Dunedain Star Brooch orders

For the buying & selling of Ranger Related items.

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Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by E.MacKermak »

OK. We have largely decided to go ahead with the order of the star brooches. The discussion thread is here: http://www.ranger.budgetauthenticity.or ... p?f=7&t=21 Please use the linked thread for any discussions.

This thread is for placing the orders ONLY. The star design can be seen on the thread linked above. The maker can make them in either bronze or stainless steel so please include which metal you want in your order. These will be pin on brooches approximately 1 1/2 - 2 inches tall. Cost per piece is $20 and is due when they are ready to ship. Set up fee is $55 total and will be split amongst the total number of people who place an order. I will update the list of who wants one as people speak up.

When the time comes, PayPal payment is preferred to mystique{at}phulesgold.com. Alternative methods can be worked out if you do not have PayPal.

Erich MacKermak- 3 steel
Peter Remling- 2 steel
M Capanelli- 1 bronze
Eledhwen- 2 bronze
Faolan- 1 steel
Kaelin- 1 steel, 1 bronze
Greg- 1 steel
Chris Russo- 2 steel
Ernhildir- 1 steel
Mirimaran- 2 bronze
Pwyll- 2 bronze
Ranger of Arthedain- 1 steel
Appalachian Ranger- 1 steel, 1 bronze
Jorolmir- 2 steel
Beornman- 1 steel
Ringulf- 1 bronze, 2 steel
Last edited by E.MacKermak on Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:59 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Peter Remling
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Peter Remling »

Peter Remling- 1 steel
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by mcapanelli »

1 bronze please. I don't have Paypal though so please PM me with alternatives.
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Eledhwen »

1 Bronze if you please.

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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Faolan »

1 steel
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by kaelln »

1 steel and 1 bronze please.
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Greg »

For starters, 1 steel. Subject to change, with notice.
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Chris Russo »

2 steel (but later I may change my mind to make it 3)
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Ernildir »

1 steel
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Mirimaran »

Two bronze but I hope we have a little lead time for when the money is due. We are on a budget but I will try to start saving up!

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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Pwyll »

I want to order two of these. But I also don't do paypal, so can you let me know about other pay options? Ack, bronze. Ys bronze.

Awesome work, BTW. Thank you for taking the lead on this!

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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Ranger of Arthedain »

1 steel, please.

Like a couple of others I don't have a paypal account either.
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by appalachianranger »

1 Steel and 1 Bronze, please.
And like Mirimaran, I too am on a tight budget and will have to save.
Prior notice before the due date will be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by dwayne davis »

Two steel.
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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch orders

Post by Beornmann »

1 steel
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