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Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:35 pm
by E.MacKermak
OK...just got the latest e-mail from him...he can mix and match the order so those that want steel can get steel and those that want bronze can get that. All for the same price. Safe bet we can go forward on this?

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:54 pm
by Greg
I say go for it.

Do we have any details on what kind of pin your maker is willing to/capable of setting them up with for attachment to garments, etc?

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:00 pm
by Jon
So how much would we actually be paying? Around 25$?

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:29 am
by Kiriana
Dirhael wrote:So how much would we actually be paying? Around 25$?

You can expect $20 per broach no matter what.. as for the set up costs.. that $55.. that will be split evenly amongst however many decide to go ahead with it.

So, if there are 10 who want to get them.. then it comes to 5.50 each.. if there are more members then the cost goes down.

So yes it could cost you 25.50 total.. but, we only have to pay setup costs now.. and after he makes them, and they are ready to ship.. then we pay the $20 per broach at that time.

Hope that helps!!

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:28 am
by E.MacKermak
Greg, I told him we wanted a simple, medieval style pin backing for attaching to clothing. I am not sure what exactly he is planning to use, but probably something along the lines of a simple spring type pin, nothing fancy.

I am setting up another thread in the Fore Sale area for orders. This way orders do not get lost in the discussion as this continues. Payment for the brooches will be do when they are ready to ship. Once I know how many people want to order, I will know what set up will be.

Also, he can do either design. Which design do we want to go with so I can let him know?

The order thread is here: http://www.ranger.budgetauthenticity.or ... f=2&t=1152

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:45 am
by Faolan
I like the second design myself, it's a little cleaner!


Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:53 am
by Peter Remling
I also like the second simpler design.

Absolutely no throwing them like shurikans, Greg!


Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:54 am
by Faolan
well there goes my plans!

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:03 am
by kaelln
I like the simpler design as well.

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:09 am
by Greg
Peter Remling wrote:I also like the second simpler design.

Absolutely no throwing them like shurikans, Greg!

Did I suggest that I was going to?

DANGIT! Must've been "think-typing out loud".

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:37 pm
by Jon
Can they be shipped to the UK?

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:36 pm
by Chris Russo
I'm throwing my lot in with the "Second and Simpler" crowd, please.

And just a clarification: will he be keeping this mold semi-permanently? What I mean is, say in a few years I need some more stars, for children or apprentices, I'll be able to order more then?

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:49 pm
by E.MacKermak
Dirhael, I don't see any reason we can't get them shipped to the UK.

Chris, I am sure he will keep the mold around for a while. I'll let him know there is a possibility we might want more at a later date.

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:50 pm
by Ernildir
I also support the simpler design.

And like Chris, I would like to be able to have the opportunity to order more in the future. If this guy ever feels a need to be rid of the mold after so many years, let's see if he can't just get it to one of our Rangers for safekeeping.

Re: Dunedain Star Brooch...

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:39 am
by Pwyll
Hey, EM, got your reply on alternatives to PayPal, very good. But for some reason, my replies aren't leaving my outbox. So I'll repeat my question here. When do we do this?