Inspired by Melthrist, A book Suggestion: Dies the Fire, by S. M. Sterling

Babylon 5, S.M. Stirling's Emberverse, Ranger's Apprentice, something else? Let's talk.

Moderator: caedmon

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Inspired by Melthrist, A book Suggestion: Dies the Fire, by S. M. Sterling

Post by SierraStrider »

I just wanted to throw out a suggestion for a book/series that I think many people on this board would enjoy: Dies the Fire, by S.M. Sterling, and also its sequel, The Protector's War.

As a quick synopsis, one evening, all modern technology inexplicably ceases to function. Electricity no longer flows, gunpowder and gasoline burn only sluggishly, and even steam pressure loses its motive force.

Our main characters are among the few survivors of the subsequent mass chaos and loss of human life--without cars, guns, or TV, modern society quickly collapses and famine, barbarism and strife tear apart our sometime civilization.

Spears, bows and swords are suddenly thrust back into prominence as quasi-feudal tribes begin to congeal out of the shreds of America, both noble and sinister.

Of special interest to this forum is one particular tribe who has an almost religious reverence for a certain pre-event book. They are scouts and hunters with unparalleled skill who amongst themselves speak a language unknown to outsiders. They call themselves the Dúnedain.
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Re: Inspired by Melthrist, A book Suggestion: Dies the Fire, by S. M. Sterling

Post by Peter Remling »

A good number of us have read some or all the Stirling books. They are interesting and in one of the series a group models itself after Middle Earth Rangers.
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Re: Inspired by Melthrist, A book Suggestion: Dies the Fire, by S. M. Sterling

Post by caedmon »

I am quite a fan of the first Emberverse Trilogy, but do not care for the later books, which feel like Stirling is just trying to milk the concept for every last cent. I mean the second series would be half the length if he didn't give a full character bio each time a character is brought on stage.

And Rudi, who was Juniper's son (Juniper was the former FILK singer turned Wildling Chief, who led the pseudo-Celt MacKenzies through the first horrible years of the change.), and was attended by unicorns and ravens at his birth, later fostered every half year in Portland guarded by Tiphanee' D'ath, Lady Death, (oh did I mention that she was a former girlscout, and a lesbian), said in his MacKenzie brogue, "Yes".

And then Mati, the good Catholic daughter...
-Jack Horner

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Re: Inspired by Melthrist, A book Suggestion: Dies the Fire, by S. M. Sterling

Post by SierraStrider »

I'd honestly go a step further and say that I was a big fan of the first book, liked the second book okay and was trudging through the third a bit. Toooo much politics for my liking.

There's a certain set of books I'd describe as "Premise driven", where the actual characters and even the plot are secondary to the premise. The primary attraction seems to be giving the reader a really compelling "what would I do?" scenario they can toy with in their own minds. And I LOVE that kind of book, but I wouldn't say they benefit from sequels, by and large. Once the premise is laid out in Book One, a large portion of the appeal is spent.
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