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Re: Rangers of the North, and South

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:08 pm
by Ruusun
I think too that our group is interpreting how the Fourth Age might have been. There's lots to consider - not only the clothing but the politics as well. Stormraven and I were discussing the possible politics of supply the other day. Would the Rangers have gotten their leather packs from villagers in Ithilien, make themselves or might the Kingdom got somewhat politicized by having contractual suppliers of such things from Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, etc. It's the same thing with women. Yes, Aragorn would probably have been okay to women joining the military but how many actually would? It was a feudal society with all the trappings of patriarchy. But even in our own history, there have been women warriors that have stood out - Joan of Arc, et al. And look at all the women who disguised themselves as men (Eowyn included)to fight. No, I don't think we would be plentiful but we would be there - maybe more Elves than Humans but then the Elves were fading too so they had a time limit.

Re: Rangers of the North, and South

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:20 pm
by Ringulf
There will always be those strong individualists who end up taking their place in history as the exceptions to the rule, and thank Eru that they do!
For History and Fantasy do not favor well the tame or compliant, at least not as it does those men and women who swim against the tide.
The fact that they are few gives them singularity, just as it does here. :mrgreen: