Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

From the Blue Mountains to the Iron Hills...

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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Elleth »

Oh that looks like a grand time! And nothing like honest wear to boot!

I suppose then only one question remains....
..... what color is your dwarven hood gonna be? :mrgreen:
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Iodo »

Thank you all for the good comments :P

Taurinor wrote: Have you thought about carrying a pin or penannular brooch? You could use it to pin your cloak the side to keep it closed in the wind or pin it open at the shoulder (the way Greg wears his star in "The Ranger's Cloak" in the WInter 2016-2017 Edge of the Wild). depending on what the weather requires. You'd have to be careful not to angle it in such a way that the brooch would stab you in the arm while you walk, but it could be useful. Penannular brooches also come in a lot of different designs, so you could probably find one with a dwarven flair!
Agreed, it's a good idea, the cloak fabric is a bit to thick to pin up though, I'll try it :P
Taurinor wrote: Get out in your gear, no matter where your gear is at! If you're looking to make a cold weather Dwarf hat, though, you could consider making a conical hat (or "Santa hat") like the ones some Viking reenactors wear (I think it's based on a Birka find) - it looks very much like the hats the dwarves are wearing in this sketch by the Professor.
That one on tumblr is so cool, thanks for the link :P but I think it'll be a hood, I already have a pattern
Elleth wrote: I suppose then only one question remains....
..... what color is your dwarven hood gonna be? :mrgreen:
Hmmmm... That'll most likely be what ever fabric I already have

I was thinking about making Bofur's hat from the movie's as well LOL :lol: probably not a project to post here :mrgreen:

(and WOW I've just looked at this thread on my tablet, that first image is way oversaturated, I guess my new cheap after-market replacement laptop screen is no good for image editing :P )
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by theowl »

Love it. The embroidery/stitching is awesome.
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Iodo »

Thank you :P
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Iodo »


I tried using a penannular brooch to fasten the cloak, It worked, but I didn't like the risk of it being so close to my arm so I added a toggle fastening to the side instead, which I can tie to my belt to anchor it a bit better


It seems to work OK, although I haven't tried it in the woods yet
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Iodo »

Iodo wrote: Unfortunately I still don't know how good it is with a pack of some kind or in the rain. I'd hoped to test in in wet weather today but the rain had stopped by the time I got to the woods, I'll have to test that at a later date.

I went out on a short trip today that proved as useful as it was fun, I tested the waterproof-ness of the cloak, field tested my MK2 wool surcoat, worked out a new(ish) way of carrying the small amount of stuff needed for an afternoon or day hike and had a go at finding out how well camouflaged my kit is

Below I have my new wool surcoat with the Bocksten cloak, wool broad-cloth over tunic (with linen under) and wool trousers + wool scarf. It wasn't cold enough to need an extra layer so I'm not wearing the green (army blanket) waistcoat


Whilst in the forest I discovered what must have once been a road, it had stone slabs berried under about 4'' of soil and followed the remains of a drystone wall through the trees, I thought it was a cool place and followed it for a while. Photograph taken where it crossed a firebreak, it was too dark for my phone under the trees.


This one's to show how wet it was:


And I copied Greg's camouflage test (which proved to be a test of how far it's possible to get away from a camera in it's 10 second timer :mrgreen:):


What I found:

The main reason for the trip was to find out how waterproof the cloak is, the answer is very, I wasn't out that long but water never soaked through the cloak however I did end up with a wet right arm, the bit between my bracer and shoulder anyway, where I only have one layer of broad-cloth and linen for protection, it wasn't too much of a problem and didn't make me cold.
When I stopped for a break I used Ursus' trick of making a temporary shelter from my cloak, turns out those toggle fastening loop's are amazing for attaching it to branches :P I might add more. The linen border on the cloak got waterlogged on the outside, however the raw-silk/wool border on the surcoat seemed to resist water much better - my borders will be made from that from now on
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Greg »

What a great outing!

For starters...that area is beautiful! We don't have too many areas out here where the trees grow that densely close...close enough to really make it dark beneath the trees, if you take my meaning. SO cool! I love your mossy ground cover as well...very much evokes Middle-earth.

I'm loving all of the practical application trial-and-error you're putting your kit through. This is exactly how you end up with a functional kit. Great work!

