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Should Ernildhir cut his hair?

Total votes: 25

Re: Hair

Post by kaelln »

It looks much healthier!
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Urush bithî 'nKi ya-nam bawâb
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Re: Hair

Post by Greg »

My compliments to the barber; excellent work.
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Re: Hair

Post by Ernildir »

Thanks, everyone!

The barber was actually Estelliel's identical twin. o.0
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
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Urush bithî 'nKi ya-nam bawâb
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Re: Hair

Post by Greg »

The one laughing in half of the video clips you sent me, or the one IN half of them?

Regardless, excellent work indeed!
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Re: Hair

Post by Ernildir »

The one in half of them. Estelliel was filming most of those, and she was the one who was laughing. ;)
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
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Re: Hair

Post by Estelliel* »

I was not laughing in half of them... only one or two. :P
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Urush bithî 'nKi ya-nam bawâb
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Re: Hair

Post by Greg »

Estelliel* wrote:I was not laughing in half of them... only one or two. :P
Let's just say it was memorable, then.
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Peter Remling
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Re: Hair

Post by Peter Remling »

While were discussing cutting things off, Estelliel*, if you'd like me to trim off that nasty asterick, :lol: just pm me.
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