Ranger vs Modern

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Lindsey R
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Ranger vs Modern

Post by Lindsey R »

Something I've often pondered...if/when the SHTF, what, if any of your ranger kit would you want with you? Wool clothing or synthetic? Modern tent or ranger bedroll and tarp? Moccasins or hiking boots?

What would make up your preferred kit for a prolonged period without option for resupply or support.
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Peter Remling
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by Peter Remling »

I must admit to prefering most modern over replicas. While I have a good many swords and several bows, my first choice in defense equipment would include several firearms. I have a family to consider so it wouldn't be head for the hills with what;s on my back but a more make a stand in the homestead type scenario. Only if that optional became untenable would an orderly retreat (hell bent for leather in whatever I managed to put on fast enough) become a solution of choice.

Modern medicines, canned foods, disposable lighters are all things we can live without, however ........ that would not be the first option,
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by hesinraca »

It would probably be a combination. There are many traditional fabrics - linens, muslins, and wools- that breathe better and wool is even anti-microbial to boot. On the other hand , I'd hold onto my indoor soccer shoes (wear them all the time) and my vibram 5-finger toe-shoes, because they're super comfortable and light. Dickies and carharts are tough, can't lose that stuff.

I have a 1911 para ordinance 45, and I'd not leave that at home if the world went south, that's for sure.

Have you ever read "Dies the fire". Good series about this scenario set in the northwest.
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by jackadmin »

Well that's a good question, especially depends on what you concider modern, and if you are trekking or sedntary.

In general I shy away from modern stuff out of preference. But, I count among my 'Ranger' items, several WW II vintage pieces, such as my grandfather's canvas bedroll and a WW II frame pack modified in the '50s for hiking large quantities of hunted meat out of the woods.

Then again for trekking, modern materials are a lot nicer in the weight dept. But either if the SHTF or the Shift happens, modern materials are gona be going by the wayside in no more than 10 years anyway.
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by Eledhwen »

There's a reason I spend a lot of time mastering older arts and wearing older garments and gear.

Aside from simply preferring them, that is. ;)

In my case, more 'primitive' than modern although some modern items would certainly be present.

Lindsey R
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by Lindsey R »

jackadmin wrote:In general I shy away from modern stuff out of preference. But, I count among my 'Ranger' items, several WW II vintage pieces, such as my grandfather's canvas bedroll and a WW II frame pack modified in the '50s for hiking large quantities of hunted meat out of the woods.
For the sake of argument, let's call "modern" anything from the synthetic side of things. Ultimately, even WWII kit, though perhaps of a different design, isn't made from materials that were all that different from those of decades or even centuries before.

For my personal preferences, I tend towards the natural fibres over synthetics, especially wool. The only type of garment where I think modern stuff really excels is rain gear. Oilskin is great, don't get me wrong, but I have owned a couple of fantastic modern rain suits.
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by Greg »

I have access to a few firearms and I know how to use them well, but my preference will consistently go to the primitive side of things. Swords don't run out of ammo. They have a disadvantage in a head-on confrontation, but I don't think I'd be getting into one. For that matter, if I do, my house winds around enough that I can coax attackers into awkward places that hinder their advantages.

I, like many others here, prefer natural fabrics as well.
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Peter Remling
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by Peter Remling »

Natural fibers over synthetics definately ! Denim, leather, cottons is my basic wardrobe, except several sythetic pairs of pants for work. Footwear, I'd go with hikers which are what I wear almost 100 % of the time. Natural uppers, synthetic soles.

An assortment of knives and daggers, both modern and traditional designs.
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by hesinraca »

Natural fabrics are just too awesome. On that note: fabric-store.com has a huge selection of wool and linen, and if you read the instructions for getting swatches they will actually send you FREE fabric samples. They're about 1x2 inches, but they come glued to a little card with the fabric type labeled and everything, super cool. I got two sample cards which covers the entire range of weights they carry for linen, from 2.8oz/yard to 8oz/yard. I'd have to say the 2.8 looks promising for light under tunics, while the 6 would be good for heaver shirts, and the 8 would be great for coat-linings and heavy linen pants.

And as for the weapons. I'd always opt for the primitive weapons, not actually a huge fan of guns, but having one, I'd not leave it.
-Cedric (Hesin Raca)
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by Eledhwen »

Fabrics-store.com rocks. I have all the swatches and have been getting linen from them for years. Denver Fabrics often has sales on wool.

Cotton; nice to a degree...not nice in others. It works best in dry climates. It can kill you in very hot and humid ones. It absorbs sweat...but won't dry easily if the air isn't dry and doesn't wick moisture away from the skin. It is also less robust than other organic fabrics for the most part. It needs to be loose rather than tight when worn, but it does have its uses.

For my part, I focus on linen and wool..a bit of ramie when I can..and silk; all of my clothing for the SCA and Rangering are made from these materials. An increasing amount of so-called 'everyday' clothing too...as I make much of my own now..and in any case I prefer 'garb' to modern wear anyway.

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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by Cinead »

I am a fan of wool, linen and leather from clothing.....but.....to protect me and mine.....modern firearms......to hunt with....a bow and snares.


These hunting methods are quiet and do not give away your position...the firearms help with the two legged predators....
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Re: Ranger vs Modern

Post by Willrett »

I have to go with what I got which unfortunately for me is all modern however as I add items they will become the priorities.
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