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Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project Discussi

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:36 pm
by Greg
ATTN: All submissions for this project go directly to THIS thread: ... 975#p22975


The title probably sounds a little strange, so bear with me for a few moments while I explain.

I'd like to challenge everyone to work on reading through the complete Lord of the Rings this next year.

Doesn't sound difficult. 90% of you probably had plans to do so already.

The "challenge" part of it goes a little deeper. I'd like us to work on reading it together, as a group, and, in the process of reading it, generate forum content as a result of what you've read. It'll play out on a chapter-
by-chapter basis. We'll plan to read one chapter per photo post, which, knowing us, can easily take over a week, so it won't be hard to keep up with. The content-generating part of the project is where it might get a little tricky.

The idea is to have one member volunteer themselves, for the chapter at hand, to pick a paragraph, quote, or passage from the chapter, quote it in a post, and include an image/photograph that they have personally generated FOR this project, that they feel ties in with the quote or passage that they've quoted. For example, Jake Book has already graciously volunteered to tackle Chapter 1, "A Long-Expected Party". What Jake would do, if he were to stumble across this thread, find himself in an inspired mood and seeing what chapter was most recently completed, he would make a post that says something to the effect of:
I'll be responsible for Chapter One, "A Long Expected Party".
From that day on, Jake would be in control of the thread, being the next person responsible for posting a picture with a quote. There is no obligation, however...if you find yourself unable to get the photo done in what you consider a timely fashion, you can bow out or simply let the time run out. Once you do, someone else can claim the same chapter, and they will find themselves in control until generate their own image. Though multiple images per chapter would be a cool thing, I'd like to avoid any sort of competitive nature to this, so one image would be the limit per chapter. You can claim a chapter in advance, but please claim them in order. If we're on chapter three, you can't claim chapter seven until four through six have been claimed or fulfilled, etc. The trick is, no one can do more than one chapter in a row, so I can't do this all by myself!

In this way, if we slowly progress through the books, we'll eventually have sixty-two images skimming across major events throughout the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, one per chapter, all generated by our forum members. Image style will vary widely, which is perfectly acceptable. I plan to tackle some hobbit-related chapters that I have no kit for...get creative! Along the way, with every image posted, we'll get a chapter read of the trilogy together, so we're focusing on the same material at once and more easily able to discuss each section in a detailed manner, since we'll all have it fresh in our minds. Between member's posts claiming chapters and posting their photos, this thread would be a haven for discussing previous photos as well as what we've read, including new-found insights into kit items and cultural references.


That was a mouthful.

Thoughts? If you're on board, we're to start reading Chapter one: An Unexpected Party today, and Jake has until next Monday, November 19th, to post his image on the subject.



Project List:

The Lord of the Rings


Book I

Chapter 1: A Long Expected Party - Completed, Greg
Chapter 2: The Shadow of the Past - Completed, Caedmon
Chapter 3: Three is Company - Completed, Greg
Chapter 4: A Short Cut to Mushrooms - Completed, Pete
Chapter 5: A Conspiracy unmasked - Completed, Greg
Chapter 6: The Old Forest - Completed, Stormraven
Chapter 7: In the House of Tom Bombadil - Claimed, Straelbora
Chapter 8: Fog on the Barrow-Downs - Claimed, Mirimaran
Chapter 9: At the Sign of the Prancing Pony - Claimed, Greg
Chapter 10: Strider - Claimed, Brett Holmes
Chapter 11: A Knife in the Dark - Claimed, Brian Grubbs
Chapter 12: Flight to the Ford - Claimed, Odigan

Book II

More to Come!

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:29 pm
by Mirimaran
Sounds good to me, but bear in mind it is a fact that 'The Council of Elrond' is two months long :)

I will do my best to participate and contribute!


Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:29 pm
by Greg
Hilarious, Ken. Love it.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:15 pm
by Peter Remling
Sounds like fun, I'm in.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:36 am
by caedmon
Shiny. I'm in.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:54 pm
by Manveruon
Damn! You weren't kidding over on Facebook, haha. This is quite the ambitious project! I can't wait to see the results! I will try to participate if possible.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:06 pm
by caedmon
Is it to early to reserve Chapter 2?

If not, I'll take Chapter 2: The Shadow of the Past.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:28 am
by Willrett
ill see what I can do but it sounds interesting.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:50 pm
by BrianGrubbs
Sounds cool, I'd love to participate!


Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:41 pm
by Jon
Count me in.

@Greg, does the picture have to be taken by us and in costume? Or we could we take a picture of a particular landscape, for example. I would love to participate, but don't feel my garb at this stage is up to being in a 'Lord of the Rings Picture Book'...

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:56 pm
by Ernildir
I'm willing to give it a try.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:26 pm
by Greg
Kit photos would be preferred, but I will absolutely not stand in the way of you taking an image without anyone in it to show a landscape that you think matches part of a chapter, etc. We've got 60+ photos to take...I would be stupid to limit participation.

Caedmon, you've got chapter two.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:06 pm
by Greg
A few updates:

Jake's got a lot on his plate, and is working on getting that first photo/quote taken care of. I know there are time limits, but I specifically asked him to start us off, so we'll start using the one-week timeframe upon the posting of his completed first entry, and we'll go from there.

If anyone wants to read along but has found themselves suffering from the tragic condition of not owning a copy of the Lord of the Rings, fear not! I would still heartily suggest buying a copy, but an online edition is always a handy reference.

I'm also creating a chapter list in the first post, which will show new users where we stand on what chapters have been completed, claimed, etc. without having to dig through the 30+ pages that this thread could turn into.

Lastly, a few things to note from my reading through Chapter one this last week. I was happily reminded that Gandalf actually wears a scarf, which simply helped support my notion that a scarf was a good thing to have. Thanks again to my wife for the one she made me. A few additional kit references caught my eye as well...particularly Bilbo's Silk Waistcoat. I'd very much like to look into some 18th cen. silk vests and the like...more on that later.

Next on the list, I'd be very much interested to see someone here make a pass at some Dwarf-Make toys for little ones, with a nice and obvious "Dale" logo on them somewhere. The descriptions of the trinkets and toys passed out at the party caught my eye...particularly the "some of them obviously magical" bit. We've got quite a few children attached to our forum's families, with more on the way, and I'm sure if someone could do Lonely Mountain Toys justice, we'd buy a few.

And last but not least, I'm a huge sucker for packing. For preparations. Setting-out, know the deal. Quiet meetings under candlelight over a map and a pint, and time spent carefully stuffing the bag you'll live out of for however long. For that reason alone, every tavern scene at the beginning of every fantasy film, book, or D&D game I've ever played has always been one of my favorite parts. Reading through Bilbo's packing for his journey was heartwarming for me this time around...particularly when he lovingly pulled out the careworn, pock-marked and patched cloak and hood the dwarves loaned him. Chapter one, how I've missed you. It's been too long.

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:35 pm
by caedmon
Ok, I'm a bit confused. I thought mine was due today (not that I have it done) shall I just time it for 1 week out from Jake's?

Re: Forum-Wide Lord of the Rings "Picture Book" Project

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:05 pm
by Ringulf

It just so happens that I have been working on some Lonely Mountain Toys, they are based on some clever Russian toys that are carved from wood, I will put up a post about them when I can, but rest assured you will have some Dwarven/Dale toys for the little one!