tins

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:42 pm
by RikJohnson
It's difficult to get those older round ones that are waterproof.
And when you can, they have their name & logo stamped into the lid.

I have the people at work save me their tins and make no distinction... if I can use it, I do "thank you", if I cannot use it, "thank you" and them I toss it at home.

As for the lids...
I lay it on an old I-beam I use for an anvil and go at it with a ball-peen hammer.
it removes the logo and gives a rustic rounded look to the lid.

then some paint that will eventually rub off which adds to the antique look.