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Help with a name

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:23 am
by Cimrandir
Mae Govannen!

I have been thinking lately and I have decided that I want to change my name. TexasRanger36 sounds kinda stupid in a forum like this. Therefore, I would like to change my name to something in Sindarin.
I have thought of two things that I would like my new name to mean:

Tall Man
South Watcher (Since I live in the South) 8)

So I have been doing some studying. If my research is correct, “Harad” is South, “Tond” is man, and “Adan” is Man. I can’t find anything for Watcher but I did find “Randir” which means Wanderer. So the possibilities are :

Tonnadan = Tall man?
Haradadan = Southman?
Hararandir = South Wanderer?
Tondrandir = Tall Wanderer?

So my questions are is there a word for Watcher? Do these words mean what I think they mean? Do the names make sense? Are the names acceptable in the LOTR universe? :?: I would appreciate any information you knowledgeable chaps could pass on.

Thanks so much!

TexasRanger36 ( for now)

Re: Help with a name

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:41 am
by kaelln
Hi Tex! I use a Sindarin name generator that has Sindarin rules built in. According to it, "tall man" comes out "Tonnadan", "south man" comes out "Haradadan", and "tall wanderer" comes out "Tondrandir",so you got those right. "South wanderer" comes out "Haradrandir" so you were close. There are a couple of other guys that are real experts, though, so I'd run it by them. Ernilder springs immediately to mind.

The name generator can be found here:

Re: Help with a name

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:53 am
by Dailir
Watcher according to A Gateway To Sindarin: A Grammar of an Elvish Language from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings by David Salo would be "Tirn, -dir, -thir, noun.: Watcher [OS *Tirno (The forum won't let me have a root sign so imagine one here)TIR]" Although if I'm correct the root Tir is Quenya.

Re: Help with a name

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:35 am
by Cimrandir
Thanks guys!
kaelln wrote:Hi Tex! I use a Sindarin name generator that has Sindarin rules built in. According to it, "tall man" comes out "Tonnadan", "south man" comes out "Haradadan", and "tall wanderer" comes out "Tondrandir",so you got those right. "South wanderer" comes out "Haradrandir" so you were close. There are a couple of other guys that are real experts, though, so I'd run it by them. Ernilder springs immediately to mind.

The name generator can be found here:
Interesting, that's the same site I got my information from. Thanks for the correction!
Dailir wrote:Watcher according to A Gateway To Sindarin: A Grammar of an Elvish Language from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings by David Salo would be "Tirn, -dir, -thir, noun.: Watcher [OS *Tirno (The forum won't let me have a root sign so imagine one here)TIR]" Although if I'm correct the root Tir is Quenya.
So Southern Watcher would be either Haradir or Haradthir. Tall Watcher would be either Tondir or Tondthir, right? Thanks!

I must admit, this Sindarin language has got me beat. I really need to buy that book.

Re: Help with a name

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:48 am
by Ernildir
Thanks, Kaelln, but I wouldn't call myself an expert. Perhaps just someone who has a little more experience than the average person in utilizing David Salo's Gateway. :lol: That said, I will offer my best yet possibly flawed utilization.


It seems to me that the correct formations of those names are Tonnadan, Haradadan, Haradir, and Tondir, so your translations look good to me.

Re: Help with a name

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:55 am
by Cimrandir
What about Hararandir and Tondrandir ?

Re: Help with a name

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:05 am
by Ernildir
TexasRanger36 wrote:What about Hararandir and Tondrandir ?
Haradrandir and Tondrandir are what I believe to be the correct forms.

Re: Help with a name

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:51 pm
by Cimrandir
Whoops! Thanks for the correction (again)!

So my choices are:

Tonnadan = Tall man
Haradadan = Southman
Haradrandir = South Wanderer
Tondrandir = Tall Wanderer
Haradir = South Watcher
Tondir = Tall Watcher

Well guys, I cannot say how much I appreciate the help. Thanks to all of you!