Yeah, linen edging does that. *shrug*

Your little chunky sucrose looks very dwarven. You're doing a great job of piecing together things that create an overall cultural look/feel...so important in making sure people see you for what you're supposed to be, and I love how all the pieces are coming together to read as Dwarven. Keep it up!
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Iodo »

Thanks so much :P
Greg wrote: For starters...that area is beautiful! We don't have too many areas out here where the trees grow that densely close...close enough to really make it dark beneath the trees, if you take my meaning. SO cool! I love your mossy ground cover as well...very much evokes Middle-earth.
Yep, sadly it's all farmed pine forest and that area, I think, will be cut down next :evil:
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Ringulf »

Wonderful outing and great pictures I surely miss my home in the North, much of it looked like that. (I also echo Greg's sentiments as many times I do) In the establishment of your kit. It is very thoughtful and is giving you great results! As I have said before...you inspire me! :mrgreen:
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Iodo »

Ringulf wrote:Wonderful outing and great pictures I surely miss my home in the North, much of it looked like that. (I also echo Greg's sentiments as many times I do) In the establishment of your kit. It is very thoughtful and is giving you great results! As I have said before...you inspire me! :mrgreen:
Thank you :P
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
Aragorn: It's the beards.
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Elleth »

Oh that looks like a fantastic trip, yes! I'm jealous! :mrgreen:

I agree with Greg, the trial-and-error is awesome.
Everying blends in so well!
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Ringulf »

Taurinor wrote:Nice work getting out in the icky weather, and nice pictures, as well!

Couple thoughts about some of of your observations -
Iodo wrote:It was so windy on top of the ridge that it was hard to stand up, the cloak still kept me warm, the only problem I had was it billowing out and letting in the cold air, my solution was to tuck it into my belt (the second picture), that worked well but kept coming out so I think I'll add a toggle fastening.
Have you thought about carrying a pin or penannular brooch? You could use it to pin your cloak the side to keep it closed in the wind or pin it open at the shoulder (the way Greg wears his star in "The Ranger's Cloak" in the WInter 2016-2017 Edge of the Wild). depending on what the weather requires. You'd have to be careful not to angle it in such a way that the brooch would stab you in the arm while you walk, but it could be useful. Penannular brooches also come in a lot of different designs, so you could probably find one with a dwarven flair!
Iodo wrote:Firstly, sorry for the hat, It was cold and the only dwarven head-wear I have is my oilcloth hood which is NOT warm
Get out in your gear, no matter where your gear is at! If you're looking to make a cold weather Dwarf hat, though, you could consider making a conical hat (or "Santa hat") like the ones some Viking reenactors wear (I think it's based on a Birka find) - it looks very much like the hats the dwarves are wearing in this sketch by the Professor.
The broach Idea is a good one Taurinor, I carry two of them sometimes using one at the shoulder and sometimes using the two on either lapel and running a thong or chain in between them. If I set them a bit farther down the cloak does not ride up on me and choke me out. They are also very helpful at pinning my "Party Hood" attached to my ranger cloak when I want that extra layer and watershed. As for Dwarfiness, I will let you folks decide. These are from Raymond's Quiet Press and I love them for their period presence in SCA, my Dwarven Persona in Larp who is a very Viking like Dwarf and of course my MERF Kit. I have not really posted in a while and I am finding that using my phone is a lot easier to do, but forgive me these pictures are huge! the last one is the Where's Waldo pic of my Tolkien corner you may find it entertaining to find some favorites among, my rather messy at the moment. collection.
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Last edited by Ringulf on Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
I throw axes, seaxes, and pointy sticks, And I fire my bow through the day.
Come be my ally, lift up your mead! We'll search out our foes and the Eagles we'll feed! :mrgreen:
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Taylor Steiner »

I see the Tolkien Bestiary! Cool!
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Iodo »

Ringulf wrote: The broach Idea is a good one Taurinor, I carry two of them sometimes using one at the shoulder and sometimes using the two on either lapel and running a thong or chain in between them. If I set them a bit farther down the cloak does not ride up on me and choke me out. They are also very helpful at pinning my "Party Hood" attached to my ranger cloak when I want that extra layer and watershed. As for Dwarfiness, I will let you folks decide. These are from Raymond's Quiet Press and I love them for their period presence in SCA, my Dwarven Persona in Larp who is a very Viking like Dwarf and of course my MERF Kit. I have not really posted in a while and I am finding that using my phone is a lot easier to do, but forgive me these pictures are huge! the last one is the weres Waldo pic of my Tolkien corner you may find it entertaining to find some favorites among, my rather messy at the moment. collection.
That broach is cool, and the hat, and so's that collection :P I can spot one, possibly two WETA books that I also have. You might think it's messy but compared to my room it's beautiful - I wish I had space to display things like that

And yep, pic's always come out big, the forum seems to size them to the width of the browser window, some forums have a bb-code way to size limit images, I've spent hours trying to find it here??
Gimli: It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men.
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Re: Dwarven Bocksten Inspired cloak

Post by Ruinar Hrafnakveðja »

Wow Iodo! You have really outdone yourself with this cloak! I love following the progress of your kit. You take so much time researching and developing ways for your kit to really fit into the cultural identity of the dwarves. It is a fascinating process to watch and read about. I just wish I was able to do that with my own persona's culture to the same extent! I love it! Keep up the amazing work!

P.S. Also really good job with the testing and problem solving (like with the toggle). That's what reenacting is all about!
I wish only for green trees, cool wine, a strong bow, and a swift arrow
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