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New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:23 pm
by Mirimaran
They just keep getting bad-ass-er! Love the coats!



Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:51 pm
by Ernildir
They need larger beards, of course... they almost look like Elves. But I love their hair. :lol:

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:13 pm
by Greg
These HAVE to be Fili and Kili. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda surprised at the overall lack of axes and the rather scrawny-ness of these two, but I certainly like the paired langseax's on the left.

LOVE the bow/quiver.

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:43 pm
by R.D.Metcalf
The dwarves look like formidably armed hardasses for a lot that spend most of their time running, getting captured...... multiple times, and generally being bumblef&*%'s whose ineptitude can make a fat, timid, wooly footed, homebody, who was too spineless even to say "I'm not going!" actually look heroic :lol:

Bilbo must be a navy seal turned outlaw biker/ contract killer, played by 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin in this film based on the look of those two and what I know of the book. :lol:

Seriously though, based on the posts here, I think this will be an awesome film 8) I still wish 'Stone Cold' would play bilbo that would change alot of opinions about hobbits....

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:15 pm
by Mirimaran
Well, you have to consider that the book, "The Hobbit" was written by a hobbit (Bilbo) and translated by Prof. Tolkien as a story to tell his children. We all know that Bilbo wasn't quite honest when he first penned the tale of his adventure, especially about the finding of the Ring. Now, since hobbits had become quite famous, more information has come to light, from the libraries of Rivendell, Gondor, Rohan, and of course, the Lonely Mountain. So, who knows what Bilbo might have omitted, or changed ever so slightly, or perhaps just mis-remembered? A book written by a hobbit, for hobbits, would certainly be hobbo-centric as a book written by a dwarf for dwarves would be to dwarves. Perception is reality!


Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:25 pm
by David
While all three of the dwarf pictures released look pretty cool, it makes me nervous that only 4 out of 7 of them look like actual dwarves. Shoot, Kili (the one on the right) looks like he could be a bad copy of strider! Dwarves are NOT supposed to be man-pretty, that's the elves' job. I still think the movie will be awesome, but someone needs to give their art direction/hairdresser/make-up people a swift kick in the pants to get on track. The main thing I think is the lack or scarcity of beards, and the really funky hair-do's (I'm talking to you Nori!).

Also, as a side note: I think that we should combine all the Dwarf pics and other Hobbit news into one general "Hobbit News" thread so that we don't get a ton of "New-er-er-er-er-er" threads ;)

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:39 pm
by Greg
David wrote:Dwarves are NOT supposed to be man-pretty, that's the elves' job.
Well said. "If only I could muster a legion of dwarves! Fully armed, and FILTHY!" I believe I heard someone mention that at some point...

Seven Dwarves to go! Of course, they're gonna save Thorin for last. I wanna see BALIN!

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:15 am
by Kiriana
Where is Snow White!!

All these dwarves and no dead chick in a glass coffin on the table?? WHAT!!

HEHE sorry, but had Shrek on the brain.

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:49 am
by Mirimaran
David wrote:
Also, as a side note: I think that we should combine all the Dwarf pics and other Hobbit news into one general "Hobbit News" thread so that we don't get a ton of "New-er-er-er-er-er" threads ;)
A hobbit thread or even forum section would be great, but I love putting -er on the end of things-er :)


Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:48 am
by Cleddyf
is it just my imagination or do these swords look a bit more 'fantasyish' then the ones in lotr?
i think its something about the proportions, they look a bit like the finalfantasy/dungeons and dragons replicas

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:10 am
by Ernildir
Greg wrote:These HAVE to be Fili and Kili. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda surprised at the overall lack of axes and the rather scrawny-ness of these two, but I certainly like the paired langseax's on the left.

LOVE the bow/quiver.

You'd think they could have given him more than two arrows, though. :/

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:46 pm
by R.D.Metcalf
Mirimaran wrote:Well, you have to consider that the book, "The Hobbit" was written by a hobbit (Bilbo) and translated by Prof. Tolkien as a story to tell his children. We all know that Bilbo wasn't quite honest when he first penned the tale of his adventure, especially about the finding of the Ring. Now, since hobbits had become quite famous, more information has come to light, from the libraries of Rivendell, Gondor, Rohan, and of course, the Lonely Mountain. So, who knows what Bilbo might have omitted, or changed ever so slightly, or perhaps just mis-remembered? A book written by a hobbit, for hobbits, would certainly be hobbo-centric as a book written by a dwarf for dwarves would be to dwarves. Perception is reality!

This is true, but it certainly looks like he would've been called on it at some point. Sure he could get by and did get by fibbing a bit about the ring but at other points in the story he wasnt alone and thus could not be too far off the mark in his account at least at those points where living witnesses, even Gandalf himself could easily discredit him.

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:50 pm
by Ringulf
Ernildhir wrote:
Greg wrote: but I certainly like the paired langseax's on the left.

LOVE the bow/quiver.

You'd think they could have given him more than two arrows, though. :/
I like those Langseaxes too in fact I was thinking about making some for my Dwarven Larp character, (I better hurry so I don't just look like I am jumping on the band wagon! lol)

Yeah the bow and arrows are cool but if they are suggesting that this is Thorin as he was the one who shot at the Black Hart over the Gulduin...I don't know, he is kinda dark. (they may be going there with Thorin) Though Beorn did supply many of the dwarves with bows if not all, so I suppose this isn't conclusive. This dwarf almost looks like Richard Armatage, so I would not be too suprised.

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:57 pm
by R.D.Metcalf
Ringulf, nothing relevent to the thread but I love your tag line 8)

Based, unless I miss my guess, on the words of Skirnir, vassel of Freyr to the giantess that would be his lords bride: "Fearlessness is best for the man who sticks his nose out of doors, the day of my death was fated long ago."

Re: New-er-er Dwarves!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:02 pm
by Jonathan B.
Ringulf wrote:
Ernildhir wrote:
Greg wrote: but I certainly like the paired langseax's on the left.

LOVE the bow/quiver.

You'd think they could have given him more than two arrows, though. :/
I like those Langseaxes too in fact I was thinking about making some for my Dwarven Larp character, (I better hurry so I don't just look like I am jumping on the band wagon! lol)

Yeah the bow and arrows are cool but if they are suggesting that this is Thorin as he was the one who shot at the Black Hart over the Gulduin...I don't know, he is kinda dark. (they may be going there with Thorin) Though Beorn did supply many of the dwarves with bows if not all, so I suppose this isn't conclusive. This dwarf almost looks like Richard Armatage, so I would not be too suprised.
Those are Fili and Kili and I'm still not liking the lack of beards.