So it begins

Whether new to the forum, or completely new to the community, herein you will find the best information to-date to help you get started on the right foot with that dangerous business of going out your door.

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So it begins

Post by redhandfilms »

Mae govannen!
I've been lurking for a while and putting things together. Time to formally introduce myself. I'm Carter. My true ranger name is yet to be found. I'm based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
I've been working and obsessing for the past few months to put together gear and now my first ranger trek is 2 WEEKS AWAY! (Oct 12- Oct 16)

So, some backstory (real life, not ranger persona backstory). I've always loved Tolkien and fantasy. For the past 8 years I've maintained a tradition of watching the extended trilogy with friends every New Years Day. I love D&D and have been in a weekly game for 5 years. Attending Ren Fair in garb happens at least once a year. I started going to DragonCon 12 years ago (cosplaying as a Medieval Batman) and it literally changed my life. I met my wife through a Con, found my people, even got a new career. It helped shape the geek who stands before you today!
That said, the geek life favors the indoors and I have of late heard the call of the wild. I grew up camping and hiking, spending long weekends in the mountains. I have very recently taken up hunting, but Realtree(TM) Camo and a scoped compound crossbow feel like a costume. I've been itching for something more primitive, more me. Looking into bushcraft/survival started to get closer but it just needed the right twist.
Then I had an idea...

My wife runs a geeky food blog, The Gluttonous Geek. There, she explores food in fandom. Books, movies, video games, etc; fiction in all shapes and sizes. While these places and characters may not be real, with a little kitchen magic, we can still share a meal. The subject of Trail Rations in D&D came up and I thought, "Hey, I should totally do that. And by do that, I mean go all out and completely over do that!" I can't just cook up some porridge and jerky on the firepit in the backyard. No, I'm going to put together "period" garb, gear, weapons, food, everything and go running around the woods alone for a week, while filming everything to make content for my wife's blog! I'll have elven waybread hardtack and rabbit stew with PO-TAY-TOES cooked on an open fire. I'll be a real, fantasy ranger.
This is a great idea...

And like any good idea on the internet, somebody is already doing it! Not just one person; a whole forum of you crazy people! 800 members! I already love you all, and also blame you for making me step things up so much and increasing my scope before I've even started. No half measures. I hope to do you all proud and I'll have a lot to show soon.
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Re: So it begins

Post by Iodo »

Welcome and well met :P
redhandfilms wrote: Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:33 pm No, I'm going to put together "period" garb, gear, weapons, food, everything and go running around the woods alone for a week, while filming everything to make content for my wife's blog! I'll have elven waybread hardtack and rabbit stew with PO-TAY-TOES cooked on an open fire. I'll be a real, fantasy ranger.
This is a great idea...

That is indeed a grand ambition, and I wish you the best of luck :mrgreen: but be careful and safe, and make sure all your gear is well tested before you go, the wilds are a dangerous place
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Re: So it begins

Post by Taylor Steiner »

Welcome! Cant wait to see your adventure! Like Iodo said, stay safe out there.
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Re: So it begins

Post by Eofor »

Welcome to the forums! Looking forward to seeing more of your work if that costrel is aught to go by.
But the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears and bitter. Fewer were they but they clove through the Southrons like a fire-bolt in a forest.
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Re: So it begins

Post by Peter Remling »

Welcome and waiting to see your results.
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Re: So it begins

Post by Manveruon »

Welcome, Carter!
Your story sounds an awful lot like my own, back in the day! I was researching woodsman/Ranger costuming and got to thinking “boy, wouldn’t it be cool if I could go out and actually LIVE it?” And all of a sudden, BAM, there was the forum!
Can’t wait to see what you manage with the food blog! I absolutely love the idea of testing out the feasibility of roleplaying game stats in the real world (I think there was a discussion here a while back about pack weights IRL vs. in the D&D handbook, for instance), and I’m excited to see your results!
Anyway, once again, welcome aboard, and here’s to the beginning of many great adventures!
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Re: So it begins

Post by Cimrandir »

Mae govannen! Welcome to the forum. Based on what you've posted so far, it looks like you're already on a great track. Looking forward to seeing more in the coming days!
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Re: So it begins

Post by Elleth »

Mae govannen!

Yes, that costrel looks amazing - you're off to a great start! Happy trails. :mrgreen:
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Re: So it begins

Post by redhandfilms »

HEADED OUT TOMORROW! 5 days, 4 night with woods and waterfalls. I've got about a 15 mile loop in the Cohutta Wilderness. All my gear is made. Tonight is packing and baking journey cakes. Wish me luck. I'll have a lot to update when I return.
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Re: So it begins

Post by Elleth »

Good luck and happy trails! :mrgreen:
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Re: So it begins

Post by Taylor Steiner »

Right on have fun!
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Re: So it begins

Post by Cimrandir »

Have fun! Stay safe and take sure to take lots of photos!
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Re: So it begins

Post by imaginatus »

Fair travels! Keep an eye out for orcs.
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Re: So it begins

Post by redhandfilms »


Well, I did my first trek and... I'm exhausted. I will start off by saying I've made a lot of mistakes. I underestimated my trail, overestimated my fitness, and severely under estimated my pack weight. Just too, too heavy. Maybe 60 lbs and without a modern hip belt to transfer weight. Ridiculously heavy. My 4 night 15 mile trek was cut short to 2 nights and 8 miles. I started off wet, hiking in a cloud with 100-200 ft visibility. I only made it about 1.5 miles uphill before making camp. Firewood for my little wood stove was a problem. Thankfully I did pack a modern collapsible bow saw. I had to saw 4 inch logs from a downed tree and split them with tomahawk and knife to get anything dry enough to burn. I made rabbit stew my first night with a store bought, frozen rabbit. It was excellent and even better as breakfast the next morning. That first night was in the low 50s *F. The next morning was still in cloud cover. I left my camp for a day hike to the falls. I needed water. 2.5 miles downhill meant 2.5 miles uphill on the way back. I did get the beautiful view from the clifftop when the sun finally came out. The trip took too long and I unfortunately I ended up racing the sunset back to camp. Dusk and the light completely failed me and I had to use a flashlight the last 15-20 minutes back. I'm glad I only made that a day trip. The trail was way too rough for the weight of my full pack. That night's dinner was cold. I didn't make a fire and just had beef jerky and a homemade ration bar (I'll do posts about food and recipes separately some day). I wasn't completely prepared for the cold that night. With the skies clearing up, it got colder. 37*F. While not dangerous, it was rough. On the third day I decided to move camp. I was headed back down the trail toward my car to a spot I'd passed only a half mile in. By the time I got there, with that pack, I was just done. I wouldn't gain anything more from another night at this point. I need to do a complete overhaul of my gear first. I slogged the final half mile back to my car and headed out. Instead of home, I went instead to my parent's cabin an hour away. I spent the night there and did at least try out one final recipe (beef jerky and lentil stew. I resisted the steak they offered me) using the gear and food I'd carried, compromising by only using their stove.

Anyway, I ended taking a lot more video than pictures. Eventually I'll edit that together and put it up.
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Re: So it begins

Post by Eofor »

This is how we learn, there is no teacher like experience.

Most of the lessons you are taking from this hike are ones that we all discovered the same painful way.
It was because I admired your ambition and didn't want to dampen it that I didn't chime in with several of these concerns sooner.

Well done Ranger! Get some rest and then start briefing us on your plans to modify your setup.
But the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears and bitter. Fewer were they but they clove through the Southrons like a fire-bolt in a forest.
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