Pictures of your ranger kit

A place for pics and tutorials on making Soft Kit (clothing and accessories like buckles and cloak pins).

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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by kaelln »

You definitely have nailed the look! Great job!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Ringulf »

Wow just looking at your stuff was enough to know you put alot into it ,But seeing the concept sketch then your final product...well executed! All the more impressive! :mrgreen:
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by mcapanelli »

Manveruon wrote:I'm resurrecting this thread! I kinda' feel like it should be sticky. Anyone?

At any rate, I wanted to share some of the newest pics of me in my gear, although they're not amazing, and it's far from what I'd consider complete. So first off, here's a shot of my kit as of Halloween 2011 (the pictures should be clickable for higer-res versions:


The above shot shows how everything looked at that point in comparison to the basic sketch I did of what I wanted it all to look like initially. It has definitely evolved from there.
Below is the most recent picture of me taken last weekend at Starfest - a big sci-fi/media convention here in Denver. Truly, I had a miserable weekend in which pretty much nothing whatsoever went right, but I got the chance to wear the outfit finally, and this is the result. Still very much a work in progress though.


Here's another from the same day with some goofy friends: ... day-27.jpg

The lighting is terrible, and I feel like I look a bit like a doofus in those. Maybe it's because the flash totally washed me out, and maybe it's because I look better with a fuller beard. Or maybe it's because I'm horribly sleep deprived and having a miserable time, heh. Who can tell. Anyhow, here it is!
In this shot you can see me sporting my new coin purse, new belt pouch (to the far side), and my new thin belt. I'm also wearing the archery bracer I posted about a while back, and the brand new back quiver that wasn't even done at the time, technically (though obviously it was wearable). So there you go!

Incidentally, if anyone is interested, the photobucket album where I've got all my ranger progress pics is open to all, and you can peruse it right here: ... 20Costume/

Finally, here is a link to my DeviantArt gallery, where I have several pics taken of me over the winter in full garb (though not quite as up-to-date). Not sure if I've shown it here yet or not:
Dude! It looks great! Where the hell did you get those boots?
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »

Thanks a million, guys! I kind of cheated a little with the sketch, in that I already owned some of the costume pieces represented there, so the overall look was fairly easy to arrive at from there. Still, I think it helped me get an idea of what I wanted the final product to resemble. The whole thing is still definitely evolving a lot. Now that I have the straps added to my quiver I'm going to see if I can rig it to attach a bedroll as well. We'll see. Otherwise I'll probably just design a separate one.

And just because I find it interesting, and am crazy like that, here's a breakdown of everything I'm wearing:

To answer mcapanelli's question, the boots are something of my own design. They were actually my step-dad's old work boots, and I needed Aragorn boots for when I was putting that costume together a while back, so I had a shoe repair guy I know cut the tops off them and sew on extra-long shafts of faux-leather so I could then fold them over and tie them up like Strider's movie boots. I'd like to re-do these with actual leather eventually, and I'd probably just do it myself now that I have a bit more experience in working with leather. Still, it's a really easy design, and they've made great ranger boots. I would recommend that method to anyone looking for a pair of unique boots for their kit.

Anyway, up from there I'm wearing a pair of brown cotton exercise pants, taken in just a bit, as a temporary substitute for proper chausses or trousers. That's one of my next projects. On top I'm wearing a natural/white linen shirt, in a very basic t-tunic pattern, split up the sides. On top of that I have a slightly longer green linen tunic, trimmed in brown linen. It is based loosely on the Bocksten tunic, but with a split in front and back instead of the triangular gusset (although I did add gussets on the sides). I hand-stitched all visible seams on both the undershirt and tunic, but the inside seams were done by machine. I think all the hand-stitching came out really well though, especially since I decided to blanket-stitch all the hems, just to give it a bit of rustic flair. Being linen, the tunics are good for warm weather, but not fantastic for cold. Still, I've worn it in both and it's held up just fine.

Then, over all this I wear a long, lightweight leather jerkin/vest/surcoat/thing, with braided ties up the front, in the style of the one worn by Strider in the LotR films. Again, this is left over from when I was making that costume. A very talented friend actually made the jerkin for me years back by tearing apart an old ugly leather coat from the Goodwill, turning it inside out so the suede side showed, and then using the pieces to create this magnificent garment. It's still one of my very favorite pieces of garb.

After that I've got my cowl, which I believe is made of some kind of felted cotton, perhaps flannel. This was originally just scrap fabric someone had given me, and it was the right color, so I used it for my first ever totally-on-my-own sewing project.

