Food For Discussion: What Would We Look Like?

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Re: Food For Discussion: What Would We Look Like?

Post by Elleth »

Very good points!

Class especially is I think easy to not entirely grok from looking at images from far outside the culture.

We had an interesting conversation on this topic at home the other day:

a guy walks through the grocery store in a polo shirt and khakis with a holstered pistol might seem a bit out of place, but in most places of the US I've lived wouldn't cause much consternation - especially if he's clean cut and/or has "the cop look."

The exact same guy, the exact same pistol: but now it's just shoved in the waistband of his trousers, which are hanging around his butt: he's gonna get looked at very differently. All the more if he's a bit unkempt.

Both are dressed in an outfit that someone in five hundred years would probably recognize as "late 20th-early 21st century" - but they send radically different messages to us. By extension, I can only assume that there are some messages in those medieval illustrations we're just not able to see. Does it mean something when the dagger hilt is pointing one way vs another? What about the color of that guy's leggings?

... so who knows what cultural faux pas a MERFer might wander into, tromping around 13th century Shewsbury? :)

Also demeanor and body language of course: does it convey "calm / unruffled / competent / in control" or "anxious / swaggering / unpredictable / looking for a fight?"
Persona: Aerlinneth, Dúnedain of Amon Lendel c. TA 3010.
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Peter Remling
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Re: Food For Discussion: What Would We Look Like?

Post by Peter Remling »

Elleth wrote:

... so who knows what cultural faux pas a MERFer might wander into, tromping around 13th century Shewsbury? :)
Ask Brother Cadfael, he knows everything ! :)
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Re: Food For Discussion: What Would We Look Like?

Post by Ghostsoldier »

Peter Remling wrote:
Elleth wrote:

... so who knows what cultural faux pas a MERFer might wander into, tromping around 13th century Shewsbury? :)
Ask Brother Cadfael, he knows everything ! :)
Lol...the Battle Prince had a great show, while it lasted (although the many-changing Hugh Beringers were a bit disquieting).

"Nothing's forgotten."
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Peter Remling
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Re: Food For Discussion: What Would We Look Like?

Post by Peter Remling »

Ghostsoldier wrote:
Peter Remling wrote:
Elleth wrote:

... so who knows what cultural faux pas a MERFer might wander into, tromping around 13th century Shewsbury? :)
Ask Brother Cadfael, he knows everything ! :)
Lol...the Battle Prince had a great show, while it lasted (although the many-changing Hugh Beringers were a bit disquieting).

I liked Sean Pertwee the best.
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