Hi I'm new here

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Hi I'm new here

Post by Nase »

Ummm Hello I'm Nase I've been checking out the site for about a month now ever since a search for medieval garb lead me to Nemo's post on his kit since then I've been giving extra attention to y'all and finally joined. a little bit of background for you (and please don't mind the grammar mistakes I write like I think and don't really think about periods and commas again sorry) so My dad was in the SCA in the kingdom of Trimaris so I grew up in that lifestyle and loved it but through some medical history I don't really have very much upper body strength and I've always thought of shooting a bow to get arm muscles think bow flex but old school now about 9 months ago I decided to go traveling (the image of the wanderer has always been my favorite) so I got on a plane bound for Europe before going to Europe I had heard of a pilgrimage, El Camino de Santiago so I decided to do that (done finished on June 2nd) but I had heard that sometimes pilgrims dress in the traditional garb of the pilgrim and that got me thinking, Why dress in the modern styles who says we have to? It's my life I'll live it how I want to live it (following the local and national laws of course :P ) so I started to research medieval garb and that lead me to this site I'm actually sitting in my hostel in Barcelona Spain writing this and waiting till the 16th for my flight back to the states so enough about me now bout my kit (sadly these are things I want and do not have yet) more to follow
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Jonathan B. »

Welcome to the group!
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Peter Remling
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Peter Remling »

Welcome, Your trip sounds interesting, could you elaborate ?
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Nase »

Ok so this is from feet up starting at the bottom and going up now my personal image is of knee high mocs (either Indian or sod hoppers) I'm sorry but I think of the rangers as ghosts in the forest and a boot print is just too recognizable (also I refuse to where modern shoes that force you to heel strike so mocs it is) wool or cotton/linen socks (depending on the climate and weather) now from here I get fuzzy on the pants I really like pants but saw Caedmon's pictures in the 'let's dress a ranger' post and I really like those so they'll more than likely go down to bout half shin length with two gusseted mid thigh pockets (like military pants today) made of linen/wool again depending on climate and weather over that a shirt tucked in over that a blackened mail shirt (mainly for weight condisioning) and a sleeveless jerkin over that is a kidney belt or more likely a ravenswood warrior belt and last but not least is either a long coat with a hood or the usual cloak (haven't decided yet cloaks are warm but I think they'd just get in the way or you'd have them tucked up out of the way thus ensuring that they don't do their job but again I really like Caedmon's sketch with the cloak pinned back) oh and halfgloves bracer combo on each arm the ranger weapons are in the next post
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Nase »

@peter sure what do you want to know I left the states last nov went to the Netherlands,France, spent Christmas and new years in Rome Italy before going to Morocco (gorgeous) and spending three months there before going to Spain back to France, Germany, back to Italy (Venice) , Croatia , before deciding I'd put it off long enough and going back to France through Italy to start my camino in st. Jean Pied de Port I almost got hypothermia crossing the Pyrinees so I decided to go to Sarria to finish my camino (they give the compostella to people who walk the last 100 km in) Sarria is 112km from Santiago de Compostella the destination of the pilgrimage and since I was in Spain might as well see it before my flight so I've been doing that
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Nase »

So the weapons post lets see now keep in mind that the weapons and their locations are NOT going to be the reality (except in SCA events and hunting and the SCA events will be subject to local and national laws it is NOT my intent to break any laws) and the locations are on a FICTIONAL character there disclaimer done so again going from the ground up in each moc two boot knives nothing till you get to the waist (the gusseted pockets are for wire saw garrot snares and anything he just happens to see in the forest) now the fictional Nase is ambidextrous thus he has two long knives that hang horizontally ocross the small of his back upper buttock (think the Legolas' knives just different location) he has a small axe/hammer hanging off a baldric on his left side with another knife hanging blade up on the baldric secured with a loop that fits over the hilt and a tie for the handle and now for his quiver his quiver is interesting it's got a belt slot running up the entire length of the quiver with a belt and buckle to secure it over his shoulder (think the new assassins creed) with the baldric going through the belt slot to keep it close to his body and the belt and buckle going over his shoulder ensuring that his arrows are there where and when he needs them and the bow is a small long bow designed for the woods and forests well that's it now once I get back to the states I'm going to be getting my kit together and hopefully will have pictures up then oh and critisms are always welcome as well as suggestions
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Peter Remling »

Sounds like a viable plan.

We also have a photo gallery here, that you probably can't access yet, with Middle Earthinspired landscapes and scenery. I'm sure you saw some great landscapes and ruins that would fit perfectly (if you brought a camera). When you return I'd very much appreciate any photos along these lines that you'd care to share with us.
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Willrett »

welcome to the group.
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Dinendir. »

Welcome aboard!
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Ernildir »

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by kaelln »

Welcome! What a great adventure!
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Ringulf »

Welcome Ranger! you should have a lot of fun here! :mrgreen:
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
I throw axes, seaxes, and pointy sticks, And I fire my bow through the day.
Come be my ally, lift up your mead! We'll search out our foes and the Eagles we'll feed! :mrgreen:
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by RangerKellen »

Welcome Ranger!
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Nase »

Thank you for all the warm welcomes I plan on having a lot of fun and learning a lot of things both hands on and reading :P
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Re: Hi I'm new here

Post by Ringulf »

You mentioned your Dad was in the Kingdom of Trimaris, when you come home will you be in FL too?
I am in Trimaris myself and it would be great to have another southern Ranger close by! :mrgreen:
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
I throw axes, seaxes, and pointy sticks, And I fire my bow through the day.
Come be my ally, lift up your mead! We'll search out our foes and the Eagles we'll feed! :mrgreen:
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