The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

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The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Elegost »

Hello all!

I havn't been on here in a while, well I have, but I've not posted only lurked like gollum! :twisted: But I love seeing everyones kits and pics etc!

I was wondering if anyoneon here is into The elder scrolls Skyrim? I'm rather obcessed! As I have a Social anixity disorder and can't go out without my parents who are disabled this greatly limits where I can go. For me Skyrims beautful wilderness is heavan!

So anyone else into Skyrim?
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Jon »

I'm into Skyrim and play it far too much :/ I have a heavy armour orc berserker, an elven ranger and an elven mage. It is a stunning world and the storyline is awesome!!

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Peter Remling »

I got it for Christmas and havn't played that much yet. I asked for it because I had seen the graphics and some reviews.

So far very pleased !
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Willrett »

It is an amazing game, I haven't played much lately :(

What systems you guys on? if 360 add me Gambit71
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Peter Remling »

I'm useing 360 but not online, just solo gameplay.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Aaron »

I wrote a whole schpiel over on SBG about how disappointed I was in Oblivion after throwing a few hundred hours into Morrowind. I had a lot of doubts about Skyrim but ended up getting the chance to play it (since my brother owns a copy). After downing a few dozen hours into it, I am loving this almost every bit as much as I loved Morrowind, which is the highest praise I can think to give the game. Time will tell, but I am very pleased so far.

Playing a Nord spellsword, only level 31 currently. Spec'd Heavy Armor, Smithing, One Handed, Destruction and Archery. Thinking about making a stealth character next after how much I use my bow, sneaking crits are absolutely devastating in the dungeons. Wouldn't mind going through and rebuilding my old Dunmer Destruction mage like i had in Morrowind (though they fixed the training exploit, I believe, so there's no way to surpass max level. Morrowind Character ended up at level 150 and I destroyed all of Balmora end-game with one fire spell).

I'm more than a bit sad that they took out the spell creation, as well. At least they kept the potion/skill exploit (but they capped the max effects).
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Elegost »

Thank you for the replys all, I'm on 360 I could never afford one of these high end gaming PC's.

The main story is epic, I'm very impressed at how real the world and story feels.

I have not made a mage yet but am planning too, At the mo I have a Nord warrior/ranger/ a Theif/Pirate and an Orc, very skinny more of a moria Goblin! :oops:

My main char the nord is at leval 18, I tend to take my time with games like this so I go very slow and enjoy every inch!
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Elevorn »

I play Skyrim here. Have been with the Elder Scrolls since about 2005. Played both Morrowind and Oblivion. My favorite to play was Oblivion, but my favorite game overall was Morrowind. With mods, you could do anything and make Vvardenfell, Solsteim and Mournhold amazing. Skyrim beats both of them. I've put over 200 hours onto the PS3 and over 50 (not including modding stuff) into the pc. It's crap tons of Fun.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by David »

I absolutely love The Elder Scrolls games! I guess I'm weird by the fact that I like Oblivion more than Morrowind. They're both great games (and there are definitely things about Morrowind that I like more than Oblivion- like the not-bland story lines and the more in-depth skills), but I had more fun playing Oblivion. And, as much as I don't like to admit it, the graphic of Morrowind do hamper my enjoyment a bit. Skyrim is amazing though! Right now I'm playing with a Nord Warrior, an Elven Ranger, a Breton Mage, and a Khajiit Assassin. Mods definitely make the game more enjoyable and last longer (all of my games are heavily modded). If you play on a PC, check these mod websites out: (for Skyrim mods) (for Morrowind & Oblivion mods)

Have you all heard that Bethesda is possibly making an Elder Scrolls MMO? Personally, I'd prefer they just make Elder Scrolls VI, but we'll see. I don't really like MMO's (with the exception of LotRO and Guild Wars), but I really like the Elder Scrolls, so I'll just have to wait and see what comes of it.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Ranger of Arthedain »

