A bit of Shire goodness

Shire-Dwellers and other Middle-earth rarities.

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Re: A bit of Shire goodness

Post by SierraStrider »

The lingon berries popular in Sweden are a good substitute for cranberries. They're structurally different but similar in flavor--somewhat astringent, wanting added sugar for anything that's not straight savory.
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Re: A bit of Shire goodness

Post by Darnokthemage »

Lingonberries are also self-preserving! If you fill a bottle with them and put some water in it they will be fine for a year (or many more) without going bad, due to their own natural preservers. They were used in the winter as a source for vitamin C. They are a miracle berry, and i could see many peoples use them. Especially dwarves and Orcs, if they need as much Vitamin C as us humans.

Cloudberries are also great, they need to be made into jam to preserve as good. They are great to almost everything, we often have it to swedish potato dumplings (potatoes and barley dumplings filled with bacon) called palt.
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Re: A bit of Shire goodness

Post by Greg »

Good information. That'd be a nice something to stir into a pot of hot oats in the morning (though on the trail, a bottle of berries in water would be a good deal of excess weight to be dealing with just for the sake of a bit of flavor and whatever nutrients the berries are packing.)
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Re: A bit of Shire goodness

Post by Elleth »

Oooh... that sounds great!

I see dried lingonberries are also available online: I think I'll have to try some, and if they work out put some in the berry patch.

Thank you! :mrgreen:

edit - ooh!
They are good! Very much like cranberries. Maybe slightly earthier? Or perhaps that's just the sweetener in the dried lingonberries I could find.
Regardless, yes! Perfect stand-in for cranberries. :)
Last edited by Elleth on Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A bit of Shire goodness

Post by SierraStrider »

Darnokthemage wrote: Cloudberries are also great, they need to be made into jam to preserve as good. They are great to almost everything, we often have it to swedish potato dumplings (potatoes and barley dumplings filled with bacon) called palt.
Ah, visst, jag tycker mycket om hjortronsylt på glass. Sverige är fantastisk för foder--svamp, alla typ av bär. Jag saknar det.
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