Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Corrmaz »

maybe Stainless steel EN 1.4301 / AISI 304 (V2A)
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by mcapanelli »

Listen guys, take what I'm about to say as you will, but it's not so easy to make knives. Assuming you have all the equipment that 's in a forge, you still need to trash many a blank before you get your heat treating formula just right. It's not just heating something and quenching it. If your looking to become a blade smith than go for it. After you've invested the thousands in equipment, materials, studies of existing knives in person, and your own time you should be able, after a few years, to make a real working long knife that preforms to it's intended standards. If your just looking to make a piece of steel that looks like a knife but is just for show, you may be able to do that in short order too. yet let's not fool ourselves and think your going to get a sheet of steel, have someone just cut out a blade shape, and heat treat it and that will give you a functional knife. That's VERY far from the truth. If your not willing to put the time and effort in to understanding how these things work and are looking for a shortcut to save some money than your playing a losing and potentially dangerous game. in the end if your not willing to put the time and effort in to learning how to become a knife maker your better off in the long run, both form a financial and functional standpoint, finding a Knife maker that has a good reputation and having your knife custom made. you'll have a knife that made right and will last a lifetime if you don't abuse it. let's not fool ourselves in to thinking this is an easy task because its not. Just ask any smith on any board.
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Corrmaz »

well then find us a custom knife maker that will do any design
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Peter Remling
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Peter Remling »

Corrmaz wrote:well then find us a custom knife maker that will do any design

There are a good many custom knife makers that will do any design you can imagine. That is not the point, the point is can they do it inexpensive enough for for the average forumite.

Several of us are working on something that is hopefully cost effective enough for the group. If it pans out we'll post results here.
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Corrmaz »

whats a name of these knifemakers.
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Peter Remling »

Just do a search on the web. I havn't collected custom knives in over 30 years so I'm a bit out of touch with current makers. There are several knifemakers/bladesmithes here on the forum that could do the job.

Eric C, Arik Estus, Eledhwen, Ben Potter, Brendon Olszowy, to name a few. There are others here that could do the job also. Two of those named are fulltime makers, the others have the skillset to do the job.

You'd have to contact them to see if they would be interested.
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Corrmaz »

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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by hesinraca »

I'm alive!

I realize I haven't been on for a long long long while, and that I am sure a million things have changed.

With that said, I am a professional knife maker, and I haven't had time to sift through this thread to find the design intended, but I can probably make it, possibly even inexpensive enough.

If you want to PM or email me the design, cool, otherwise, I will catch up asap.

Also, sorry for necromancing this thread if it's a dead subject...

-Cedric Hesin Raca
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by hesinraca »

Sorry for the double post. Catching up as best I can.

As a gentle affirmative, Peter is right, that there is a fair bit more to it than that, and while it isn't necessarily hard to do, there are quite a few steps that you need to be aware of, that are less obvious. I met a guy recently that makes nice looking knives. On further convo I found out that he was making ten under the assumption that 'knives crack during hardening, just how it goes' and if he made ten at a time he might get 6 'good ones'. Long story short he skips a few very important steps for proper metal treatment, martensite control, and other what nots that make a knife as good in ten years as it is day one. The other 6 that are 'good' probably have microfractures and high-tension stress areas that if hit, twisted, or rubbed the right (wrong?) way, could cause the knife to fracture and break.

I can make you knives, albeit at as fair a cost as I can manage, or you can travel to Portland OR and I will teach you to make a knife for not much more :-P

Bonus: Trackersearth.com is in portland. I contract with them to teach now and then. Real-world Ranger training. Are you drooling yet?

PS, that stainless you posted a few slots up is very low carbon. Won't stay sharp at all, and will probably not harden terribly well either.
-Cedric Hesin Raca
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by sgainbrachta »

I can most likely do it.

Draw me what you want, full-size and scan it- then I can tell you yes or no. If you can't do it full size, a scale drawing will work, too. But as you have a pretty specific style in mind, I prefer to work from a drawing. From there, I can help refine the piece to a working concept that we can BOTH be happy with!

Understand, a throwing knife is against nature, and even all the special forces types that folks think do this stuff all the time say "Don't throw you enemy a weapon!" That said, I can make one. Understand, for it to survive as a thrown knife, the point has to be pretty substantial, and the metal pretty soft. This knife WILL NOT hold a good edge. It could chop- but not slice well. Basically, it would be a very small, inefficient camp knife.

A longer blade for general use is pretty easy, all things considered. If you want to beat it against other swords, I would make a tiny bit softer and tougher than normal- but it will still hold a good edge. This is an example of a seax I made, about 19 1/4" in the blade, 25 3/4" OAL. It's made of a leaf spring- and left at spring temper. It can hold one helluva edge- but is VERY tough. The blade has copper inlay and pins, and the handle is of stacked leather, brass and masur birch.

I've been making knives for about 25 years, and let me tell you- it is both easy and a lot harder than you think...



As you might note, I tend to do more working pieces than "pretties". I'll leave that to those that do them well!
19 1/4" blade, 25 3/4" OAL.  5160 steel, copper, brass, leather and masur birch
19 1/4" blade, 25 3/4" OAL. 5160 steel, copper, brass, leather and masur birch
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Daerir »

Ernildir, I too share a love for the Ranger's Apprentice books and I too desire the ranger double scabbard. I am in the processes of making one. I have the Cold Steel Sure Balance Thrower and a Cold Steel Saxe Machete, customized but not complete, as the set. The throwing knife is 13" long with a 9" blade length. My saxe is the 18" blade because I recall reading that it was more like a shortsword than a knife. My saxe is in need of a handle still and then I only need to make the scabbard and tah dah Ranger Dual Knife Scabbard.
thrwoer.jpg (108.5 KiB) Viewed 26349 times
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Ernildir »

Very nice!

I ended up going a similar route, though abandoning the double knife thing in favor of simply sheathing a rehilted 18" saxe in my quiver and carrying three throwing knives in my belt (which also happen to be leather-wrapped Cold Steel Sure Balance Throwers). Which I still have never learned to throw properly. >.<
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Daerir »

Ernildir wrote:Very nice!

I ended up going a similar route, though abandoning the double knife thing in favor of simply sheathing a rehilted 18" saxe in my quiver and carrying three throwing knives in my belt (which also happen to be leather-wrapped Cold Steel Sure Balance Throwers). Which I still have never learned to throw properly. >.<
hold them close to thebottom of the handle with your pinky over the hole, bring it up over your shoulder and throw it sor of like an axe
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Greg »

For those interested, Andy Davis, formerly of the Mad Dwarf Workshop, is nearly finished with these. I don't doubt you know what their intended use is...
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Re: Ranger's Apprentice Style Saxe Knife and Throwing Knife

Post by Manveruon »

Daaaaaaaang, those are nice.
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