Archer's glove

A place for pics and tutorials on making Soft Kit (clothing and accessories like buckles and cloak pins).

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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Druin »

I would like to echo the general praise for Gondian, and I've got a couple of answers to questions posted on this topic. First off, if you're looking for excellent gloves for the base of your archer's bracer, I recommend you visit your local rock climbing shop and get a pair of belaying gloves. They are far more durable than weight-lifting gloves, have half-fingers so that you get maximum protection without sacrificing much dexterity, and a reinforced palm (they're made for sliding ropes through them after all). They're also nice for sword fighting, climbing, and general adventuring. You can take any velcro, etc off and modify them however you want.
The other thing I'll share for those who are less excited about making your own is this link: ... &parent=24
There you can buy a ready-made archer's bracer from Ravenswood Leather that looks much like the Russell Crowe Robin Hood one, and much like the one posted by Gondian at the start of this string. If you don't want to buy them, they're still worth a look to get a better idea on how you want to make your own :)
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Manveruon »

Heh, yeah, I already stole all their pictures for reference when I finally get around to making mine. Dig the look a lot.
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Mirimaran »

Now that is a nice bracer *S* Must think hard on that one!

Druin, welcome to the list, btw! You snuck in on us lol care to tell us a little about yourself?

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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Druin »

Can't blame a fellow ranger for sneaking up on you, can ya? ;)
Thank you for the welcome!
Some of my background... I stumbled across this forum while looking for "ranger" images to show my upcoming Ranger Corps (little scheme I'm working on. This site has been great for inspiration) and give them an idea of the "look" we want to go for. Basically I'm hoping to get a local group of rangers together, probably relying heavily on SCA contacts, and to teach, learn, and practice ranger skills and crafts together. I've been shooting a bow since I was 5, so kinda got born into the archery thing. I hunt big game and small with my bow. I'm the Archery Champion and Marshal for our local barony (Rivenoak, West Kingdom, SCA), and I teach archery as well. I love pretty much everything about Tolkien's rangers, and the other rangers undoubtedly inspired by his works (currently working rapidly through the Ranger's Apprentice series with my wife and kids). For some years now I've been wanting to do the hunting/camping in period/ranger garb thing, and have been working to that end, so coming across this site was truly elating (Gasp! There are MORE like me out there!?!?). I do custom leather work -- armour, sheaths, bags, belts, quivers, tooling (especially Celtic knotwork), and garments. Some of the things I want my Ranger Corps to do are: archery (obviously), get kits together, build our own bows (I've made a laminate longbow and am itching to try a Holmgaard self bow), learn and practice woodsmanship, sword and other melee, knife and 'hawk throwing, and stealth skills, and to periodically all go camping together in full garb. Ideally I'd also like to throw in horsemanship, and the falconry angle sounds immensely cool, if I can find a local falconer. Anyway, I'm excited. I'm also working on some novels, so I apologize in advance for any overly long-winded posts. I DO try to make them entertaining, useful, and/or informative.
On a new guy note, I've been trying to post a pic for my avatar, but am continually thwarted by the 6 KB limit. I just can't make the image any smaller, or with less resolution. Is there some trick to getting it to work? Thanks for the help, and thanks again for the welcome! I'm already feeling inspired by the posts here for new leather projects, ranger games, and new skill sets!
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Willrett »

I'd say you will fit in well here, so welcome. Just remember we always like pictures.
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Mirimaran »

Well met, indeed Druin! It is always a bit shocking when one finds out that they are reinventing the wheel, so to speak :) but you are most welcome here! Concerning your avatar, looking at mine it is set at 80px x 80px, but I used an outside avatar maker as well. Peter is our administrator and he might be more help to you. As Willret said, we love pics on the forum, kit and gear especially, as we all tend to inspire each other. I have to say with some pride that this forum is more like a small family than a disconnected group of people who love Rangers, which we do, but I like logging in every day and seeing what my friends are up to :)

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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Peter Remling »

Druin: Hi and Welcome !

Fr4om the control panel, click on Profile, then click on Edit Avatar.

Click on Browse and locate your picture, first try leaving the Avatar dimensions blank, it should automatically size in the picture. If that fails enter 80 in the box for your longest side (the first box is the width, the second is the height) leave the other blank. It should now size in the picture.
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Gondian »

Hey every one I apologize For not getting these on earlier but here ya go! Ringulf those gloves look awesome! Hope the girls liked 'em? And Druin, Welcome to the ranks!
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Manveruon »

Excellent! Thanks a million! Any tips or tricks for sizing the leather half-gloves?
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Jon »

How thick is the leather you use for the bracer? I have made one, but was wondering if one could combine an archer's bracer and a warrior's vambrace. Maybe reinforce it with splints? Or simply cuir boulli?

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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Greg »

That's what I thought it looked like! Thanks for posting. I was talking to my wife last night, almost disappointedly...because it appears as though I've finished my Ranger kit and had nothing else planned to work on for it. Sad face. Now you've solved my problem, and given me a quick and easy one to work with.

Aaron, I'm aware one can safely and easily shoot off the hand without a glove...particularly if the front edge of the fletching is tied down smoothly...but shooting in the snow numbs the hand, and fletching raking across that stings like no other. So I'd like to give these a try this winter and see how they work out. Good point, all the same.
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Gondian »

Manveruon wrote:Excellent! Thanks a million! Any tips or tricks for sizing the leather half-gloves?
what I did was trace my hand and fore arm and then add about half an inch all the way around. it was a bit tight but after putting it on a couple of times it loosened up somewhat.
Dirhael wrote:How thick is the leather you use for the bracer? I have made one, but was wondering if one could combine an archer's bracer and a warrior's vambrace. Maybe reinforce it with splints? Or simply cuir boulli?

I would hazard a guess that its about 2 and a 1/2 ozs. As for the other questions, your guess is as good as mine. :P
Greg wrote:That's what I thought it looked like! Thanks for posting. I was talking to my wife last night, almost disappointedly...because it appears as though I've finished my Ranger kit and had nothing else planned to work on for it. Sad face. Now you've solved my problem, and given me a quick and easy one to work with.
Thanks Greg! Glad I could be of help! :mrgreen:
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Re: Archer's glove

Post by Druin »

Dirhael wrote:How thick is the leather you use for the bracer? I have made one, but was wondering if one could combine an archer's bracer and a warrior's vambrace. Maybe reinforce it with splints? Or simply cuir boulli?
By the Sword makes leather armour arms for SCA combat archers; this is what they look like:
Here is the actual website: ... -2140.html
13-15 oz leather is considered "armour grade," even without boiling. As an improvement on this design, I would make a flap that fits across the gap, underneath the lacing, so that the outside of your arm in that gap would not be left unprotected. To my mind, this would successfully combine the "archer" and "warrior." Reinforcing with splints isn't a bad idea either. Just don't put any on the inside of the arm where your bowstring will hit them. If you don't like the elbow bit (which is cumbersome if you don't need it for actual SCA or other combat), leave it off. You'd be left with a warrior's bracer that won't interfere with your bow's action.
Thank you, Peter, for the avatar upload explanation. I did try leaving the pixels blank, and it told me the file was too big. I then wasted a good chunk of time trying to change the image size and resolution to make it work, but it continued to be too big. I'll try putting in the 80 pixels method when I'm on my computer at home. I'll feel stupid if that was all I needed to do. (shrug) Ah, well...
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