Pictures of your ranger kit

A place for pics and tutorials on making Soft Kit (clothing and accessories like buckles and cloak pins).

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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »


Haha... he'll grant you a wish you can't refuse...
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Aaron »

mcapanelli wrote:
Manveruon wrote:As for my sword preference, I think overall my favorite looking sword out there right now is the Albion Squire (I notice mcapanelli has one in his kit way back in his original post, incidentally, and I am jealous). I haven't held one, but thanks to a nice young Dread Pirate Roberts who visited the Colorado Renaissance Festival last weekend I WAS able to finally handle some Gus Trim, Albion, and Christian Fletcher swords for the first time, and damned if I'm not hooked.
You met Zach Luna huh? He's a good guy. What did you think of the Squire? I like it as it's very neutral feeling for cut and thrust but still maintains a wide blade for cutting. Very good all around unarmored to light armor sword.
I was just about to ask that...heh. That man has impeccable taste in blades.
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »

Yeah, now that I know he lives in the area I might have to hit him up again before too long to take a look at that Squire he's got once the custom scabbard gets finished. I'd love to test it out a little. Sadly I think almost $1000 for one of those is a little out of my price range, but it would be nice to find something at least similar eventually. Maybe somewhere more in the $600 range if possible.

The others he brought with him were absolutely gorgeous. I got to handle an original Gus Trim Bristol, which was nice but not quite as quick feeling in the hand as I expected. He also had another somewhat short, late-ish-period broadsword by either Trim or Albion, but I can't remember the name at the moment. Then he had a Christian Fletcher Borderwatch with I think an Albion Crecy blade, which I was exceedingly impressed with. I expected that particular sword to be a bit unwieldy, given its size and the fact that I think I would prefer a single-hander in general, but it was surprisingly light and very quick feeling.

At any rate, he seemed a very nice fellow, and it was refreshing to talk swords with someone who actually knew what they were talking about (didn't insist on calling the fuller a "blood groove," etc). I'm only just beginning to delve into the realm of true sword enthusiasm myself, so it was cool to have someone to talk to who really knew their business.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Shadowhawk »

Here's my ranger kit mk.1:Cold steel viking sword,Samick skb 45# recurve bow, Some random quiver that I modded a little. 16 arrows, a Cloak that I made, Windlass brown wool viking tunic that is too large. A puukko I made myself, Windlass viking belt, my ranger mask, A cold steel tomahawk with rune decorated handle, some random steel bracer, old swiss army pants and sneakers.
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Ernildir »

Looking good!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by kaelln »

It looks great!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Greg »

For a "Mk. 1" as you call it, that is quite well-developed! Very nicely done! And a distinct nod to function over costuming, which I'm noticing, with an obviously functional bow and live blade, can never be overlooked as a good thing.

Now, what we'd like to see now, friend Shadowhawk, would be some pics of you in your local woods, doing what Rangers do best!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Shadowhawk »

Thanks. There's a slight problem or few with taking pictures out in the woods though 1.Unlike with my previous home where the forest was literally in my back yard I now have to travel 20 km of city before getting there, police tend to frown on people wearing medieval costume carrying around bow/arrows/sword/axe/knife through town for some reason. 2. No one to take the photos sadly, how am I suppose to hunt orcs and take pictures at the same time, especially with me in them? 3. Hmm...I'm sure there was a reason three, awkward. That being said I might as well take some pictures of the woods themselves when I go this weekend. Though without most of my gear. I really need to get a car....
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Greg »

Almost 100% of the pictures I post of myself in kit on the forums here are taken by myself. Do you have a camera that has a Countdown timer setting? Most standard digital cameras have some form of a ten-second-wait kind of thing. I just set up the camera leaning on a tree, in the bole of a fallen log, or brace it with a few rocks and such, hit the start button, and just run like hell to where I'm supposed to be. Takes a little practice, but you can get to the point where you get the picture you want in one try.

As for getting to the woods...if you have to cross town to get there, duffel bags loaded with the things the cops don't like to see make things much easier. I've been in that situation many-a-time. Best of luck to you, and may providence bring you a vehicle soon!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Aaron »

Greg wrote:if you have to cross town to get there, duffel bags loaded with the things the cops don't like to see make things much easier.
Probably not sage advice, if they have laws in Finland about concealed weapons. Also doubly not-good if the woods are a management area and he doesn't have express written permission to carry those things (in the case of the bow, especially).

Always make sure to check your local laws! Perhaps Finland is very lax about this sort of thing, in which case I would be rather jealous of you. :D
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Greg »

Didn't realize he was in Finland. In my parts of the States, a duffel bag wouldn't be a problem, generally, since possession isn't usually an issue. Pardon. I'm blessed to be in an area where if you AREN'T carrying a weapon of some kind, people look at you funny...
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Aaron »

Greg wrote:Didn't realize he was in Finland. In my parts of the States, a duffel bag wouldn't be a problem, generally, since possession isn't usually an issue. Pardon. I'm blessed to be in an area where if you AREN'T carrying a weapon of some kind, people look at you funny...
You're also very lucky to work at a park and have permission to carry what you do on the land. I would be arrested for carrying a bow on the property I hike/camp at, even if I explained it was for reenactment and not for hunting.
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »

That's interesting. I don't think the local authorities here would care, but I've never tested it very much. I've certainly carried a veritable arsenal of pirate weaponry around with me in various places though - including state parks - and most of the time nobody cares. Only once did I get a complaint, and that was in a public "beach" area by one of our measly reservoirs. But yeah, I guess it varies from place to place. And yes, definitely be cautious about concealing things considered weapons, because some police forces don't take well to that at all.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Shadowhawk »

Mk.2 I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. A smaller grey version of the previous tunic, a grey wool cloak, green fingerless wool gloves, brown soft leather arm guards, a really old army belt with runes burned on it, an olive green "scarf", a signalling horn, same old quiver, wooden arrows this time, another puukko, different sword(Ethuilos), green leather headband with runes burned in, and my bow this time is a hungarian bow that I got from faire last summer, with 56 pounds draw. Still need proper boots and pants but those can wait. Some pouches for my belt are next in line for construction and I need to put something to hold my axe and few other things on my quiver.
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Peter Remling »

Very nice, love the bow !
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