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Re: Relocation

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:12 pm
by Peter Remling
Greg, with you being a 9-10 hour drive away and you working in a park, maybe you could investigate whether your new facility might allow a bunch of crazy costumed wackjobs, errrr, a highly select group of alternate medieval researchers, to meet on their premises.

I'd recommand waiting a while till they get used of the idea of one, alternate medieval researcher being amongst them first. :)

Re: Relocation

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:21 pm
by Rhys ap Ieuan
Congratulations on the new gig! It must be quite a load off your mind, just knowing what's next.

Re: Relocation

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:36 pm
by E.MacKermak
HMMMM...Muscatatuck wildlife preserve is 20 minutes south of there...and that big national forest on the map. You might have an idea there Peter.
Peter Remling wrote:Greg, with you being a 9-10 hour drive away and you working in a park, maybe you could investigate whether your new facility might allow a bunch of crazy costumed wackjobs, errrr, a highly select group of alternate medieval researchers, to meet on their premises.

I'd recommand waiting a while till they get used of the idea of one, alternate medieval researcher being amongst them first. :)

Re: Relocation

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:31 pm
by Eric C
Greg, will you be releasing Maia then? I think you said you would let her go at the end of the season anyway.

Re: Relocation

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:04 pm
by Greg
Maia will be going back into the wilds on her own this coming Wednesday, actually.

As for hosting a get-together...I'd love to! Our facility, to my knowledge, might not be the best place for this, since it's a highly-trafficked resort-type park, but that national forest Erich pointed out...well, I'l be investigating that one rather soon. But I'd just as soon drive out east to Chris's Appalacian get-together in-the-works this fall.

Re: Relocation

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:35 pm
by Greg
Alright, update time.

For starters, my sponsor has put me in contact with some of the higher-ups in the Indiana Falconers Association, and it's looking like finding a sponsor won't be terribly difficult.

Downside, I still have to find a rental house with a suitable yard for the dog and the bird, and then build a new hawk house on a rather meager budget. Still doable, I believe, but it'll be a challenge.

In other news, I've been in contact with the ARMA for a bit now and was on the cusp of getting involved with the Sacramento study group when this all happened. ARMA doesn't have any folks out in the Indiana Area...does anyone know of any HEMA/WMA groups in the midwest in the Indiana Area? Any info would be much appreciated!

Just did some research on Indiana's weapons laws. There is NOTHING that states anything against swords. They're just big on "no machine guns" and no "propelled" knives, such as switchblades, etc. I think I'll like it there. This also means that, if I can find appropriate public land, a Ranger gathering would be doable.

EDIT: Alright, I've found appropriate public land. Before I say a word about anyone coming out, though, I want to see it for myself, and scout a camping location. Reports are that the place doesn't get real busy during the fall until the Rifle season, which is nice. We can easily avoid that. During the Archery-only season, it's only busy around the lakes, which is also nice. We can avoid that too. Dispersed, unchecked, unpaid camping is allowed year 'round, complete with fires except on advisory days (a luxury in California), so there should be no problem. I'll do some scouting, followed by a trial run overnighter with JBook probably, and then we'll see about a moot in my new area.

All the same, I'd still really like to see about Chris's Appalacian get-together.

Re: Relocation

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:13 pm
by armchair

I'm new on the board, and it looks like you already have some contacts, but I thought I'd throw out a name. There's a guy up here in Indianapolis, name of Mark Booth. Do a search for The Royal Falconer. I've seen him at some Ren Faires, where he's done some good falconry demos.

Re: Relocation

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:22 pm
by Pwyll
Hey, Greg,

First, congrats on what sounds like a great job.

Second, although it's a travel for you, you might want to get together on occasion with the ARMA group in Columbus, OH. I can't say enough good things about them. Studied, skilled, enthusiastic, and just very good people. Yeah, a bit far for regular training, but that's one option for you, at any rate.

Re: Relocation

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:43 pm
by Greg
I'll look into both of those. Thanks, guys!

Re: Relocation

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:21 pm
by Greg

Today, Lori flies back from her preemptive visit to Indiana. She rolls in around 9 pst this evening. Tomorrow will consist of final packing of our car. Wednesday, we leave. We've got the trip planned to take four days, including arrival in Columbus, IN on Saturday. My job starts Monday, the 8th.

Re: Relocation

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:59 pm
by dwayne davis
Greg, glad youre gonna be closer to our part of the counry. wishing you good luck and safe journy on youre drive. :D

Re: Relocation

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:20 pm
by Rhys ap Ieuan
Safe travels, Greg.

Re: Relocation

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:23 pm
by Eric C
Too bad a whole big ol' troupe of us East-Coast rangers can't be there all in kit when Greg arrives! That would be cool. 8)

Re: Relocation

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:23 pm
by Peter Remling
Eric C wrote:Too bad a whole big ol' troupe of us East-Coast rangers can't be there all in kit when Greg arrives! That would be cool. 8)

Yeah that couldn't cause any issues for Greg ! Nothing like a good first impression on a new job like a bunch of folk carrying swords , shouting Huzzah!

Good Luck and safe travels !

Re: Relocation

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:29 pm
by Eric C
Peter Remling wrote:
Eric C wrote:Too bad a whole big ol' troupe of us East-Coast rangers can't be there all in kit when Greg arrives! That would be cool. 8)

Yeah that couldn't cause any issues for Greg ! Nothing like a good first impression on a new job like a bunch of folk carrying swords , shouting Huzzah!

Good Luck and safe travels !
Well... It could be exciting for a while. But I've never been part of a police line-up before. Neither have I had a mug shot taken. Hmm, Greg, go ahead and get settled in and we'll hopefully see you in times to come.

Safe travels!