A nice morning walk

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A nice morning walk

Post by Elleth »

The sun was out, the snow hard enough (mostly) to walk on without snowshoes, and most importantly - a day off! It was time for a walk.

I'm afraid I don't have all the proper rangery gear yet, my bow's a cheap modern horsebow - but that's no excuse to stay indoors. Off we go!

Hopping past the far hayfield into the woods, I got a nice "Skyrim's Eye View" for a moment - no dragons though.


Down past the trees in the far valley is a small pond, still covered in slushy treacherous ice - best not to walk there!


Going up the next ridge the dogs are having a grand time tearing through the woods -


After topping the ridge, I need a break - I lay down my wool hood as an impromptu groundcloth, set my little coustille in the snow so it's not sticking my ribs, and take in the view -

(I seriously need to make a decent carriage for that thing. It was just thrust through my belt, and once the scabbard slipped out leaving the naked (sharp!) blade exposed. Not safe!)

I'm still getting used to these woods, and ended up getting "bewildered" enough to miss the intersection with the clearing our archery target is in - but it was a happy accident, because I came across more deer and turkey sign! I think I might need to finally look into a hunting license this year... I promised my fella he'd get the first hunt on our land though.



After that I backtracked enough to find familiar territory, then made it home. Time to go grind some wheat and make homemade bread!
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Re: A nice morning walk

Post by wulfgar »

Looks like a great outing!
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Re: A nice morning walk

Post by Peter Remling »

Very nice outing. Pass the fresh bread please. :)
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Re: A nice morning walk

Post by Laothain »

Looks like you had a good walk.
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Re: A nice morning walk

Post by Beornmann »

Thanks for posting.
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Re: A nice morning walk

Post by Willrett »

thanks for the pics looks like a fun walk about
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Re: A nice morning walk

Post by robinhoodsghost »

Thanks for the post, makes me look forward to spring and hiking.
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Re: A nice morning walk

Post by Greg »

Great post! Lovely day for Ranging...great to see some outdoor pics again.
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Re: A nice morning walk

Post by Rifter »

It would feel awesome I'm sure to have so many of us kitted out and going through the woods...or make the lasses swoon at a nearby faire :)
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