New belt pouch with Bronze Age zipper!

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New belt pouch with Bronze Age zipper!

Post by Udwin »

I think this is my first actual dedicated belt pouch (2 beltloops on the backside I didn't photo) and I'm quite proud of the speedy execution on this one, about 2 days from pattern-drafting to completion. It's based on an existing grave find from Hvidegård, Denmark, dated 1300-1100BCE, solidly Bronze Age, and features the world's first zipper!--ingenious system of interlocking leather loops held together with a bronze rod.
It's about 8 inches wide by 4 or 5 deep, which is enough to hold my spoon, some hard coin, flint&steel, a coil of cordage, &c. (The original artifact held a diverse assortment of goodies:
“an amber bead, small conch shells, flint flakes, dried roots & bark, the tail of a grass snake, a falcon’s claw, tweezers, a bronze knife in a leather case, a horse-head razor, a small flint knife, lower jaw of a young squirrel..."!)
Personae: Aistan son of Ansteig, common Beorning of Wilderland; Tungo Brandybuck, Eastfarthing Bounder, 3018 TA; a native Man of the Greyflood, c.850 SA
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Re: New belt pouch with Bronze Age zipper!

Post by Straelbora »

Reason again never to underestimate our ancestors' intelligence. Plus, what kind of great hex could you put on somebody with the contents of the original?

Very nice execution in reproducing it.
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Re: New belt pouch with Bronze Age zipper!

Post by Manveruon »

That closure method is awesome. Super cool.
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Re: New belt pouch with Bronze Age zipper!

Post by Alderic »

I never would have thought of that...I don't think I've seen anything quite like it other than our modern zippers. Way more secure than the simple flap we always see. I may have to include that closure when I make a pouch...
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contents of zip bag!

Post by Udwin »

In the spirit of a bare necessities 'needs-wallet' and/or just for giggles, here's a quick pic of the zipper-bag's current contents (clockwise from top):
a bear's claw,
coyote's canine,
piece of amber,
piece of mammoth (mumak of Forochel?) ivory threaded on a length of buckskin,
firesteel and flints,
a smooth 'whetstone' from creekbed,
some hard coin,
a good length of basswood cordage,
roll of apple fruit-leather in waxed paper,
some of my acorn flour/honey hardtack (cram!),
a straw of rivercane I use to drink from hard-to-reach seeps, springs, or pools,
and a couple of spare locust thorns which I use to keep my tunic closed up.

Including the pouch itself, all weighs just under a pound, which is hardly noticeable on my sash, and it can be easily pushed around to the back 'fanny pack'-style, should I need to run a distance.
zipbag_contents PICT38442.jpg
zipbag_contents PICT38442.jpg (225.34 KiB) Viewed 12364 times
Personae: Aistan son of Ansteig, common Beorning of Wilderland; Tungo Brandybuck, Eastfarthing Bounder, 3018 TA; a native Man of the Greyflood, c.850 SA
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Re: New belt pouch with Bronze Age zipper!

Post by Mirimaran »

I like your bag, very cool and ingenious! And the contents as well, the items one picks up in his journeys really do define their character! Good job!

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Re: New belt pouch with Bronze Age zipper!

Post by Ringulf »

I have seen these before and find them fascinating. your pics started thinking about how I could use that closure on some of my pouches and I am now working on one that will incorporate this style, thank you! again another example of how in this group "iron sharpens iron". :mrgreen:
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Re: New belt pouch with Bronze Age zipper!

Post by Tomcat1066 »

Very cool. Just curious though, how easy is it to close it up? As the pics stand, it looks like the loops on the closure hold up fine, but I'm curious if they stay that way over the long term.

Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things, except that it might limit some potential uses. After all, I personally don't want a closure that's difficult to secure on something I might want to close up quickly (strike-a-light bag, etc).
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