Trek/kit shake out

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A Mayer
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Trek/kit shake out

Post by A Mayer »

Did a little trekking on Friday around Cheyenne Mountain State park. I followed a small trail on the west side of the park then left it and made for a ridgeline I’ve been anxious to explore. It runs off the south end of Cheyenne mountain and to reach it I had to skirt around the border of NORAD. The ridgeline is fairly broad on top with moderate cover along the spine. The entire day was just shy of 8 miles. Beautiful area.
I had my pack loaded for a solid four days of moving. It was right at 30 pounds with water. I’ll add my load out down in the comments.
I did some mods on the shoulder straps and added the side straps not long ago. There’s a small pouch on one side to set my quiver in when strapped on the ruck. The side straps work as compression straps for when the ruck’s not full. I’m very happy with how it rides now.
I also made a new sheath for my small knife. I can wear this one on either side with it angled to the front or rear. My belt kit has pretty much stayed the same. The Messer belt works well with my main belt. Easy to bend over or take a knee.
I also made a bag for my belt rations and tried it out for the first time. It’s oilskin with cloth bags. Other than switching out the oilskin strap for leather, it’s gonna work well, I think. It held two portions of toasted barley, dried apples, walnuts, and a few dried sausages.
Overall, my kit is quiet and comfortable. Hopefully next week I’ll get out again but with the Bow. I want to get some time moving through heavy brush with it strung and unstrung as well as steep terrain.
I passed several couples while still on the trail but no other humans once I headed cross country.
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Taylor Steiner
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Re: Trek/kit shake out

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Frodo lives!
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