Then there are the accessories. I recently made a decorated thin belt with hardware from Tandy and a replica 12th Century buckle and strap-end from Raymond's Quiet Press (pics can be seen in my Photobucket gallery). It is decorated further with oak leaf stamps and an antique brown leather stain. Then there's the non-licensed replica of Strider's movie sword and sheath with byknife that someone I knew from the renaissance festival just gave me as they no longer wanted it (I was pretty shocked). It's basically a cheap wall hanger, and it's way bigger than I'd like my sword to be, but for now it's the best thing I've got until I can save enough money for a really nice historical replica. This hangs from a fairly plain latigo belt I also was going to use for Strider originally. On my left wrist I wear a hand stitched and riveted archery bracer, also dyed with the antique brown stain. Then, from the thin belt hangs my coin purse, (made of overstock leather from the Pirates of the Caribbean film productions, incidentally). It's based on a 12th century coin purse or reliquary pouch in the Museum of London, and is totally hand-stitched with waxed linen thread. I also carry my side pouch on this belt, and in between its two straps I carry a sheath knife. I bought the knife at a mountain-man reenactment shop in Colorado Springs, and it's got a beautiful curly maple handle and a hand-forged blade that was given a light acid wash to bring out the unique almost-Damascus style pattern in it.

Finally, on my back I carry my new quiver, and my arrows, all of which I made myself. The arrows are held in a linen arrow bag with a leather trip at the top that closes with a drawstring to protect the fletches from the weather. At the convention I also started carrying a sort of modern bota bag. It's one of those suede-covered plastic bota-shaped bottles that they sell at so many ren faires, and it came with a plastic squirt nozzle, but it warped slightly, so now it leaks. Instead I simply replaced the squirt top with a cork and wrapped leather around the obvious plastic screw-top, and voila! Woks great now!

So anyway, I hope that gives a decent rundown of everything I've got in my kit! Feel free to ask any questions you may have!
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by RangerKellen »

Thanks for the rundown of what your wearing! :)
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Jonathan B. »

New Sword
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by RangerKellen »

Sweet! I too got a new sword but I'm not sure if I should post any pictures of it or not... :)
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by robinhoodsghost »

Ranger Jonathan thats a great looking sword, your kit and Ranger Manveruron's kit inspire the rest of us. Thanks!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Greg »

Review! Review! Review!

It's lovely, Jonathan. Can't wait to see it with your rig.
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Yavion »

RangerKellen wrote:Sweet! I too got a new sword but I'm not sure if I should post any pictures of it or not... :)
Post it. No one is going to judge you. Heck, I'm of the opinion that most of the swords people decide on are totally out of range for LotR, but the people that have them like them and they rock them. More power to them! I'm sure there are people that would think my style choice in a blade is outside of the style, but there you go. ^_~
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by RangerKellen »


I'm not really sure if this is going to turn out as an image or a link but either way you can still see the photo! My mom's hardware isn't http:// so we just went to the website where I bought it and copy pasted it on here.

It's a Masonic Cross Sword so it's only about a foot and half but it's still sharp! I believe it is a stainless steel blade but I'm not entirely sure. I've only had it for three days now but it's given me a lot of joy! Whenever I'm outside practicing with my bow I'll take it out there too to get used to shooting with a sword on!

The black strap you see in the pictures is my make-shift belt! It's not the best but it holds my sheath on!


And these are just a little something I bought to try out. Ninja stars! There are three of them: one 5 point, one 4 point, and one 3 point. They are smaller than they look but have great balance. And the best part, it comes with a button-up, nylon case! Their a little hard to get in and out of the case but I'm working on it.

They also stick into my archery target so while I'm outside I can work on archery, swordsmanship, and throwing my ninja stars! Any other questions feel free to ask!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by RangerKellen »

Sorry I forgot that my sheath isn't in the sword picture. :oops:
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Peter Remling »

RangerKellen, congratulations on your sword. Just be careful not to swing it at anything. Stainless can be a bit brittle. It will hold an edge but can break fairly easily so just use it for cutting (like a knife) and go easy on the swordplay.

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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by RangerKellen »

Haha I will! Thanks Peter!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »

Yavion wrote:
RangerKellen wrote:Sweet! I too got a new sword but I'm not sure if I should post any pictures of it or not... :)
Post it. No one is going to judge you. Heck, I'm of the opinion that most of the swords people decide on are totally out of range for LotR, but the people that have them like them and they rock them. More power to them! I'm sure there are people that would think my style choice in a blade is outside of the style, but there you go. ^_~
Now you've gotten my curiosity stirred, heh. Sooo, what IS your style choice in a blade?
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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