Ultimate Ranger Cloak

A place for pics and tutorials on making Soft Kit (clothing and accessories like buckles and cloak pins).

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Re: Ultimate Ranger Cloak

Post by Greg »

wulfgar wrote:In my mind the separate hood like Taurynor's is more in line with what Tolkein had in mind. In the Hobbit especially he talks about the Dwarves having their colored hoods, and Bilbo borrows "a dark green hood ( a little weather-stained ) AND a dark green cloak from Dwalin" This leads me to beleive that they were two completely separate items.
Agreed. If I had the presence of mind to order enough fabric, I would have assembled mine in that configutation...it was the original plan. I just goofed. I don't think there are any actual period examples of cloaks with hoods attached until closer to the renaissance, if my memory serves me decently. The nice thing about a hooded cloak is, once material becomes available for the mantle portion of a hood, you can simply detach the hood, stitch it to the mantle, and hem the cloak's neckline.

In the meantime, however, the lack of additional fabric is, once again, a blessing in that I've got less weight to truck around, which I'm (again) really trying to focus on, since I still manage to wind up with more weight in my snapsack than I really want there.

Anywho, here's with hood up. The angle it was shot at doesn't show the length well...it's actually closer to being mid-calf (seen better in the last pic):
...and with the leading edges pulled forward:
...and lastly, the back.
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Re: Ultimate Ranger Cloak

Post by Daerir »

That back shot really reminds me of the hobbits' cloaks in the fellowship ;)
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Re: Ultimate Ranger Cloak

Post by Ernildir »

Very nice! I would try that design myself if I weren't a fan of unconventional asymmetry at the expense of practicality. XD
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Re: Ultimate Ranger Cloak

Post by Ringulf »

In the meantime, however, the lack of additional fabric is, once again, a blessing in that I've got less weight to truck around, which I'm (again) really trying to focus on, since I still manage to wind up with more weight in my snapsack than I really want there.
By the way I would enjoy renewing the snapsack conversation, in light of the whole new bedroll and haversack topic we have been discussing.
I would enjoy it if you could campare and contrast the snapsack with the haversack and swag. I think the discusion would benefit by its inclusion.
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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