David wrote:I absolutely love The Elder Scrolls games! I guess I'm weird by the fact that I like Oblivion more than Morrowind. They're both great games (and there are definitely things about Morrowind that I like more than Oblivion- like the not-bland story lines and the more in-depth skills), but I had more fun playing Oblivion. And, as much as I don't like to admit it, the graphic of Morrowind do hamper my enjoyment a bit. Skyrim is amazing though! Right now I'm playing with a Nord Warrior, an Elven Ranger, a Breton Mage, and a Khajiit Assassin. Mods definitely make the game more enjoyable and last longer (all of my games are heavily modded). If you play on a PC, check these mod websites out: (for Skyrim mods) (for Morrowind & Oblivion mods)

Have you all heard that Bethesda is possibly making an Elder Scrolls MMO? Personally, I'd prefer they just make Elder Scrolls VI, but we'll see. I don't really like MMO's (with the exception of LotRO and Guild Wars), but I really like the Elder Scrolls, so I'll just have to wait and see what comes of it.

Not weird at all, I actually prefer Oblivion to Morrowind myself (Thus far it has the better ending of the series, in my opinion. All though I did quite enjoy being able to travel to Sovngarde in Skyrim). Skyrim has taken up far too much of my time since its release, haha. The graphics are just...mind blowing compared to the others in the series (that said, it makes me love the others no less). Currently I'm playing as a Nord Warrior, Nord Theif and a High elf Mage.

An Elder Scrolls MMO? Meh, I agree with you, I'd prefer they just made another game instead. Since playing LotRO, I have been burnt out on MMOs and quite frankily, I don't like them either. Sure, it may be interesting at first, but after a while (as with all MMOs) you'll attract certain types of gamers that absolutely love making your life difficult. I just prefer playing single person games, I guess haha.

With all that being said...

Imperial, Stormcloak or neither? Which side of the civil war do you choose? ;)

I've always sided with the Stormcloaks, and that has nothing to do with my unhealthy obsession with Ulfric, I assure you heh. The Imperials, to me, do seem like the more logical way to go however. I just can't find the heart to side with the Imperials against my brothers and sisters in arms, though. ;)
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Erhilir »

Sorry that I havent posted so long but my pc was totaly destroyed by a nasty virus !
Anyway now i can continue post here :P
As for Skyrim I am making a Ranger Mod myself which is going to include stuff from the rangers apprentice books but with my personal taste.
I let you know as soon as I finish
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Rifter »

I enjoy playing the Knight role some days but prefer the custom ranger I made. I find I'm far better with him then when wearing armor...just something to be said about fighting dragons with nothing but an Akaviri Katana and long bow with ancient Nord arrows....Simplistic bliss I'll call it
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Arbellason »

Ah the wonderful world of skyrim sunk a bit of time into it as an elven archer then got the hearthfire dlc and then a house sort of came along and now I mostly chase off the usual giant and bandit who seem to like to sit at my front door :shock: but anyways love that game and soon to be making mods. Thinking of trying to make one for the simplest thing they left out which is mail armor.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Elleth »

I finally got sucked into it after watching the Lindsey Stirling / Peter Hollens video one too many times. :)

(As an aside, both are awesome musicians, and Peter has some absolutely gorgeous covers of the Hobbit tunes - )

As to the game - yes, the wilds they've created are amazing! Beautiful scenery!

I don't think I'll be going for any sequels though. The mind behind some of those scenarios is just... dark. There's showing the dark side, and then there's wallowing in it. I'm inclined to think the one character's speech about "the evil who try to be good" has not a little autobiography in it. That said, amazing technical achievement nonetheless.

... personally, I'd love a "sight seers" version of the LOTRO game. The rendering of Middle Earth was beautiful, but it just wasn't worth a new combat every minute or three to see it.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Post by Rifter »

Lindsey is a great artist, She does better I think having been passed over on America got talent then if she had been picked. I'm waiting for her next cd too
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