Off and running!

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Off and running!

Post by Sindara »

Well, our group has grown - our core Rangers consist of three teenagers (Turnip, Cheyenne, and Malcom), three adults(that's questionable)(myself, Tom A. and Cameron) - and a bunch of kids (Tom's and Cam's) who want to play with us! Discussed and decided on some issues - will meet every two weeks - probably at our homes, as we can't bring weapons to the library or the bookstore. Will make the senior center our 'pet-community-project'. Discussed what each has to share with the group - Malcom will do some trainings later in the spring - on edible mushrooms, and quarterstaff practice. Malcom's grandfather is a bowyer, so we'll ask him to speak with our group. Tom and Cam (neighbors) are each setting up forges. They will do some training sessions on blacksmithing/metalwork (how to make knives, axes, etc.) I'll do some sessions on dried food mixes (beverages, soups, casserole-one pot dishes, desserts, etc - all of dried foods - great for camping!), Turnip has volunteered to work with the smaller kids on 'sneaking' and tracking.

Next meeting will again be at the library - on Feb. 8 - 1:00 p.m.

Anyway, great core group - can't wait 'till the next get-together!

Oh, by the way, Ringulf - did you get ahold of Druin? This Ranger Corp thing is a definite hit in our area - still have five more teenagers who are going to try to be at this next meet.
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Ringulf »

Yes I did! Thanks so much, Druin was super helpful and sent me everything he had.
I am trying to determine what my first steps should be and the level of involvement I am going to select. That is, how to structure and organize it.
I was looking for something to do with the SCA youth and the Rangers of my Shire, but I may go ahead and make this autonomous like you folks are. There is something to be said for having the covering of a larger "parent" organization (especially when dealing with youths in a very litigious society) but there are also less restrictions for a more informal situation when autonomous.
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Sindara »

Druin has been super-helpful on everything with this Ranger start-up - he's great resource! It'll take us awhile to get bugs worked out, but it'll happen, and we all plan on having a great deal of fun (and learning) meanwhile. The best of luck on your group(s) Ringulf!!!
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Peter Remling
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Peter Remling »

Sindara: Your start up sounds terrific. You seem to have a good variety of folks with a plethora of skills. Good Luck !
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Sindara »

Thanks Peter! We are all excited about the whole thing - the 'newness' hasn't worn off yet (hopefully will be interesting enough to never wear off).

For Ringulf - We basically agree with Druin's line of thinking, and are following his guidelines (advancement for the Rangers - toward getting their silver leaf). As in RA, as far as we are concerned, he IS the Corps Commander (if you will), and we will follow 'the chain of command' (will keep him posted as to our activities, ask his advice, share notes with the other Ranger Corps groups, hopefully get together with the other groups once in a while, etc.). However, we still feel somewhat independent - a separate group - and therefore able to do things as is best for our group/our circumstances. Circumstances are a little different in northern Idaho than in north-central California (mainly weather, and some of the types of often too close critters - i.e. the bear, the moose, the mountain lion - that's due to come through the area again about this year - according to the locals…). So although we do follow the 'chain of command', we are a different 'fief'. Anyway, even if you are following the Ranger Corps patterns, it will be 'your show'! And WE WISH THE VERY BEST TO YOU AND YOUR ENDEAVORS - and hope to hear posts from your new group!
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Sindara »

Well, that last post sounded rather pompous… I should NEVER, EVER post after about 7:00p.m.! My brain goes to sleep 'bout that time (am up around 3:00 a.m.) Forgive me, all. STILL, thanks for the thoughts, Pete; and would love to hear about your group when it gets going, Ringulf!
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Sindara »

Just got a couple of emails from Druin - Are you also thinking of starting a group, Gondian? Let's see… The Valdmyrkr (did I spell that right?), and the Nunatani Ranger Corps groups in California, the group in Vancouver, Washington, the one in Missoula, Montana, our's here in Spirit Lake, Idaho, Ringulf's bunch in Florida, and now another possible? What fun!!!
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Willrett »

this sounds great. I wonder how many people I could get in this area???
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Eric C »

I'm in "redneck central" here. Most of them only know the movies if they know anything. There are some who have read the books, but they are too... "adult" to reenact.
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Sindara »

When I first talked to the group ( at the info meeting), some had heard of the Dunedain and Ithilien Rangers, but when Ranger's Apprentice was mentioned, faces lit up - mostly the adults! RA seems to be a bigger thing than Tolkien in this area. While Middle Earth rangers are most welcome, our group will be patterned mostly after the Araluen rangers.
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Greg »

The Dunedain and Ithilien Rangers, though shown in the New Line movies, weren't really described well in the films. Aragorn was shown as a Dunedain, and as a Ranger. Those weren't combined subjects, and the term Dunedain was only actually mentioned in the extended edition, something most non-crazy-fans won't ever see.

Ranger's apprentice, on the other hand, is a very new (relative to Tolkien) and very popular youth and young adult series, known the world over. It makes perfect sense that it would be much more well known than Tolkien's version of Rangers, which were only a small part of his whole, rather than the forefront of the show, as in Flanagan's novels.

Druin's got a cool gig going. I'll be trekking with his folks in July when we're out to visit family after the new arrival...looking forward to meeting and practicing with a solid group of individuals.
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Re: Off and running!

Post by Sindara »

Hey, Greg! Wish I could get down there (California) this summer - to see my older boys. They both know Druin, but are not part of the Ranger fan-dom. Hope that you have a great time, both with family and the Ranger outings! And best wishes for the new little one, and Mom!
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