The boot-build actually begins

A place for pics and tutorials on making Soft Kit (clothing and accessories like buckles and cloak pins).

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Post by hesinraca »

We need a file posting application, does this forum template have one that we can add on? This boot build info sounds interesting;)
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Greg »

Thread bump for pertinent information/topic revival!

Alrighty, I've caved. Andy, bless him wherever he is, has made the best Ranger boots I've seen to date, and I am simply unable to find anything else that I would be content with. My current boots are of the suck, and the improvements I've made just aren't cutting it. It's fall now. Winter is coming. I WILL lose some toes in my current boots unless I make some

I've found some sources online with information regarding boot building, and I think I've got the idea, and am going to give it a try. However, my computer is on the fritz at home, and since Andy's site is down, I have no reference photos.

So, for starters, does anyone have any images of Andy's boots saved on their computer? I'll freely admit to being nerdy enough in my early days of Rangering to have saved nearly every image from his website onto my computer, but they're not available to me now. So if you've got 'em, please throw them up on imageshack or something and post a link here. It'd be a huge help. I'll post my progress here as I can.

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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Eric C »

That would be great! I think my computer ate everything I had gotten from Andy on making boots. There are only a couple of things that I can find, but they aren't very helpful without the rest of the information that goes along with it.
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Peter Remling »

I know I don't have them. I wanted all the recipes that were on his site, but it was down before I thought to save them. I had sent him a message once regarding the old posts but havn't rec'd a reply. That was at least a year ago.
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Eledhwen »





I think these are his boots. Some other stuff from his site, I think, is here ... ndome/Kit/ I put it up there so I could get the boots on here.

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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Willrett »

Damn I want those boots. We need a boot maker.
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Greg »

Siani, you just made my day. That second pair was JUST what I was looking for. I'm gonna attempt to follow the stitches seen in those pictures to help me wrap the foot portion of the boot around mine. I'll probably wind up making a few modification to the overall design since I don't know how the stitches go on the inside and such, but it'll all be utilitarian-based, and it'll all reflect the style Andy was going for. I CAN tell you one, thing, though. They're gonna be HEFTY, probably out of oiled sides from Tandy. I plan to put these boots through every last level of Dante's Inferno, so they're gonna need it. It's occurred to me that I might be able to oven harden the front/toe section to afford the foot protection as though it were an old-fashioned steel toed boot...just need to leave enough space so it doesn't chafe or take away from freedom of movement. *commence research*

Those first ones with the buckles, I believe, Andy made for the late Paul Champagne. Also excellent boots. I just prefer lacing...easier to replace if something goes wrong.
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Greg »

Pardon the double-post, but I've got a question for Eric that I thought would be valuable to everyone interested in working on boots. If anyone else has input on the subject, please feel free to chime in.

Eric had, as is my understanding, the most substantial amount of discussion with Andy out of all active forum members regarding boot making, specifically. Eric, I know a lot of your information got lost due to the folly of technology, but do you happen to know what weight/style/animal of leather Andy recommended/used for his own? The stuff I've been flirting with using seems thicker and stiffer than what his were made of, since his seem to be flexing fairly readily about his shins. I'm pretty sure, according to some posts in this thread, that he sent you some materials himself, so perhaps that could shed some light. I know I mentioned I wanted to use some heavy materials for mine, but I won't want to engineer myself into a pair of the proverbial plastic ski boots that won't allow me freedom of motion, etc.

Andy also spoke in this thread about boot lining, but I can't seem to find any sources explaning what he lined his WITH. I wasn't initially planning to line mine with anything, but perhaps looking into it before deciding would be wise, especially since he had a 100% utilitarian line of thought, which is my goal with my own boots.

Again, these questions are chiefly pointed at Eric since he discussed boot-making with Andy directly and I'm attempting to re-create boots in Andy's style, but that by no means suggests that anyone else with ideas or input shouldn't hop in and throw their own two cents into the mix. Believe me...I need all the help I can get. Most of my projects I can typically fly by the seat of my pants for, but not so with this one. Footwear is too important a thing to cut corners with or make it up as I go.
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Eric C »

Greg wrote: Most of my projects I can typically fly by the seat of my pants for, but not so with this one. Footwear is too important a thing to cut corners with or make it up as I go.

You said a mouthful there! That is why I've taken so long to make another pair (besides my thin mocs). Andy never sent the materials. I think a deployment or something got in the way. IIRC, Andy said to use 3-4 oz leather that would be suitable for mocs. Also he lined his with pigskin.

The way things tend to get moved around on my computer, I'm not 100% certain I've lost what Andy sent me. I think it could be misplaced. I'll scour my files and see if I can come up with anything again. I hate to think it's lost. I wish Andy would come back!
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Greg »

He's certainly always in my prayers. I'm sure we would've gotten word somehow if he were no longer with us. He's just out there being who he is: Dunedain Chieftain, and, like Aragorn, the most traveled Ranger of his time.
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Eledhwen »

From looking at those close up I have a suspicion there's a seam in the back of lower portion. The uppers look to have a tongue and looks to be doubled in an interesting way.

I'd suggest using some stockinette or plastic wrap and duct tape. Use a sharpie to mark the lines on the pieces and cut free. If you use stockinette you don't need to sacrifice socks. Make a mock up pair from heavy cloth first.

It is an interesting pair. I think I'll have a go with it myself. They are nice looking.

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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Eric C »

There IS a seam at the lower back. I had forgotten that until you said so. I never got to the upper. Andy said he would help me with that when I got there.
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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Eledhwen »

They look a lot like medieval shoes and certain moccasins from the Eastern tribes; one piece with a seam in the back. This boot adds uppers, what appears to be a tongue with the doubled portion to protect and close it, and it has a heel cap which would cover that seam. Serious protection from stuff getting in IF that is how they are sorted out. The upper looks to be one piece with the front being open and having a tongue stitched in. THen there's that doubling which covers the front part and laces up the side..or buckles in the other ones.

At least, that's what it looks like. I'm going to give that design a try and see what comes up.

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Re: The boot-build actually begins

Post by Eric C »

I think what happened to my information is that it got lost when I had my computer repaired once. I evidently don't have the communications from Andy anymore.

As per another boot thread that I started, I've got some boots in the works that are based on my plainsman moc pattern from Tandy. I've added generously to several parts, but still need to add to a couple of other parts in order to complete the boots. The soles are holding me back. I simply need to do what I need to do to the rest of the boots, and jump into the soles. If I mess it up, I learn how NOT to do it.
Ichthean Forge (pronounced Ick thee an). Maker of knives, and primitive camping gear.
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