Pictures of your ranger kit

A place for pics and tutorials on making Soft Kit (clothing and accessories like buckles and cloak pins).

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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by RangerKellen »

Well, mostly I plan on having a my bow being my primary weapon so I don't dabble into swords that much but when I do I like to have them short yet still sharp and pointy! :) So this Masonic Cross Sword was a perfect match!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Yavion »

Manveruon wrote:
Yavion wrote:
RangerKellen wrote:Sweet! I too got a new sword but I'm not sure if I should post any pictures of it or not... :)
Post it. No one is going to judge you. Heck, I'm of the opinion that most of the swords people decide on are totally out of range for LotR, but the people that have them like them and they rock them. More power to them! I'm sure there are people that would think my style choice in a blade is outside of the style, but there you go. ^_~
Now you've gotten my curiosity stirred, heh. Sooo, what IS your style choice in a blade?
Mine? Type Xa is my main sword of choice.
I'm of the opinion that Boromir's and Aragorn's swords, which are described in FotR as being "Of the same lineage" should be something like an Oakeshott type X, Xa, XI, XIa, XII or and of the Geibig typology blades. Mostly because of the mention of shields. I'm also of the opinion that two-handers and hand-and-a-half swords most likely only existed as war swords not as EDC, despite what PJ and crew may say.

As for an eket, I like something like this:
Found here.

I also think that there's space for the leaf blades of the Celtic Iron Age, especially for the Barrow Downs blades.
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »

As for my sword preference, I think overall my favorite looking sword out there right now is the Albion Squire (I notice mcapanelli has one in his kit way back in his original post, incidentally, and I am jealous). I haven't held one, but thanks to a nice young Dread Pirate Roberts who visited the Colorado Renaissance Festival last weekend I WAS able to finally handle some Gus Trim, Albion, and Christian Fletcher swords for the first time, and damned if I'm not hooked. He also owns a Squire and says its his favorite arming sword. I have a feeling I'd like it A LOT. Wish I could get my hands on one.

At any rate, that all aside, I figured I'd go ahead and post a few pics of me from this season at the renaissance festival. Since I was working in a booth all season I sadly wasn't out there to be photographed much, but I did manage to get a few shots of me in garb, so here they are! Some of these have been posted elsewhere and some are new:



Me and my fellow booth-worker at the bow shop. Incidentally, two of the three Michaels who worked there, heh.

Me and the Fairy Godfather:

A rare shot of me with my hood up and cloak on, with a friend:

Fighting the Minotaur:

Looking a bit worried. That thing's BIG:

...Buuut, we made up in the end:

Legolas and myself:

And finally, a shot of me with what's left of the Robin Hood troupe from our faire. The gentleman who played Robin actually passed away a few years back, and the group sort of dissolved, but for about a half an hour one day this year, I got to be a part of the Legends of Sherwood - and that was pretty fantastic:
Last edited by Manveruon on Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains

Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by kaelln »

Awesome shots, Man! Love the fight scenes with the Minotaur!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »

Thanks! When I saw that thing I knew I had to get some shots of us locked in mortal combat, haha. And I just so happened to be right next to a photographer I know, so there you have it!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Willrett »

great pics
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »


I went ahead and put image tags on them all so you guys don't have to actually click all the links now. Hope they're not too huge!
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Peter Remling »

Very Cool Pics !
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Mirimaran »

Great pics! It looks like you have a great Faire there!


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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Ringulf »

I have to say that not only are those great, well taken shots, showing your awsome kit (I really think you have a very distinctive and essential look),
but any day you can run with the merry men, Rob Roy, assorted damsels, a famous Wood Elf, and shoot minataur, you got to be havin' fun!

What a great Renfaire! Where is it held? it almost looks like the Bavarian village in Keystone!

I think that your Manveroun Profile should include your picture of you and your minitaur (Tauren?) side kick!

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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by mcapanelli »

Manveruon wrote:As for my sword preference, I think overall my favorite looking sword out there right now is the Albion Squire (I notice mcapanelli has one in his kit way back in his original post, incidentally, and I am jealous). I haven't held one, but thanks to a nice young Dread Pirate Roberts who visited the Colorado Renaissance Festival last weekend I WAS able to finally handle some Gus Trim, Albion, and Christian Fletcher swords for the first time, and damned if I'm not hooked.
You met Zach Luna huh? He's a good guy. What did you think of the Squire? I like it as it's very neutral feeling for cut and thrust but still maintains a wide blade for cutting. Very good all around unarmored to light armor sword.
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Jonathan B. »

I thought that was who he was referring to
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »

Haha, yep. Wondered if you guys knew him through the SBG forums, etc. Small world. Sadly, he didn't have the Squire with him because it's getting a custom scabbard made at present. But MAN I want to check it out. It just sort of speaks to me in all the pics I've seen. It's a little late period for what I tend to gravitate towards (that being, turn of the 13th Century - King Richard/John era), but I figure it could just about pass. Now if only I could win the lottery...

And Ringulf: thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words! I am very proud with how the whole kit has come out so far, and was excited as all get-out to be able to show it off at the faire this season. Unfortunately, because I was working at a booth (selling archery equipment, incidentally, which I was pretty psyched about), I didn't actually get out a whole lot, so these pretty much represent all the times I actually left the booth during the entire season, heh. I just got really, really lucky with the minotaur! And yes, I actually do think it's supposed to be a Tauren from WoW, as my lovely lass pointed out (she plays WoW, but I don't. Weird, I know, heh). Also, I agree, and I think I may have to be changing my avatar soon!

As for the faire, it's the Colorado Renaissance Festival, and it goes 8 weeks through June and July, about halfway between Denver and Colorado Springs. Very hilly, dry, and dusty, but still one of my favorite places on this earth.
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Manveruon »

Okay, so here's another one that I missed before, just for fun:

Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Pictures of your ranger kit

Post by Dinendir. »

Those pics are amazing. It looks like you had a blast.

And another note, how did I not notice the Fairy Godfather before? That guy is awesome. :D :D :D :D :D
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