A Challenge

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Re: A Challenge

Post by Ringulf »

Now that is the perfect "Ranger's Secretary" My secratery at home all snug in my room, is fun for warmly writing and reading and dreaming away my hours, but Odigan, that cluster of tree stumps looks like it is the perfect campain desk for a Ranger of the north!

Great pictures! :D
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
I throw axes, seaxes, and pointy sticks, And I fire my bow through the day.
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Re: A Challenge

Post by Greg »

Great stuff, Odigan! Bravo for getting out there! The rest of you have SIX more days to join the cool kids' club!

Side note: If it doesn't snow again down here soon, I'm going to have to hurt something.
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Re: A Challenge

Post by Ernildir »

So here is my last-minute inept attempt at joining the cool kids' club.

A few of my siblings and I went to a place with a small river to practice our minstrelsy. I decided to throw on my cloak so I could claim to be Rangering at the same time. Pretty weak, huh? Better than spending the day in my room, at least. :mrgreen: I don't have any pictures of the river, unfortunately, but here is one of us warming our cold hands by a modern yet not-illegal fire after playing a few tunes.


We also went to a pretty little glass chapel by the sea. I was reading a book.

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
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Re: A Challenge

Post by Manveruon »

I dig the chapel! Looks very Rivendell-ish.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: A Challenge

Post by Greg »

Very nice, Eric! Didn't know you played accordion. And your brother has picked up Bodhran, I see! My compliments to him as well!
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Re: A Challenge

Post by Ernildir »

Thank you. The accordion is a new venture. Picked one up via craigslist a couple months ago and have been spending as many hours as possible on it ever since my winter break began.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
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