Spring Photo Contest 2011

For all of the Talk that doesn't fit elsewhere.

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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by appalachianranger »

Thank you!
My kit is mostly pieced together from here and there.
The cloak is DIY, made of cotton.
I know, not very useful for a serious traveler in the wild, but seeing as the temperature was 94 degrees today it suited my purpose well!
My jerkin was made by a friend in New Jersey, and very reliable while comfortable.
If West Virginia has nothing else, there are at least some amazing forests here!
They make for some excellent Middle Earth-ish scenery.
The cave is actually just a few rocks that fell together to form a perfect doorway into a shadowy cavernous space.
(PS- These images probably would not look so amazing if it weren't for my talented lady, whose profession this is.)
Last edited by appalachianranger on Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Peter Remling
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Peter Remling »

Ernildhir: The Ranger Apprentice is perfectly acceptable, particularly as the "Apprentice" is a member

JBook: Nothing in the rules about everyone being a Ranger, it's all good.

Everyone: So far Great Job ! The entries so far are all extremely well done !
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by appalachianranger »

Wow! There are a lot of really good pictures here!
This is also awesome for us beginners, because it gives us good ideas for starting our own kits!
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Greg »

Congrats to Jake, our first entrant EVER to post a non-ranger entry (not counting stuff like Ercnildihir's Gandalf)!

Alrighty, there is one more that I'm still working on, but here are a few, for starters.

In the Shire

The Battling Ranger
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Ernildir »

That is a cool couple pictures! 8) Regardless of what you actually have in that cup, Maia looks as if she wants you to make her some coffee.
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Cleddyf »

those pictures are really cool, maia looks a little bit like how my dog used to look, when she was annoyed and wanted you to know it, abby would ostentatiosly turn her back on you and sulk
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Elegost »

Amazing Photographs everyone, its great too see people getting out there in Full Garb! I'm afraid I might not be able to take part this time as I'm simple to busy to get out and get some Pictures.

Anyway I love seeing some of the things other people are doing, some great creative work here!

Keep it coming! :P


P.S I LOVE The one with Gandalf looks great
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Greg »

Alright, Pete. You asked for it.

Rangers, I'd like you all to meet my homeboy, Gwaihir, at the Carrock.

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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by appalachianranger »

We're gonna need a lot of birdseed...
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Ernildir »


I can't help but wonder what Maia would have been thinking. Great editing job!

Further, that picture looks like it would be a good subject for a caption contest. ;)
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by jbook »

Great job Greg. Very impressive looking!
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Greg »

Thanks, guys.

NINE DAYS to go!
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Peter Remling
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Peter Remling »

Here's the stats so far:

A Ranger Apart: 2 entries

The Apprentice: 2 entries

The Battling Ranger: 3 entries

A Peaceful Meeting: 2 entries

Opening the Dark: 1 entry

In the Shire: 5 entries

Still time to get out and take pics.............
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by David »

Great job so far everyone! Keep the Frodos...I mean the photos coming! =D
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Re: Spring Photo Contest 2011

Post by Mirimaran »

Ok I plan to take a good pic or two this weekend but I was out mowing today and passed our blueberry bush and couldn't resist. So, I guess this is in the Shire...


Blueberries make for good eating!

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