Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

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Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by turnip »

Greetings to all!

Well, went to the woods again with Turnip. This time she was trying (patiently, I might add...) to give me some pointers about moving silently. Actually, I think I did pretty good... well, better than usual... I'm sure that at least half of the township couldn't hear me...

Turnip then took me to a small clearing. We took turns standing in the center of the clearing (with eyes closed), counting to 50 (out loud), then trying to find where the other had hidden (had to be within sight of the clearing center). I could see absolutely nothing of Turnip, so told her to come out. With her camo jacket, she looked just like the tangled undergrowth where she was sitting! She decided that was 'unfair' (since I didn't have camo on), so she turned her jacket inside-out - this brought the black lining to the outside. I hid next - laid flat on the ground in a thick patch of dead weeds. Turnip looked, then called for me to come out. I was rather pleased that she was unable to see my blue jeans in that mess ( I was picking stickers out all the way home)! Then she hid again. The only thing I found was an old garbage bag behind a tree... BUT, I didn't remember seeing a garbage bag by that tree before... Called Turnip, and up jumped the 'garbage bag'. Score one for Mom!

We started home, and came into an area where a lot of ATV trails cross. Also found an obvious 'party' spot (not a lot to do around here, so many of the local teenagers come out here on the weekends... and, well,...party!). Turnip and I found a great place to build a camouflaged 'observation post' - able to oversee this entire area ( 'course, now that I think about it, not sure I want to observe... partying). Anyway, we'll go out next weekend, build our 'hide-out', and see if anyone notices (the spot where we want to put this is only about 60 - 70 ft away from the 'party spot'.

How many parents get to do this kind of (physical work-out/ potentially training) pure FUN with their teenage kids? I have to say that I AM HAVING A BLAST! May be 'getting up there' in years, but it's sure nice to feel like a kid once in a while! Sindara
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Re: Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by Eledhwen »

I do, with my two sons. My daughter would but she's a flight attendant and gallivanting around the world these days. Only one is a teen though; my youngest son. In this case I have taught them the arts of the trail, reading sign, movement, and survival. :)

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Re: Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by man_of_tanith »

I teach my stepdaughter bits although she is hitting the age where its no longer cool.
My son is two n half so a little young at moment but he loves walks in woods etc so its only a matter of time.

I did get told off for referring to him as the project recently......oops
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Re: Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by Straelbora »

man_of_tanith wrote:I teach my stepdaughter bits although she is hitting the age where its no longer cool.
My son is two n half so a little young at moment but he loves walks in woods etc so its only a matter of time.

I did get told off for referring to him as the project recently......oops
My sons are 4 and 1.5 years. The older one really likes to hike (and has even gone on a Ranger hike!). I look forward to them being older so that we can spent a lot of time in the forest.
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Re: Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by turnip »

It's very satisfying to know that our kids may be getting something useful, possibly life-saving, out of this kind of 'play' - definitely better that all the video/ electronic gadget games. Sindara
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Re: Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by Addreonynn »

I go out all the time with my dad! I know a lot about this stuff, but his knowledge level still, by far, surpasses mine! I agree, its great to know that there are children still out there not only spending time with their parents, but learning with each other while IN THE WOODS!!! It is a sad thing how many kids would rather go shopping and watch tv! This restores faith! Thx for sharing
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Re: Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by Eothain »

Sounds like you two are having a wonderful time! It's amazing that you both take interest in "ranging" and spend time together. I think Addreonnyn and about two other friends enjoy these types of things... all the others, mostly aquaintances, would rather play video games and drink everyday of their lives... just not fufilling in my opinion. This forum is filled with amazing people and I don't feel so different now that I know so many people take interest in the same. Thanks for sharing!!!
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Re: Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by man_of_tanith »

I am lucky that my other half is ok with outdoorsy stuff as I can take the kids out with me.
We have already discussed what we want them to learn I just sneak in extra bits when she's not paying attention....

Friends wise I am fortunate that many of my friends are outdoors orientated even if they look a bit baffled when I start mentioning the ranger side of things so I tend to refer to vintage/old school style camping which they seem more comfortable.
I must be doing something right I have converted a few to what I call boone style camping(after the long hunter and woodsman I really admire Danial Boone)
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Re: Teaching 'old dogs' new tricks

Post by brownl_91 »

Thank God for friends. Most people think the Rangering stuff i do is weird so I refer to it as primitive camping to my co-workers. However, My good buddy is always willing to go Rangering, We are hoping to go on a trek in 2 weeks time.
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