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Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:47 pm
by Alexandros
I went thrift store/army navy shopping today. Came up with some cool stuff, I am trying to get some kit for my first overnight SCA event. Naturally I have to do it in MER style. My undershirt is a a woven merino wool that I will be modifying to have a tunic neckline. The green coat over it is my mass layer jerkin for winter camping, it is made out of a surplus wool trenchcoat at parts it has six layers of worsted wool in it. It also doubles as a sleeping pad, I will be finishing the edges and putting buttons on it in the next few days. With the Kukri on it is my shelter there it is a 9x12 canvas tarp rolled up with a nato wool blanket. They are cheap and very thick. Oh that's my rapier/dagger I know it isn't your guys style but I thought I would throw it in. Those are new pouches, the tan ones are surplus ammo cases, One of the compartments is full of jute haha 190ft. Thats alot of tinder, the other side of the pouch has firesteel/lighter in it. The black pouch which I have to figure how to dress so it looks less like a makeup bag, which is exactly what it is, has my two pipes, tobacco, an herbal blend designed for sleep (no, not drugs, it's essentially a chamomile tea) and appropriate pipe tools. The wool blanket and the 9x12 tarp were 20 each i donbt think I spent 20 bucks on all the rest, except that wool jerkin was expensive (50$) but there is yard after yard of wool in it. Sorry about my rambling, I kind of just vomit on the keyboard. Pictures!

Shot at 2011-08-24
Shot at 2011-08-24
Shot at 2011-08-24
Shot at 2011-08-24

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:53 pm
by Alexandros
Here is that black bag I was talking about
And this is me
On my trip from
Mystic Lake, Montana. You have got to love Montana

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:16 pm
by Ernildir
Lovely pictures!

I suppose it probably is not appropriate to Middle-earth, but the rapier/dagger actually is my style as well. ;) Yours look really nice. Do I see some kind a of a double-scabbard setup there? I'd love to see that close-up.

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:16 pm
by Alexandros
They just happen to fit into each other, I will show ya. I need to dress up the scabbard a bit too. Its plain PVC as of now. I will get a picture up close, in the mean time. Here is the Jute firepouch in action. Its pretty nice, I stuffed the whole roll in one side and started pulling from the center of the roll so it acts like a dispenser.

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:35 pm
by Alexandros

Nothing Fancy

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:41 pm
by Alexandros

This is Everything strapped into my kit all clothes and everything, only thing missing from it is food and my pot but there is a fencing helmet in there and a propane stove that I don't normally trek with. This labor day I may have to try this equipment out. Looks like the pack has more than enough room, I will probably be wearing some of those clothes haha.


Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:29 am
by Ernildir
Well, it certainly seems to be practical. It's simply the dagger wedged into a pvc pipe sheath with the rapier? Sounds good to me. I still haven't gotten around to purchasing my own rapier/dagger. I like the look of your hilts. How long is your rapier blade, and what manufacturer did you get the pair from?

Thanks for the pics, by the way. :)

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:33 am
by Ernildir
By the way, I love that you have Scrabble in the background. Scrabble for the win!

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:14 am
by kaelln
Really great finds!

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:03 am
by Alexandros
The swept hilt on my blade I'm not sure about. The blades were a gift, sort of. They were given to me to train with because I showed promise and our shire is trying to make a name for itself. Now, while they were given to me, I will be giving them to the next gearless fencer that shows promise. I am still saving up for my pair. The Rapier blade is a 42" Darkwood armory. I'm not sure on the dagger, it is a Darkwood too. I know the blades are really expensive but they are very nice. For your dagger I have a little tip but I will PM it too you because it is sacred and sort of loop-holey about the rules.

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:17 am
by Cleddyf
*drools* so very very pretty,
darkwood armoury makes very nice blades,

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:39 pm
by Alexandros
Thank you! Yes I enjoy is immensely. Tools if the trade.

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:02 am
by SoupRanger
I really like that backpack where you get it?

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:34 pm
by Alexandros
It's a Swiss army surplus pack, it's hard to see in the pic but it has an external metal frame.

Re: Couple New Pieces of Kit

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:50 pm
by appalachianranger
Ah, the beauty of thrift stores!
Lovely pieces, sir.