The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

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Peter Remling
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The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Peter Remling »

I thought several of you might be interested in the following.

Several months ago fellow forumite, Ron Newcomb, posted here advising us of a film he was involved in. I just received the email regarding the project attached below:
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Rise of the Fellowship On Sale NOW!
The Rangers Launches!

Middle-Earth Network's own, Ron Newcomb's launches his latest epic fantasy, "The Rangers" and you can help!

What can I do?

Make a donation, any amount & don't wait to do so. Everything helps, including momentum! It puts your name to ours and shows everyone you don't just believe in the project, you are a part of the project!
Spread the word. Share the Campaign on your Twitter and Facebook. The more people we reach, the greater the chances are that the film gets made!
Let BLOGGERS know, or give us a Shout in FORUMS, we "vote" by sharing what we love. So, if you love fantasy - give us a shout out!
Encourage at least one person to donate! A Ranger never goes at it alone.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and share your thoughts and ideas! Use: #TheRangersFilm
Check out our film website: and stay tuned!

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They are looking for backers, word of mouth and cast members.
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Ringulf »

I was toying with the idea of actually auditioning for Flint or the Baron, sillier things have happened!
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by The_Rangers_Film »

Make it happen Ringulf! This production is enthusiast driven, its not an industry insider deal. We are looking for people that can bring something special to the table, people that get it, and we've made it easy to do. Just follow the instructions on the auditions page and send in your video.

We will need lots of Rangers in this production, there are at least 9 Rangers featured in just the 1st 30 minutes of scripting. Then there is the rest of the world to populate, Nobles, townsfolk, Wood Elves, Bounty Hunters (some cool characters there), Orcs, The Umbrans (our Shadow Elves) is a full scale production.

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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Ringulf »

Heh heh, got any axe and seax throwing Dwarves?

No really the computer stuff needed to size me properly would most likely not be worth it, however there is a lot I could do for minor roles having been in music and theater for many years, I also did quite a bit of prop, set and scenic design, so helping with anything needed for costume accesories and props of all kinds I would be happy to help with on whatever level you needed. Just let me know, I am very interested in the project. :mrgreen:
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Manveruon »

I've been dying to do my own fantasy film for a looooong time (albeit on a much smaller scale), but I may just have to audition for this. It'd be a blast to be a part of something this cool.
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Odigan »

Perhaps I've missed it, but could you tell us where and when it is anticipated that principal photography will be held? It would be helpful for those wishing to audition and needing to plan for travel, etc.
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Peter Remling
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Peter Remling »

Odigan wrote:Perhaps I've missed it, but could you tell us where and when it is anticipated that principal photography will be held? It would be helpful for those wishing to audition and needing to plan for travel, etc.
"We can't wait to get to filming The Rangers Summer of 2014 around the Northern Virginia (US) areas."
from the Kickstarter site.
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Straelbora »

Ringulf wrote:Heh heh, got any axe and seax throwing Dwarves?

No really the computer stuff needed to size me properly would most likely not be worth it, however there is a lot I could do for minor roles having been in music and theater for many years, I also did quite a bit of prop, set and scenic design, so helping with anything needed for costume accesories and props of all kinds I would be happy to help with on whatever level you needed. Just let me know, I am very interested in the project. :mrgreen:
You know, before all the computer stuff, they made tall people look small using forced perspective. Jackson did a lot of forced perspective work in the Lord of the Rings films, before dumping it for video game play demo in the Hobbit films.
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Ringulf »

Oh yeah I know all about forced perspective, My ex-wife used to use it on me all the time!
She would just abuse you till you saw it her way! :|
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by Southwind »

This looks awesome. I may audition. Though I have little hope of being chosen for a speaking role, if you need a flute-playing elf as an extra... well, I play the flute and have been told I look like an elf :) I would also be more than willing to work behind the scenes on making the soundtrack, if that needs doing.
- Southwind (Gwaiharad)
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by robinhoodsghost »

This looks great, I think we should all try out for a part or help in some way.
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by bjaurelio »

I'm just now finding this. Since I live in Alexandria, I will have to look further into this and see about what roles either my wife or I could audition for. She would definitely enjoy something like this.
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Re: The Rangers Kickstarter is Live

Post by ineffableone »

Wow I just saw the teaser on youtube for this, and I am really looking forward to it.

A whole movie about Rangers, very cool. Glad to see the Kickstarter campaign made it to and past their goal.
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