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Vest, hood... what to do with a nice piece of oiled leather

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 1:50 pm
by Straelbora
I've got a nice piece of oiled leather, and I have a friend who is a tailor and historical reenactor (mostly French-Indian and forward) who I know will be able to turn it into an awesome vest or hood with mantle. I'm just realy conflicted which one.

Any suggestions? Designs?


Re: Vest, hood... what to do with a nice piece of oiled leat

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 6:15 pm
by Manveruon
If it were me, I'd probably go with the vest. I do love a nice leather jerkin/surcoat/thing. I've never been a huge fan of leather hoods.

Re: Vest, hood... what to do with a nice piece of oiled leat

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:22 pm
by Peter Remling
IF you decide on a vest, make it a long vest similar to this one from Ravenswood Leathers:

IF you'd prefer a hood how about something like these: ... ure531.jpg

The second one ... ure529.jpg

Re: Vest, hood... what to do with a nice piece of oiled leat

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:28 pm
by Peter Remling
This just happens to tie in with the discussion: ... -hood.aspx

Re: Vest, hood... what to do with a nice piece of oiled leat

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:08 am
by Kiriana
I agree with Manveruon, mainly since I really don't see leather as being what anyone really used for a hood except in movies. It's hot and can be heavy.. you want protection and ability to blend in with your surroundings.. but you want a hood to be breathable.

Yes, I know leather breaths.. but umm yeah not really all that well. It's still hot as hell. I would suggest a linen hood.. if you want leather on the hood.. just use leather on the mantle part, not on the hood itself.

I say a vest is better option for your leather.

Just my 2 cents.. I'll go away now! :lol:

Re: Vest, hood... what to do with a nice piece of oiled leat

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:59 am
by Manveruon
Kiriana wrote:I agree with Manveruon, mainly since I really don't see leather as being what anyone really used for a hood except in movies. It's hot and can be heavy.. you want protection and ability to blend in with your surroundings.. but you want a hood to be breathable.

Yes, I know leather breaths.. but umm yeah not really all that well. It's still hot as hell. I would suggest a linen hood.. if you want leather on the hood.. just use leather on the mantle part, not on the hood itself.

I say a vest is better option for your leather.

Just my 2 cents.. I'll go away now! :lol:

I couldn't have put it better myself.

Re: Vest, hood... what to do with a nice piece of oiled leat

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:35 pm
by Straelbora
Thanks for the feedback. My thoughts were that a leather hood might provide some waterproof protection.

I ended up draping the leather over my head- it's awfully heavy, and if I want a winter hood, I'd probably want it of wool with fur around the face, anyway.

I think I'll go for the jerkin/vest.