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Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:21 pm
by Sindara
Although it didn't turn out quite as big as we were expecting, I feel that our 'information' meeting went well!

Turnip and I were the only ones of our group that could make it. Turnip showed up in her 'period' garb - and turned a few heads in the bookstore/coffee shop! As soon as I can get her to post the pictures from her camera - you'll be able to see her get-up.

Only two parties showed up:
Malcom - a very knowledgeable 14 yr old. Besides being a local expert on edible mushrooms, Malcom has made some fairly decent weapons
(knife, blow-gun and darts, quarterstaffs), and is into melee combat.

Tom - also brought his children (wife Katy - the librarian- couldn't make it). They're family is totally into self-sufficiency, and are AVID RA fans!
According to his children, Tom is an accomplished woodsman and hunter. Their property butts up against the National Forest, where we can
gather to 'play' rangers! Tom and Katy also know of other families who are into RA - will let them know about our next meeting. The entire family
would like to learn more about archery.

Both parties are are VERY enthusiastic about joining our Ranger Corp group!

Our next meeting will be at the Spirit Lake branch of the library - on Jan. 25, 2014. We'll begin to hash out the admin/protocol stuff for the group, and hopefully meet with the other interested families/ parties who couldn't make it for yesterday's get-together.


Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:17 pm
by Straelbora
Sounds like a great start!

Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:13 am
by Willrett
sounds like a great time.

Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:13 am
by Addreonynn
I'm glad everything is working out for you guys!

Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:04 am
by Ringulf
Very inspiring!
You know, with the number of young people who I have come in contact with that are so into the RA series, I think we are on the verge of a great opportunity to use the series as a catalyst to get young folks into rangering in small groups like this.

Not that I think there needs to be any formal curriculum or anything, but do you have any idea how you plan to proceed? I am sure there are many ways to organize and disseminate the skills and knowledge.
I am looking forward to what you are coming up with. I know there are others doing much the same thing, and it would be great to share amongst ourselves the information and discoveries that are being made by such groups.

I am not doing anything under the RA banner per se, but my SCA Shire and the Kingdom's Rangers have been holding Ranger events and outings as well as archery and thrown weapons practices.

We have all but decided that due to scheduling problems this year in the Kingdom calender, My Shire will not be putting on the "Ranger Moot" or "gathering" type event that I started two years ago, but I am taking the opportunity to scheduled a Ranger Academy in the fall that will be a time to teach the traditional weapon and peripheral outdoor skills, as well as some of the craft skills that go along with the genre.

I made two new Rangers (Thrown weapons marshals) at the last event and It seems like the class and practicum afterwards was a success, so I am sure that will also play a part in the Academy. Now if I could just get my combat archery together and get authorized, I could bring that online to put the actual martial element into the activity along with the live weapons and Ranger culture! :mrgreen:

Lots to do, never enough time for a scattered person like me! But I try! :wink:

Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:57 pm
by Sindara
Greetings Ringulf!
We are basing our guidelines on that of the Valdmyrkr Rangers in Chico, CA. They're the original of our five groups. This was all started by Druin (check out members list of this forum). They have put together a Ranger Corps handbook. There are basic requirements to meet (kind of like earning badges in Scouts) - and you can work towards earning your Silver Oakleaf ( made of actual silver). Druin's group is still fairly new, and still working out fine details of membership and advancement - but that's what we are basing our stuff on. As I understand, there are also sister groups (same Ranger Corp) in San Francisco area, Vancouver - WA area, one in Missoula-MT (Liathwyn belongs with that one - Turnip's older sister - that's how we got into this whole thing), and now our group. Check out the Chico groups Facebook page: https://www.facebook.rangercorpshq Or if you PM Druin, he'll be able to send you a copy of the Handbook, if interested. Anyway, our group is very excited about earning their 'oak leaves' , exploring history, literature, playing in the woods - and just having fun!

Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:04 pm
by Sindara
Ringulf - sorry, I got distracted, and didn't get to this on that last post - I would love to hear more about your Ranger Academy, gatherings, etc. Is your Academy an actual physical gathering, on online thing, or ?. How did/do you go about getting this together? Would love to have a moot out here some time, but we're JUST getting started, and a long way from being 'organized' yet. One of those days, I'm gonna have to make time to visit your Halt's Playground.

Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:28 am
by Ringulf
Our organization is structured through the SCA (Society of Creative Anachronism) it will be a physical academy and be an SCA event. We normally find a camp, school or church with a christian education building so we have classrooms and a meeting place. A gym and a kitchen are also helpful and why we try whenever we put on any type of educational event, to look for that type of venue.
I had seen Druin's post on their group but did not know you were connected, I would love to see about starting a group down here in Florida. The Link you provided did not work for me but I will try to get in touch with Druin and get a copy. perhaps I can get this together as a youth activity within my own group, or just start a new group and invite some of my Shire members to attend.

Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:12 pm
by Sindara
Greetings Ringulf! I gave you the copy of the link as I had received from Druin's post - but when I tried it later - didn't work. Yes, just go through Druin! Sorry that my last two posts didn't make much sense - I was SO tired , brain just wasn't working. This seems to be a great draw for the kids in our area - just hard for many of them to get with us at this time - winter conditions, perhaps. But, we'll see - spring and summer are on the way! I am amazed at how many adults are coming forward on our ranger group! Am also glad to see many others who don't really wish to join the Ranger Corp, but still want to learn and share information about old-world skills - not just fighting/armor type of stuff, but everyday, common-man activities! If nothing else, it is drawing a lot of people with common interests together. Turnip and I are very encouraged by both groups of people. Sindara

Re: Our 1st 'info' Meet

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:02 am
by Addreonynn
Ringulf wrote:The Link you provided did not work for me :mrgreen: