The Unbeaten Path Waits...

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The Unbeaten Path Waits...

Post by brownl_91 »

It's been a long hard winter here in Wisconsin. Not only have the temps reached -30 countless times, I was busy every weekend with work and job hunting resulting in me not winter camping for the first time in 4 or 5 years. But now the clutches of winter are lessening, I'm done with college and it's time for me to trek the wilds once again.

Though my companions are all busy this weekend, this lone wolf is finally able to go trekking once again. As you can see my bags are all packed, my map made (not in the picture) and my spirits are high. I will add pictures once I get back. I hope that all of you get to enjoy numerous treks and outings this year.

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Re: The Unbeaten Path Waits...

Post by man_of_tanith »

for the sake of us kit enthusiasts.
whatchya packing?
I had a weekend in the woods last weekend.
not rangering but was good to get some woods time.

did get the majority of a roycroft pack frame made up. so hopefully I'll get to use it soon

ha e a great time and plenty of photos please.
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Re: The Unbeaten Path Waits...

Post by Arbellason »

Had beautiful weather up here for a few days and now as you probably know another foot of snow :shock:
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Re: The Unbeaten Path Waits...

Post by Rifter »

I only wish the weather here in Alberta was as easy going, it still snowing and were almost into warming?..hmmph Wizards work I say
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Re: The Unbeaten Path Waits...

Post by brownl_91 »

My bedroll is made up of an oilcloth and a wool blanket. Rolled up in the bedroll i have an old coffee can I use as a billy pot, a sack with a mix of rice, bulgar wheat, and dried mushrooms. Another sack with oatmeal, a small sack of coffee, a wooden spoon i made from a stick, a spice kit,flint and steel, and a spare pair of wool socks. In my haversack I have my map, bandana, compass, and walnuts to eat on the trail. and as always I will be bringing my cloak. I also plan on bringing a pencil and paper and possibly write a short story by firelight. If i can think of anything good I will post in later.
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Re: The Unbeaten Path Waits...

Post by wulfgar »

Nice gear, it's great that you are able to get out there and use it. What is your canteen there?
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