MERF Random Adventure Pictures

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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Iodo »

What an adventure :mrgreen:
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by RangerofAngmar »

HA! nice journey Buddy
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Will o’ the Wild »

I think I took a detour into Mirkwood. After a day of mundane duties I thought I would pay an overdue visit to my favorite archery range and trail. All the open areas were even more overgrown than I remembered.
The locals had apparently survived the plague so far. They had even put new targets on the range and were enjoying themselves with a little friendly competition. I decided to leave them to their pleasure and strike out for the north trail. I noticed the villagers had improved the cart track and reinforced the drop off near the always suspicious looking mere. But as usual nothing broke it’s surface.
As soon as I turned down the tree lined curve of the trail I was struck by the darkness and sudden drop in temperature.
The coolness should have felt refreshing after the warmth of the day, but there seemed to be a strange presence behind it. I stayed alert.
Then I noticed the webs. They seemed to stretch everywhere. I held my bow before me to cut through them as I made my way.
At times the light was so dim I could barely see the targets. But muscle memory must have served me as I feel I shot tolerably well.
I stayed ready, the strange atmosphere made me fully expect to meet anything on the trail. But there was nothing more than occasional skittering in the heavy growth, the calling of crows and the distant complaints of an annoyed cow.
Even so, I feel compelled to step up the frequency of patrols.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Iodo »

Awesome :P and your so lucky to be able to do archery, my club still has locked gates :evil:
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Elleth »

Gosh everything is *so* alive there!

.... I've just started seeing coming fall in the morning light the last few days. Can't *quite* smell it yet.
So need to get out for some pictures before everything starts going to sleep for the year.
Persona: Aerlinneth, Dúnedain of Amon Lendel c. TA 3010.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Will o’ the Wild »

Oh yeah, this is that time of year here when we’re all so sick of the heat and humidity, but we usually get those hints of fall once or twice. That smell and just something in the air. And then it gets miserable again, but you know fall is down the road somewhere.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Cimrandir »

Very nice! I can't wait for fall myself. I am not a fan of summer haha.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Ursus »

I was able to get out for a bit today using my light set up. Not counting my belt contents the rest is limited to just a market wallet that contains a wooden bowl and enough food for a day or two, water skin, bed roll ,and bow/quiver. The market wallet also holds my pipe and tobacco pouch while the other side today contained a bag of oats and a bag of mixed nuts and dried fruit. When the time comes to prepare my meal I boil water in the wooden bowl by alternating hot rocks out of the fire to cook the oats and make a kind of oatmeal. It’s not much but it’s hot and light weight.

My cloak is my first experiment with a water resistant garment. Its just a cheap piece that I purchased to try my waterproofing mixture on. I wasn’t expecting much but I have to say I’m surprised at how much I like it. It is a welcome weight reduction on warmer days like today and also eliminates the need to carry a groundcloth.
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Last edited by Ursus on Mon Aug 31, 2020 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Manveruon »

Looking great! Thanks for the detailed description! I’ve been wanting to try my hand at a water-resistant cloak for a while myself! What material is this one? Just a plain cotton of some kind? I recently purchased a fair deal of lightweight but very tightly woven army-green wool twill (almost a whipcord or gabardine), and I’m wondering if it would be possible to waterproof that.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Iodo »

Awesome pictures Ursus :P
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
Aragorn: It's the beards.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Elleth »


The cloak... this is simply wool you sprayed with lanolin, is that correct?
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Ursus »

The cloak is a cheap cotton one that I picked up to use as a test. I treated it with a mix of linseed oil and beeswax. It worked well enough that I think I will invest in some good quality linen and make one better tailored. It’s a good addition for trekking in the warmer months.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Elleth »

Ursus wrote:The cloak is a cheap cotton one that I picked up to use as a test. I treated it with a mix of linseed oil and beeswax. It worked well enough that I think I will invest in some good quality linen and make one better tailored. It’s a good addition for trekking in the warmer months.
Interesting! I'd have thought from my tarp that oil and wax would keep all the moisture in and get over-hot.
Is there some trick (lightweight cloth, open cut...) - or do you just not mind/only use it in the rain?
Persona: Aerlinneth, Dúnedain of Amon Lendel c. TA 3010.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Ursus »

Elleth wrote:
Ursus wrote:The cloak is a cheap cotton one that I picked up to use as a test. I treated it with a mix of linseed oil and beeswax. It worked well enough that I think I will invest in some good quality linen and make one better tailored. It’s a good addition for trekking in the warmer months.
Interesting! I'd have thought from my tarp that oil and wax would keep all the moisture in and get over-hot.
Is there some trick (lightweight cloth, open cut...) - or do you just not mind/only use it in the rain?
It certainly would if I were walking with it wrapped around me. With my pack straps keeping it held back it wasn’t terrible. I tend to run on pretty high heat though. Anything above 70 is to hot for my taste. Mostly it is best served for the rain or when when moving through the dewy woodlands of the Midwest in the warmer months when you still want a cloak but also want to be mostly dry.
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Re: MERF Random Adventure Pictures

Post by Iodo »

Ursus wrote: It certainly would if I were walking with it wrapped around me. With my pack straps keeping it held back it wasn’t terrible
That's been my findings using a light waxed cotton canvas cloak in the summer, the only problem I have with mine is how loud the fabric is when I move, do you find this?
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
Aragorn: It's the beards.
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