What about... For those who DO need help (in the future)

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What about... For those who DO need help (in the future)

Post by turnip »

What would everyone think about the idea of having a 'HELP' post... When natural disasters/ abnormal circumstances happen, it would be nice to have a spot to contact others - to let them know if you're okay, to ask for either physical/ material/ or emotional support, just to know/ let know that no one is alone - that there are others who DO care? Even though we are widely scattered, we can always support our fellow rangers. Any thoughts on this? Turnip and Sindara.
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Peter Remling
Athel Dunedain
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Re: What about... For those who DO need help (in the future

Post by Peter Remling »

Not a bad idea.

The only problem I foresee is, a lot of times during natural or unnatural disasters, communication and power are the first thing to go down. During some weather related incidents in the past, some of our members, either couldn't or were too busy to check in for an extended period.

The important thing is to take care of your immediate needs and when possible let us know if you're ok and if you have any needs how we can help.

Turnip and Sindara, The General Discussion Forum is a great place for this kind of caring communication. Thank you !
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Re: What about... For those who DO need help (in the future

Post by turnip »

Peter, thank you so much for reminding us of this all-too-common problem - lack of communications during chaotic times. Sorry, we didn't think of that. Still, it would be nice to have a way to let others know the situation if a chance presented itself. In the past, our family has sent clothing, bedding, food supplies, etc. to others we didn't know - had learned about their difficulties through friends and acquaintances. If any of you have ideas about these kind of situations, it would be great to toss them around and see if something could be made to work. Although, the General Discussions in the Forum are a great way to tell everyone! Again, thank you so much! Sindara and Turnip.
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