Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Erhilir »

Ringulf wrote:"camp" fires are where they are made, "Forest" or "wild" fires are where they spread too when campfires are not properly tended to.

"Carelessness" with fire in the woods is insufferable, and a ranger would never allow that.
That's what I said
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Ringulf »

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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Jonathan B. »

shadowshutter wrote:
Ringulf wrote:"camp" fires are where they are made, "Forest" or "wild" fires are where they spread too when campfires are not properly tended to.

"Carelessness" with fire in the woods is insufferable, and a ranger would never allow that.
That's what I said
Greg and Odigan were camping in the woods so that is where they made their fire. Sorry if campfires in the woods really piss you off but the woods are pretty much the best place to camp and fires if done properly are no more dangerous in them than in an open field. Now I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a complete ass but this "but campfires in the woods really piss me off " kinda got my back up as saying that is akin to telling people not to Camp in the wood/forests which is asinine.
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Jon »

:shock: :?
But that would mean that I would have to walk like 12 miles away from my camp to some random field just to eat my roast chicken?? :(
Anyway Shadowshutter, my experience with the Mediterranean climate is that campfires in forest are fine, as long as you can contain them properly. The undergrowth here gets very dry in the summer and, a stray ember could start a forest fire. But in the US in November it must be quite different.

And Greg, what exactly are those sort of padded things that cover your upper arm? I think I've seen them on the rangers in the movie.

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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Peter Remling »

Gentleman, Please remember english is probably not Shadowshutter's first language, so what is inappropriate to us may be a simple translation error.

Shadowshutter, the phase "pisses me off" is a fairly strong admonishment and implies that their actions really make you angry. Both the gentlemen you are addressing are experienced campers/hikers and would not endanger either themselves, their loved ones or the wooded areas we all love. If you'll read some of the older postings of these gentlemen you'll see they are both experienced.

I think a more civil expression would have been that you were concerned about fire safety. This way they would have simply explained about the woodlands in the US and the recent rainfall without ruffling any feathers of anyone. I might suggest that you refrain from slang as this appears to have set people off.

If you are ever wondering if a phase might not be taken as you mean it, please don't hesitate to pm or someone else and I'm sure we'll be more than happy to help you with phasing in english.

Finally don't get upset, we are happy to have you here and miss-communication does occasionally happen here and elsewhere.
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Cimrandir »

Well, it looks like a fun time was had by all. I wish I could have gone. Maybe next year...
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Erhilir »

I didn't know what the phrase really mean and ok the fires can be in the woods but in areas that grows grass that isn't flameable. And I say these things because I have seen with my own eyes what a forest fire can realy do: In summer 2008 almost half of greek forest's were burnt either of careless or emprism :shock: :( . At summer we are going in our cottage in Peloponissos. There is a forest near the house and the fire almost destroyed it and that was very bad for me. Since then every second weekend I am planting trees with my family thats why I get so angry when people start a fire in the woods. Sorry if I sound like an idiot before I haven't taken my lower in english yet. :oops:
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Ringulf »

You certainly don't sound like an idiot, and no one on this board would imply that! Your command of English is far beyond most of any of us in a second language (though there are some cunning linguists out there! :roll: )

I could hear in your words the passion about fire safety from the start, even if those words were somewhat terse and in this case innacurate, but beleive me, all of us here share your passion and many have seen the type of devastation you witnessed as well.

My home here in Florida has seen horrible fires that have threatened our lives and property over and over, so it is not a thing we take lightly.

As Pete said you are a welcome addition to these boards, so do not feel like we think any less of you for the challenges you encounter with the language barrier!
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Erhilir »

Thanks Ringulf
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Lori »

I am new to the forums, but I am not new to campfires... The fact that people are jumping down each others throats before ASKING for all the facts is wrong and immature.

After meeting Odigan I realized that he has a lot of experience with the outdoors and also respect nature more then most anyone I have met.

Greg (since I am married to the man...) not only has lots of experience as a "ranger" he was also a park ranger and taught on fire safety all the time. He also has a fire permit in California (a very dry area where permits are required), but this was in Indiana where fire permits are not required because it is a very WET area.

Reading peoples comments on whether these two men were capable of "handling" a fire all-by-themselves (since people are treating them like children and being bossy, I had to add that) is honestly silly and most comical.

I should not have even given any information because we do not have to answer to any of you. We are adults (believe it or not) and we answer to what the laws are here. IF you are from somewhere else, please understand that things are different from one state to another and even more so from one country to another.
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Greg »

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you my wife! =) Thanks to everyone who was supportive during this little misunderstanding...I'm sure Odigan appreciates as much as I do the numerous complements to he and I's skills and experience.

At this point, I believe we're all on the same page, and can happily go back to telling us how awesome we all are...sound good to you?
Dirhael wrote:And Greg, what exactly are those sort of padded things that cover your upper arm? I think I've seen them on the rangers in the movie.
They are laced-on "sleeve caps" as I call them. Faramir's garb includes them, and I thought it'd be a nice touch to cover up a bit of my shiny maille as well as help quiet it down. It's basically just a section of a gambeson worn OVER the maille rather than under. I doubt it's period in that use, but there are some similarities between several other garments enough to make it plausible. I like 'em...they added a nice touch.
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Odigan »

Lori wrote:After meeting Odigan I realized that he has a lot of experience with the outdoors and also respect nature more then most anyone I have met...
Greg wrote:I'm sure Odigan appreciates as much as I do the numerous complements to he and I's skills and experience.
I do indeed! I didn't feel it appropriate or necessary to defend myself in this instance but it's certainly nice to have others vote in one's confidence! I do actually understand and appreciate the concern over fire safety which prompted this whole debacle, but it really should have been a separate topic.
Greg wrote:It's basically just a section of a gambeson worn OVER the maille rather than under. I doubt it's period in that use, but there are some similarities between several other garments enough to make it plausible.
It is certainly proper to wear a padded garment over maille, and this does permit for much more bulk than under, where it would bind and be less comfortable and effective. Though terminology is imprecise, the current more-or-less accepted definition is that padding worn under armour is an aketon, a standalone defense is a gambeson, and a reinforcement or addition worn over armour is a jack or jupon. Individual interpretations vary of course, but that's the basic way of it.
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Erhilir »

Sorry that I have passed judgement that quick :P
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by Drogo Greenhood »

I agree with Odigan and Ringulf concerning campfires, as I myself have camped during rainstorms in woods with leaves wet and thick. Even Smokey the bear knows changes in moisture make every day different, and the NPS does controlled burnings now to reduce uncontrolled forest fires. I have written a treatise on the importance of small fires for numerous reasons including the reduction of fallen dead wood (again reduction of forest fires). My experience comes from living with Forest Fire-Fighter Rangers at Yosemite and Crater Lake National Parks. Beyond the small fire I am also very impressed with the other photos showing garb, landscape, and encampment. Odigan is like a brother to me, and he is one of the few people I trust entirely on a camping trip, because he has proven himself to me over the years. ... all-fires/
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Re: Indy Moot 2011 - RECAP and PICS Now Included

Post by dwayne davis »

Greg, I am gladd you guys enjoyed youreselves. it appears a good time was had by all (even the four legged ranger) . Perhaps next time theyll be enough for some ranger games, cause we all share the same intrest, and allot of us associate away from the fourm as well,we all get allong. now thats about as warm and fuzzy as youll ever see me get. Peace yall.
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