Happy Birthday Menelgor

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Peter Remling
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Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Peter Remling »

Happy Birthday Menelgor!

Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by kaelln »

Happy Birthday!
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Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Menelgor »

Thank you. With the hope that my next year will bring more rangering (I'm not sure that there is even such a verb) and stuff to share with you guys...
Last edited by Menelgor on Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by kaelln »

Menelgor wrote:...and stiff to share with you guys...
Bite your toungue, bite your tongue, bite your tongue! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Mirimaran »

Happy birthday!!!!!
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Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Menelgor »

Ah, Damn! Stuff, I meant stuff - as in photos, stories, etc. :blush:
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Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Ernildir »

Happy birthday!
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Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Willrett »

Happy birthday
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Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Eric C »

Hope it was a great one. Keep at it and you will be sharing more with us in no time . . . At least that's what I keep telling myself . . . Hasn't worked yet though. :cry: Oh, sorry for the mumbling under my breath. Pretend you didn't hear it.
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Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Menelgor »

I have, but don't mind it... that's what i keep telling myself too :P
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Re: Happy Birthday Menelgor

Post by Cleddyf »

happy belated birthday
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